D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 68 - 68 Messing Around In The Settings

Chapter 68 – 68 Messing Around In The Settings

"You know Kat, when you said that it was flaming text, I didn't expect it looked more like fire that's been made into words rather than words made out of fire. It's an important difference" said Vivian

"Hah, if you think this is crazy you should see the flames involved in a summoning. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" said Kat

"You haven't mentioned that in any of your stories Kat" said Sylvie

"Well, it's not really something I could describe to you properly anyway. It's just immensely comforting and enjoyable to watch. The way the colours mix and flow between each other" said Kat "But let's not get distracted. We should first decide what to do with this"

Kat gestured towards the floating table that was the schedule option. Examining it properly it actually took up a surprising amount of space in front of the air. Huh, I didn't realise that was quite so big. Guess my improved vision makes it take up a lot loss of my field of view. Hey wait a minute.

Kat tried to rapidly shift her view throughout the room. An action like this had a decent chance of making her sick after her eyes had been upgraded but now there was no discomfort at all. Is it because I'm a full demon now? That doesn't really make any sense… Aw well, a problem for another time.

"Ah, Kat, are you all right? Why are you looking around so much" asked Lily as she watched Kat whip her head around

"Yeah, I'm more than alright. Whatever was messing with my eyes from before doesn't seem to affect me anymore. I hadn't noticed because I just sort of got used to the uncomfortable feeling I had when I looked around too much. Not sure when it disappeared but I have a decent guess" replied Kat.

"Well, I'm glad your feeling alright dear but are you not the one who just said we are getting distracted" said Vivian turning her head to give Kat a wry smile.

Kat just smiled wryly and looked at Sylvie instead. "What do you think Sylvie, when should I accept a summoning? Should I accept extra in a week?"

"Nope. For now you should spend more time with us. You don't really need to do more right?" asked Sylvie

"I guess not" said Kat and the additional flames above the table seemed to dim a little "But that still doesn't answer the when I'm free to be summoned. I mean it's basically whenever right?"

"Well, the question is does it matter? Do you just instantly get taken away or do you have other things you can do before you get transported?" asked Vivian

"Oh, I do actually get a bit of time. Not sure how much but at least a minute or two. I've already delayed accepting it long enough to get changed out of pyjamas before so, however long that is" said Kat

"Now dear, please tell me you fixed your hair before you left" said Vivian.

"My hair is exceptionally well behaved now, I have no issue with it" said Kat

"Your hair does look nice Kat, but wouldn't you have had your attire for the summonings that happened after your hair got fixed? This must have happened before that" said Sylvie

"You have no proof of that claim" said Kat choosing now to look at Lily instead of Vivian or Sylvie.

"Right… well Kat, how about just making the summonings school hours or a workday or something like that" suggested Lily

"Booo, I have to do more work starting next week so I might not be around" said Vivian

"Wait when do you work Vivian? I know you said you took the week off but I'm not actually certain about what you do" said Kat

"I work whenever I want to" replied Vivian with her signature grin. Kat let out a long sigh, exhaling deeply. I really don't mind when I get summoned. You were the ones worrying, why can't I just leave it as whenever I get first called?


User Kat is capable of keeping default settings.

System, are you ratting out my inner thoughts to my friends?

No. An Accomplice can see any part of D.E.M.O.N.S you give them access to, but this was clearly not a question User Kat wanted broadcast.

You're damn right.

"So does anyone have any real preference? I don't even mind leaving it as it was where I'd get summoned around 1 am Saturday morning" said Kat

"Well, I doubt I have much of a say in this. If you only have a few minutes regardless of when you get summoned I probably won't be able to wish you good luck" said Lily

Vivian bit her lip in response to this as she considered Kat's question. As much as it would be nice to watch over the girl it wasn't really something she wanted to control. This was an important, albeit strange part of Kat's life and while it would be nice to know when she was going to be out of the house, she didn't truly believe it was her place to dictate when that was. Besides, Callisto will probably be available if she needed to notify someone, and the notes from last time were helpful just to let us know she was safe.

"Honestly, I think it's fine as it is unless you want to make sure you aren't woken up in the middle of the night" said Vivian.

Sylvie looked back at Vivian and then to Lily who was sitting across from them and seemed to understand why they didn't believe it was there place to pitch in and decided to go along with it as well. "Kat should pick the best time for her" said Sylvie.

"Huh, well in that case I'll just leave it as is. Despite sleep being nice I haven't felt tired really. I mean there was that time right after I finished my transformation. And that time I walked for around twelve hours. But I mean those are extreme examples right?" said Kat

Vivian and Lily just looked awkwardly between each other unsure how to respond. Luckily Sylvie had ideas. "Yeah, I doubt that you will transform into a demon again considering you're a demon now"

"You make a compelling argument Sylvie" said Kat as she swiped in the air and dismissed the timetable. The gesture was unnecessary, but it was fun to play it up a little now that the others could see Kat swiping at something rather than just looking like she was going slightly insane.

This brought Kat back to the summoning's option page and Lily's eyes lit up as she saw the beacon entry

"Kat you can make beacons? I mean those are real? Can you give us one so that we can summon you back if anything happens to you?" said Lily

"Um, I'm not sure, the system let me cheat the first time when I was making a beacon, so I don't actually know what that section would do" said Kat. Ok system bring it up and show the others.

Welcome to the Beacon Management Page. At Rank 1 you will see a list of all active Beacons.

False Beacon 1 – Shizuka Maemari/Minor

Um, can I make beacons of my own?


Let me rephrase that can I make beacons for Lily like she asked

No. At Rank 1 User Kat is only allowed to make beacons for Summoners. Similar features will be unlocked at higher ranks for Accomplices, but User Kat does not have a high enough Rank.

Of course I don't.

"Guess you won't be getting a beacon just yet Lily" said Kat

Lily pouted at this and turned to Kat "How come this Shizuka person has a beacon? I don't remember you mentioning her before"

"Ah, she's the princess that I had to kidnap" said Kat

"Wait, but didn't the queen hire you for that job? That means she didn't summon you. Why is it that she gets a beacon?" asked Lily

"Good point. System?" asked Kat

Summoner Minor's situation is highly unusual. Combining that with User Kat's ongoing awakening and status as a wish token holder an exception was made due to the Beacon being a one time use False Beacon. Minor will need to Summon User Kat for a true Beacon.

"I thought you said her name was Shizuka? Why did the system call her Minor?" asked Sylvie.

"Huh, I forgot I hadn't actually told you guys the full story of the princess kidnapping stuff yet have I?" said Kat as she looking between the three of them.

"Nope" said Vivian. Sylvie shook her head in response and Lily said "You didn't"

"Well" said Kat glancing at the time and seeing it was still around 4 in the afternoon. "I guess we still have a good deal of time.. I'll start telling you what happened. First off I was summoned by the fox queen…"

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