D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly Isn’t So Bad

Chapter 72 - 72 The Agreement

Chapter 72 – 72 The Agreement

"Are you two quite done?" asked Kat voice surrounding and encapsulating the room. Whatever the energy had done to Kat's voice, it had changed it and made it clearly heard, yet not any louder than how she'd normally spoken. Instead it seemed to almost bear down on them as if they were being scolded by a parent.

The whole room seemed to freeze in place. Green seemed to shrink into herself, Gareth took a slight step in front of the arguing pair that now stood staring at Kat, Nixilei with her calculating stare and Kress now with a similar look.

Just as tension started to build between the two parties Gareth spoke up "Well, I'd say that was actually quite deserved. You two should know better. I've never seen you this bad on a job, though I suppose it's a bit different now that we are the client"

Kress seemed suitable placated by Gareth's admonishment but Nixilei seemed completely unconcerned with the issue at all. "Now, it seems Green has told you what we need, but perhaps not the specifics. The Tournament of Fives starts this weekend and we need a fifth member. You will fill in the mage role. Now your actual skill in this is basically irrelevant, the team is more than strong enough to pass this first round. I'd like to see how well it goes then before you are dismissed discuss the terms for any future rounds with participate in" Gareth kept a very professional sounding voice throughout his speech.

And Kat had to admit it seemed like an easy by the sounds of it. *I just have to wonder what the catch is. Probably why their 5th member isn't around but Green already said they wouldn't talk about it until after I accept. Hmmm* "What are the exact terms of our agreement? You've said a few things that you want, but not what you need. This is a binding contract. You have to be clear about what you want"

Kat spoke in the same business-like tone Gareth had conveyed, and yet the remnants of the demonic energy helped this tone carry further and stick in the mind. They weren't facing Kat the inexperienced demon with no idea of what they were doing. The impression Kat gave off was instead one of experience, a depth of understanding that seeped out of her voice.

"Are you trying to thre-" Kress was interrupted by a blow to the back of his head by Gareth. Kat winced a little at the sight. Kress seemed unharmed but she'd heard a loud thump as Kress' head collided with Gareth's steel gauntlets. "What my foolish subordinate meant to say was, we understand so I will lay out the full terms for you.

"We require you to sign up under our team 'the misfortunate four' and participate in the final round of the tournament, the 5 man duel with intent to win. Secondly, you must participate by at least coming forward for any mage only tasks. Effort is not required for these tasks but it is appreciated. Once the tournament has concluded and any awards have been received we will have an hour to calm down then a meeting shall be convened to discuss our continued working relationship. Do you accept"

Kat felt the demonic energy in her flare slightly, and unnoticed to her a wicked smile crept onto her lips causing a shiver to run down Kress' spine. "I accept" and with a loud boom the chains appeared. Different to all previous encounters though the chains had multiplied even further and began to constrict around all five occupants of the room. They were Kat's trademark purple and seemed to blaze with an exceptionally vibrant light as the deal was made.

Kat for her part was used to the sensation, and hardly noticed it at all even with the additional three people in the contract. The others though not so much. Nixilei felt the chains settle heavy on her shoulders. The limits of their reach seemed to intuitively reach into her mind and settle there just out of reach. Gareth felt them like a firm handshake, the confirmation of a deal struck, and a pact to be upheld. Green felt overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility tempered with companionship. They'd added one to the party, but at what cost?

And finally Kress. Instinctively he fought against the chains trying to resist whatever they had planned for him but to no avail. He felt like he was suffocating as layer upon layer of chains wrapped around him and seemed to press in from all sides both literal and physical. The mental weight of what he'd just accepted falling into place, and the concern of making a deal he could no longer back out of.

This concern of Kress' was only further amplified when the chains started to clear, and he gazed back towards Kat. She now wore a face of extreme calm but the fading remnants of the chains had left her body aflame. Purple seeped out of her horns and the bones along her wings painting an eerie picture of the events that had just unfolded. Her tail coiled and ready to strike out at any time with its pointed end and blazing edges and Kress couldn't help but let out a gulp.

Of course, on Kat's end *Man that was a lot of chains. And that felt a bit different to the other contracts I've made. Even the one before with the summoner didn't feel, oh what's the word? Real I guess? This is a real demonic contract, like all the ones previous were made on flimsy sheets of paper, but this has been carved in stone. It's a strangely entertaining feeling.*

Kat simply thought to herself without reacting much to the inferno going on around her, further unnerving the rest of the group until she broke into a grin and said "So what now guys?"

Shaking himself out of his stupor Gareth said to Kat "We should leave this room, they charge by the hour to use it and while I think we have some time remaining to use I don't want to pay again. We can talk more along the way, because I'm sure you have questions."

Kat nodded and followed the group as they left through the door opposite the one Kat had entered from. Expecting to see the real shopfront now Kat was disappointed to find more plane walls and bright lights. Still no windows or anything? What are we miners? 

The group continued there march forward for another 5 minutes straight before the found themselves at a door much like the rest, the only distinguishing feature was that it blocked there path unlike the ones lining the sides. Gareth didn't even pause and just strode towards it and pushed it open to reveal a quaint dining table and chair setup. There was enough for around twelve people but the group besides Kat all instantly grabbed chairs together. Kat following suit and finding a seat next to Nixilei who hardly reacted to there presence.

The group sat there for a while with no one speaking. Kat was about to break the silence when the room shook slightly and started to rise. Kat looked around for something to indicate a trigger or a button, but nothing stood out even when she enhanced her vision to see things more clearly. Shrugging it off she waited for the platforms slow assent.

After a short journey the lift stopped moving and everyone else made for the door. Kat felt like sharing in the excitement, she was curious as to what a demon summoning shop would look like. Waiting her turn but bouncing slightly on her heels she walked out to find… A rather normal looking café. Turning around she looked at the door behind her and saw a sign labelled 'private booth' on top which was a little strange, but everything else was just a normal shop. A man manned the counter in a brown uniform as he went from one stage to another making coffee.

In front of him a shimmering surface that didn't quite look like glass kept a number of various sweets Kat had seen before contained. Things like cupcakes and cookies as well as the odd pie or two in the corner for people after a heartier meal.

"Um, why are we in a bakery" asked Kat more than a little confused.

"Well…" said Green "Demon summoning is a bit weird, it was completely illegal up until around the time I was born, but when the new King took over he allowed it, but with the caveat that everything be kept rather quiet and obtained a permit"

"What she means is the King gave permits to all the scum already summoning demons using hidden entrances and secret lairs and told them to go nuts. Now everyone does it because that's how you get a permit" said Kress with a heaping dose of cynicism .

*What have I gotten myself into? And here I thought demon summoning would be a respectable profession.*

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