Demon Lord’s Reincarnation

Chapter 449 - The Mountain Can Never Bend

Chapter 449 – The Mountain Can Never Bend

Most of the people present were in total admiration of Kor’s resolve. Also, even though they hate to admit it, it was painfully obvious that their hero wasn’t a match for Ren. The half-dragons felt great respect for Ren, as it was in their genes to admire the powerful, and Ren was the most powerful person they have seen.

Valdel could only sigh as he watched the scene before him. Ren was like a force of nature, once he was going at it, there was no way to stop him. Ren was already at the point where he would no longer listen to anyone. Ren was that kind of existence, he might not be evil but he was not good either.

Lara who was watching Ren sighed, now that she has all the memories of Evangeline and her other reincarnations she knew more about who Ren really was. She understood that though he was different in some ways from his past incarnations, the core of their self was the same.

They were all battle freaks that took joy in a fight especially against the strong. It was like their very existence was made for battle. This was one of the reasons why the original was able to break free from the shackles of the ORIGIN since the only way to fight the ORIGIN was to break free from it. Of course, there were other reasons as to why he broke free from fate and fought the ORIGIN, but one of the main reasons was most probably because he wanted to fight the strongest being in existence.

The Strongest Mortal Soul was the only mortal that was able to break free from the confines of destiny. The being called the Strongest Mortal Soul was able to achieve such a feat through his strength and willpower. He was the most absurd being that the ORIGIN had created. He was the eternal enemy of the ORIGIN, but he was also the one who was loved the most by the ORIGIN.

Lara couldn’t help but smile wryly as she sighed while looking at Ren’s happy face. She now felt even closer to Ren as she now understood why this person enjoyed battle so much. Many of her past questions as to why Ren always felt more mature for his age and other similar questions have now been answered.

‘I have witnessed dozens of your reincarnations and no matter the world you remain the same.’

Kor felt the massive mana gathering into Ren’s right arm. It was a frightful amount that felt like it could drown him. It wasn’t just mana, there was also something unknown mixed into it. Kor didn’t know what it was, all he understood was that whatever it was it was dangerous.

This one strike could potentially kill him, yet he wasn’t scared. In fact, at this very moment, Kor felt his determination rising. He wanted to prove to this strong person that his resolve was real, that he was someone who would follow through with his ideals no matter what.

Kor circulated whatever mana he had left as he gritted his teeth and waited for the punch to come. He looked at Ren’s smiling face and noticed that he was about to make a move.

“Now show me the very limits of your resolve!”

Ren then punched forward. To those watching from a distance, the momentum of the punch was so fast that it was like Ren’s hands had become a blur. Yet to Kor the fist was coming at him incredibly slow. In his eyes, it felt like the world was moving at a snail’s pace.

Kor had experienced something like this before. It was back when he was still little and weak. His father took him out for his first hunt, and he was incredibly nervous at the time. As they were out hunting something unexpected happened, and Kor was separated from his father, it was at that moment a pack of monsters had surrounded him.

The moment they attacked the world slow down just like this. He could clearly see the monster’s teeth that were about to sink into him yet he wasn’t able to do anything. He was then almost devoured by the monsters, but fortunately, his father had arrived on time to save him.

This meant that this was what the world looks like when death was near. If it was anyone else they might have tried to flee at this point, but not Kor who remained steadfast. As Ren’s fist was nearing his chest, Kor noticed that the ground below Ren was cracking. Such an absurd power, but Kor felt like this wasn’t even close to Ren’s full strength. 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦

After a long time, Ren’s fist had finally reached him. The moment Ren’s fist made contact with his chest, Kor felt like all of his ribs had shattered. The air in his lungs was forced out of him. He felt that it was not only his body that was attacked but his very soul as well. His last remaining bits of mana that strengthened him were immediately depleted. Still, despite that Kor gritted his teeth and took the punch with nothing but his willpower.

Yet Ren wasn’t done yet, as his punch pushed him forward. Kor felt that his feet that he had planted firmly onto the ground were now slowly rising up. A few seconds later he could no longer feel the ground.

Everyone watching in the distance saw Ren’s fist making contact with Kor’s chest, and the moment that happened a thunderous sound blasted through everyone’s ear. A massive shockwave made those near Ren and Kor tumble down.

As everyone was surprised by that frightening scene they saw Kor’s massive body flying through the air. Kor’s body then landed on its feet and slid through the stone steps. Yet despite doing that Kor didn’t stop until his body finally hit a wall.

When Kor’s body hit the wall, the entire underground city shook as if there was an earthquake, not only that but it felt like the stone ceiling of the underground city was about to collapse on them. The people looked above feeling anxious, but once the shaking stopped they breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Mir who saw his brother hitting the wall wasn’t bothered by the earthquake or anything else as he sprinted towards his brother’s body… At this point, no one was sure if Kor was still alive or not.

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