Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 41 – Towards Izumo

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Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 41 – Towards Izumo

In the midst of a tense atmosphere, Lily firmly stated, “No matter what, we must investigate what is happening in Izumo.” Her gaze was fixed on the rain and fog enveloping the surroundings, signaling the gravity of the situation.

Ayaka, sharing Lily’s sense of urgency, supported her decision, “Yes, if it is only a natural disaster, then we can do nothing here. We must discover the truth.” The consensus in the room was apparent as the others nodded in agreement.

However, Kimiko voiced a note of caution, “Lily, I agree with you but there will be danger beyond imagination.” She emphasized the need for thorough preparation, especially considering the uncertain whereabouts of Yoritomo. Kimiko highlighted the importance of securing Heian-kyo against potential sudden attacks.

Haihime, intrigued by the unfolding events, posed a pertinent question, “Could this calamity have anything to do with Yoritomo?” Lily responded promptly and decisively, “If this is a man-made calamity, then he is definitely involved!”

Following this exchange, a strategic discussion ensued involving key figures like Michizane and Masakado. The outcome was clear: Ashikaga Makoto, along with Shizuru, Ijuin, and others, would lead a formidable defense of Heian-kyo.

Lily’s concerns about Heian-kyo’s security were somewhat alleviated when Taira no Kiyomori, under the guidance of Shizuru, pledged the full support of the Taira clan. Recognizing Kiyomori as a staunch supporter of the emperor, Lily was reassured that Heian-kyo would be well defended in her absence. Kiyomori’s involvement was particularly crucial, considering the potential threat of an attack by Yoritomo while she and her allies were away in Izumo.

Kiyomori’s strength and influence were significant. His combat prowess rivaled that of Michizane, and the combined forces of the entire Taira clan added a formidable layer of defense. This alliance brought together a wealth of experts, mystical treasures, and strategic formations, all crucial for mounting a robust defense against Yoritomo, especially given the heavy toll he had already endured in previous conflicts.

With the Taira clan’s involvement, Lily felt more confident in leaving Heian-kyo to embark on the crucial mission to Izumo. The presence of such a powerful ally in Kiyomori ensured that the city would be in capable hands, able to withstand potential assaults and buy enough time for Lily and her group to return if needed.

The team designated for the Izumo expedition was a formidable assembly of skilled individuals, including Lily, Ayaka, Shimizu, Rei, Shizuka Gozen, Tomoe Gozen, Kimiko, Haihime, Shiu, Yukiko, Mayumi, Hoshi, Airi, and various shikigami like Kagura and Yuki-onna. Their accompaniment by Rei’s female cavalry and fifty puppets indicated the gravity of the situation, especially if the ancient arch-demon had indeed been revived. freewebnovel.(c)om

In Heian-kyo, while Lily and her group ventured to Izumo, Kotoka, Sakiko, and others would assist Ashikaga Makoto in maintaining the city’s security. The team was prepared to use the teleportation formation to return to Cherry Blossom Valley if an emergency arose.

The departure of Lily’s group under the pouring rain was a solemn affair. As they passed through Suzaku Avenue, they were bid farewell by Michizane, Taira no Masakado, Hashihime, and a multitude of demons.

Michizane’s voice, resonant and powerful, echoed through the rain, “Lily, should the ancient arch-demon stir once more, know that we, the hundred demons and apparitions, stand with you. This world is not solely the domain of humans; it is our home too, and we cherish its mountains, rivers, and dwellings as deeply. We shall not stand idly by and watch this calamity consume all we hold dear.”

Lily, visibly touched by this gesture of unity, responded with heartfelt gratitude, “Lord Michizane, your support in this dire hour is more than I could have hoped for.”

Masakado, with his characteristic boisterousness, raised his gourd high, his laughter booming like a clap of thunder, “Had it not been for the looming threat of that ancient fiend, this might have been a mere jaunt through the rain!”

While these demons often inspired fear, their sense of righteousness was profound once their respect was earned. The potential resurrection of the Yamata no Orochi transformed the situation from a mere human struggle to a fight for the survival of all beings in Ashihara.

As Lily and her group prepared to leave, Ayaka’s observation cast a shadow of concern, “Lily, it appears the Fujiwara’s teleportation array to Izumo has been sabotaged.”

Lily, with a tone of certainty, replied, “The Fujiwara clan, for the most part, was granted pardon. There was no need for them to destroy the Izumo teleportation array. This prolonged silence suggests Yoritomo’s involvement.”

The group, seated in the grand Twelve Nioh King Sedan Chair, appeared quite extraordinary. The chair, harmonizing with the procession of a hundred demons, created an imposing sight against the backdrop of the rainy night. As they made their way through Suzaku Avenue, preparing to exit Heian-kyo, an unexpected encounter took place just past the Suzaku gate. There, they met Madam Tokiwa, accompanied by a large warrior monk and an ox cart.

“Madam Tokiwa, to what do we owe the honor of your presence in these trying times?” she inquired, her tone reflecting both surprise and curiosity.

The warrior monk, recognized as the spirit of Musashibo Benkeivoiced his regret, “My apologies, Miss Lily. I was on my way to assist in Heian-kyo, but fate led me to Madam Tokiwa’s side for an urgent task.”

Michizane, recognizing the famed warrior monk, called out with a booming voice, “Is that the legendary Musashibo Benkei, Yoshitsune’s indomitable guardian?”

“That I am. And you, sir, must be the esteemed Lord Sugawara,” Benkei replied, his deep voice resonating with respect.

The laughter and easy camaraderie of these legendary spirits underlined the unusual nature of their meeting, far from the intrigues of human politics.

Turning her attention back to Tokiwa, Lily pressed for answers, “Why venture into this chaos, Madam Tokiwa? Especially under these treacherous conditions?”

Tokiwa, with a hint of gravity in her voice, responded, “Lily, my journey here is intricately linked to your quest.”

Intrigued, Lily watched as Tokiwa unveiled an elderly lady in the cart. “This esteemed elder,” Tokiwa began, “is a direct descendant of the ancient Tenson clan…”

With the rain intensifying outside, Lily suggested, “Let’s move this conversation inside. The weather is not in our favor.”

As they entered the Nioh King Sedan Chair, Keiko, a frail yet dignified elder of barely 120 cm height, began her tale. “I was astounded when a massive warrior monk sought me out. Living reclusively in the mountains of Yamato, I never expected such a visit. Even demons would not bother with these old bones,” she mused with a light-heartedness belying her age.

Introducing herself, Keiko’s voice carried the weight of history. “I am Keiko, a direct descendant of the ancient eight daughters. Our ancestors lived millennia ago and bore witness to the cataclysm brought by Yamata no Orochi.”

The group gasped in disbelief at her revelation. Tokiwa then took over the narrative, “Though I reside in Nara, Minamoto no Yoritomo’s actions have dangerously escalated. His ambitions are not merely a struggle for power; they are now a dire threat to the world itself. I could no longer stand idly by. Thus, I sought the assistance of some old allies to locate him. Our findings led us to the Izumo mountains, where he is likely conspiring something of immense scale and consequence


Her tone grew more solemn, “I lack the means to delve deep into the Izumo mountains and unravel his intricate plots. However, the various signs and anomalies observed around Izumo have led me to believe that some ancient, formidable power is stirring. What exactly is unfolding, I cannot definitively say, but the implications are alarming and potentially catastrophic.”

“When I discovered that Musashibo Benkei had engaged Minamoto no Yoritomo’s troops near Heian-kyo, I sought his aid,” Tokiwa recounted. “I tasked him with visiting the ancient Tenson clan, to consult with their elders. En route, as rain began to fall, the elder’s guidance proved invaluable in locating the descendants of the eight daughters.”

The elder, Keiko, picked up the narrative, her voice trembling. “This rain, these signs, they’re identical to those foretold by our ancestors during the early stages of a past calamity. As direct descendants of the eight daughters, our lineage is exceedingly sensitive to such disasters. It’s an uncanny resemblance, precisely the same…”

Keiko’s strength waned, and she leaned heavily on her crutches. “Though I’ve never witnessed it myself, my very being carries the ancestral memories from millennia past. I believe our clan has preserved these memories to someday warn the world.”

Alarmed, Lily and her companions steadied the frail elder as she faltered. “Yamata no Orochi,” Keiko whispered, her voice fraught with fear. “The ancient terror, it seems, is set to reemerge…” 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆𝔀𝒆𝒃𝒏𝓸𝓿𝒆𝙡.𝒄𝓸𝙢

“This time, I fear the world faces its demise! Without the ancient heroes of the Tenson clan, and with the gods no longer descending from the heavens, who can stand against such a beast? The world stands on the brink of ruin!”

Suddenly, thunder roared outside, casting a blue glow over everyone. Keiko shuddered, her eyes rolling back as she collapsed, muttering ‘perish’ repeatedly.

Ayaka acted swiftly, casting a healing spell. “The elder was simply overwhelmed. She’ll be alright,” she assured them.

Lily swiftly commanded, “Take her back to the Taishogun palace immediately and ensure she receives proper care.”

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon them. The thought of dismissing the Tenson clan’s millennial bloodline inheritance as mere superstition seemed implausible.

Gazing towards Izumo, Lily pondered, “Could Yamata no Orochi truly be awakening?” The skyline was obscured by menacing, thunderous clouds.

Tokiwa then declared, “Lily, Benkei and I will join your quest. If indeed it is the ancient arch-demon Yamata no Orochi, your endeavor will require substantial support.”

Standing beside them, Tokiwa exuded a regal, ageless aura, her presence commanding yet tinged with the sorrow of past conflicts.

Lily expressed her gratitude, “Thank you, madam.” The inclusion of these legendary figures, Tokiwa and Benkei, bolstered her confidence, though the prospect of confronting an arch-demon of such ancient power was daunting.

Benkei, wielding his massive golden spiked club, assumed his position beside the sedan. Once the guardian of Yoshitsune, he now served Tokiwa and Lily.

As they journeyed, nearing Mita’s temple, Lily summoned Yuuta. His concern was alarming. “I’ve lost contact with Grandpa Mita for several days.”

The mysterious disappearance of Racoon Mita and his kin, secluded behind Izumo’s mountains, deepened their apprehension.

When questioned about the teleportation formation, Yuuta’s response only heightened their concern. “It seems to be sealed from the other side.”

This alarming revelation underscored the direness of the situation unfolding in Izumo.

Meanwhile, far south, on the vast continental coastline, an extraordinary phenomenon unfolded. Rivers flowed backward, inundating beaches and transforming them into vast lakes.

Atop a seaside mountain, Asuka Shizu stood unwavering, braving a violent tempest. In her hands, she held a blade of unparalleled quality and power, a masterpiece surpassing all blades forged by the Asuka Kingdom in their long history. The sword’s extraordinary nature defied containment within any of Princess Asuka’s storage artifacts



Robinxen: Oh joy.

Robinxen: Looks like everyone will have to reunite soon.

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