D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 166 - 166 Grace’s Reward

Chapter 166 – 166 Grace’s Reward

"Before we move on though" said Coat Thyme "I'd first like to say that we were quite surprised that the desert didn't actually take anyone out. We'd thought that was the most deadly challenge we'd set up"

"True dear" said Dress Thyme "The main crux was that we only had two of the furnace worms released. We'd assumed that people would drive them off and they'd move around terrorising multiple groups"

Coat Thyme nodded "In the end though Kat kept one busy for an extremely long time, and the second one just, didn't really do anything. Not too sure how that one worked out actually. Perhaps we should check on it later but we digress"

"Yes dears, the forest was just supposed to be a bit of a stalling tactic, give the people who fell behind less of a chance to rest once they made it out, maybe get them low on sleep" said Dress Thyme

"Truly though, all the individuals who managed to make it out were able to counteract the effect in some way. Sure it wasn't meant to be that hard to work around, but we really hoped it would be a speed bump at most" said Coat Thyme.

The pair shrugged at each other before Coat Thyme continued "None the less, the next major showdown was Kat and Grace vs Boring and Kress. It was a rather well set up ambush by Skye which involved pitting her whole team against Kat and Grace. Even we were shocked when they both made it out"

"Indeed, would you like to comment at all Skye dear?" said Dress Thyme.

Skye nodded and looked to Kat. "I may have already apologised, but I'll do it again. I'm sorry for the ambush. I don't regret my actions though. While I may wish it didn't need to be done, for us to have any hope of winning we needed to make sure you didn't get to the next round.

"Sure, if I could see the future I would know that my best course of action was to instead simply work with you to get to the final round, but as you wonderfully demonstrated with that fire nova, we had no chance of winning that way.

"Grace, for you, well, I still find you a bit annoying, but I imagine you could tell something was funny, and perhaps that played some role in our downfall. I am sorry you got caught up in a battle meant to take out Kat but we did offer you the choice to team up instead"

Dress Thyme nodded thoughtfully "Indeed, Grace do you have any comments, or perhaps Kat if you can move at all?"

Kat tried to give some indication she was fine but found she still couldn't move at all. *I guess I'm not that fine then.* Grace glanced at Kat and upon seeing that she didn't make any moves decided to speak up. "If I'm honest Skye, I can't take much credit

"Even my loyalty to Kat is in large part, her own making. I got somewhat tricked, though mostly I was just being an idiot at the time. I found Kat when she was practically out of energy, as I said as much to you, and I still couldn't beat her.

"Her tail wrapped itself around my arm and held me in place. So I offered her a deal that we'd both help each other to the best of our abilities." There was a collected gasp from the audience at this. Most of the Thyme's in the stands specifically, along with Grace's own team, the God Crushers, and everyone in Boring except Skye. The Unfortunate Four just nodded as if that made sense

"Anyway, as I was saying, because of that I was basically forced into helping her. I didn't think that the contract would work because I didn't summon her, but I'll admit it certainly worked out in my favour

"Because, no offence to Skye of course, even if I'd played turn coat, there is no guarantee I'd have made it to the end let alone win. It was nice being able to trust someone completely for the game and it really gave us both an edge. I think"

*Huh, I guess that makes sense. Though I'm glad Grace was thankful for it in the end, I was a bit put-off over all the crying. Shame I can't embarrass her with that just yet.*

"A question if I may" asked Nixilei. Grace and the Thymes nodded "How is it that Kat was able to make a conflicting contract to help you win, when she had promised us the same?"

Grace checked to see if Kat was going to answer, and after seeing her frozen state explained. "So, I'm not sure on the exact details, but Kat said it was because her contract was for KAT specifically to try and win the final round. She was under no obligation to help you as a team to win the final round"

Nixilei nodded "I see, we didn't think to specify otherwise because the last round has always been a team game. As such, if Kat thought it best to gain a permanent ally up until you both used the orb, she was well within the bounds of her existing contract with us… intriguing"

Grace nodded along "Yes, that seems to be the case, though you'd have to ask her for the full details. Honestly I was quite shocked that it worked at all"

Nixilei nodded. "Oh yes, and Thyme is there a reason Kat isn't able to answer these questions herself?"

The giant Thymes answered in sync "While normally we would hesitate to reveal a contestant's secrets, Kat has been forthcoming with this information, and it's general knowledge applicable to almost all demons.

"Kat is likely out of energy, and as such is in a half-suspended animation state until such a time she recovers. We are capable of healing Kat, but as we possess no demonic energy, we can't replenish that"

Nixilei nodded and gestured for the announcements to continue.

"Honestly that about wraps everything up" said Coat Thyme "You were all able to watch or be present for the discussion in the tower, and were able to see the thrilling conclusion to the final round

"And so with that. The team that places" "Is" said Dress Thyme ""The Unfortunate Four"" said Dress and Coat Thyme together

"Really, perhaps we should change your team name to Lone Member" said Coat Thyme

"Now dear, that's unfair, Green did a large amount of work herself. Perhaps the Dynamic Duo would be better" said Dress Thyme

The crowd of Thyme's laughed at this joke, though no one else really found it funny.

"Gee tough crowd" said Coat Thyme "Nonetheless. The final score is, The Unfortunate Four is first place, followed by a tie for second between Boring, and Not Related at All, with the last place going to the God Crushers"

"Now, it is time to hand out the prizes" said Dress Thyme. As they said this, a third and fourth Thyme appeared. One was dressed in a long red dress that sparkled in the sunlight, with a slit on either side with a feminine form. This Thyme had long hair that went down longer than even Kat's own. They also seemed to have little flowers spread out amongst the hair which was a similar green to Green's.

Next to them was a masculine time dressed in petticoat and trousers. This Thyme had slicked back hair in the same colour as its counterpart. The butler looking Thyme stepped forward and pulled a box seemingly from nowhere and walked over to Grace. "This, is the prize Grace has won by reaching the final deathmatch" said Coat Thyme.

It was an elaborately carved box with a note on top. The box itself had vines and trees carved into the surface, with a green emerald set into the front of the box where the key hole would normally be. "Please refrain from opening the box and the letter until tomorrow" said Dress Thyme "It will make more sense that way"

Grace nodded gratefully and accepted the box from the butler Thyme slowly and held it towards her chest. A faintly hopeful smile started to rise up onto her face before Grace squashed it.

*Huh, I wonder what that's about. A bit strange that there is a time limit on this sort of thing, but I'm not really sure.*

"Now, for the rewards to be distributed to Kat for her wonderful performance that allowed her to win the tournament for her team. Well, they did already have a bunch of points before, but Kat contributed to that total as well" said Coat Thyme

This time the Thyme in a sequin dress slinked forward and stepped in front of Kat. Kat tried to move slightly and found that she could move, if just barely. Kat slowly tried to move her hands.. Adjusting her seating slightly and looked towards the Thyme in front of her.

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