Chapter 353 - Armor

Eiro looked down at the two daggers that were laying on the table in front of him. The Dagger with the fire magic stone in its handle, the memento of Avalin, was improved mostly in small ways. There were some small carvings a long its surface that had been filled with that special metal that Armodeus created using the Flame Dragon hatchling's egg.

Due to that, it would be able to become much hotter than before. For one, the flow of the magic stone's magic was simply much greater, and the blade itself was able to withstand higher temperatures without the metal getting any weaker.

It was a simple but powerful upgrade, one that Eiro liked quite a bit. Quickly, he placed the dagger into its sheath and placed both into his treasury before looking at the hollow dagger. What Armodeus added onto this was rather simple. He covered the hollow space inside of the dagger with an incredibly thin layer of the metal made from the Poison Dragon hatchling's egg.

So, when Eiro used poison together with this dagger, as he usually did, then it would probably get a bit of a power increase just by being in there for a while. Usually, so that he was able to control it better and to be able to manipulate its temperature some more, Eiro would mix whatever toxin he wanted to use with some water.

Maybe now he would try the effect with just the raw substance itself, that would certainly increase its power quite a bit.

If Eiro stabbed someone using this dagger when it was filled with a powerful venom, then it would certainly end up killing the opponent incredibly quickly. But the issue was that this sort of substance degraded relatively quickly at extreme temperatures. Hopefully that wasn't going to be the case anymore.

But on top of just covering the hollow space inside the dagger with this metal, Armodeus created a few more funnels that the toxins could flow through when Eiro let the toxins out of the core of the blade.

While Eiro was looking at these two blades, Armodeus brought out the other items that he prepared. Right now, they were covered in some white cloth that the craftsman was using both to protect them and to hide them from Eiro.

"Here ya go, Lad. This is the main dish of the meal!" The Elder Dwarf explained with a broad, smug grin on his face. Slowly, Eiro extended his hand toward the cloth and slowly removed it from the item underneath.

And what he saw then was truly amazing. It was a full set of armor for Eiro. It seemed like some parts were similar to metal, while some parts were similar to leather. But altogether, it was really more than just impressive.

Immediately, Eiro tried the items on with a broad, excited smile on his face. The gauntlets that were part of this set were rather special to start it off with as well, especially the one that was covering Eiro's right arm.

It seemed like the gauntlet was made of a mixture of leather and metal as well, although both of those different materials were actually created from the same base: Dragon Scales.

While Eiro had no idea how Armodeus did this, it seemed like it was possible for Dragon Scales to change in such an extreme way depending on how they were treated. The base for the gauntlets was made of the 'leather scales', wrapping around Eiro's forearm as well as his wrist, still allowing a great amount of movement from him due to the way that the leather was cut around Eiro's wrist.

And onto the back of Eiro's hand, as well on the outer area of Eiro's forearm, Armodeus placed the 'metal scales' in a way that weirdly still looked like small scales.

Overall, it seemed to have an incredible defense, and the soft white golden color was a nice touch as well.

But that wasn't all, since the gauntlets each had something else special to them. For one, Eiro's left gauntlet had a leather glove connected to it so that Eiro's skin wasn't exposed. But at the same time, Eiro's left gauntlet had something of a small 'switch' inside of it. It was something made using the leftovers of Eiro's special wood that Armodeus placed in specific places within the gauntlet.

If Eiro let his mana flow into that switch into the few magic stones connected to it, the scales on the gauntlet would shift around. And instead of overlapping each other slightly, just like one would be used to from scales, they would connect directly at the edges, creating a small shield on Eiro's forearm that could be used to more easily defend against incoming attacks. And since it was made from hardened Dragon Scales, there was no way that any sort of normal attack would be able to even put a scratch on this small shield.

As for Eiro's right gauntlet, it had something else that would become useful. It also had something like a 'switch' inside of it, although one that had a very different result. Because instead of creating a shield, the small white golden scales would shift forward and wrap around Eiro's fingers, with a special small blade appearing at the front of Eiro???s fingers. It wouldn't be able to do too much damage in itself, but if Eiro made use of the Three of Swords and combined its blades with these small blades that were part of the gauntlet, they would specifically take the shape of claws that Eiro would be able to extend and retract at will.

And not only that, when Eiro did this, a few slots for different magic stones that Eiro could place into the gauntlet revealed themselves so that he could cast different sort of magic than normal as well.

These gauntlets in themselves were more than just perfect, and something that people would pay hundreds, no, thousands of gold for just to get a chance to use them once. And that even without the fact that the greatest craftsman on this continent was the one that created them. That's how amazing these items were.

Eiro took a deep breath and quickly donned the rest of the armor, starting with the boots, as per Armodeus' request. He chose a particular order that he wanted Eiro to try these items out in, although Eiro didn't mind. They had all the time they needed for this anyway.

When Eiro wore these boots, he was immediately quite surprised. They were thick and heavy, and gave him quite a bit of stability when he was standing still, but the moment that he lifted his foot of the ground, it was like the boots were pushing Eiro off the ground on their own while losing most of their weight. But whenever Eiro wanted to push his foot back down, they gained that weight again and seemed to pull Eiro toward the ground. It was something that Eiro would have to grow used to, but once he did, these would help with his movements quite a bit.

More grip when he needed it, and higher jump power when he needed that. This time around, there didn't seem to be any other sort of gimmick connected to the boots, so Eiro moved on to the guards that he quickly placed on his legs. These were just normal armor, with nothing to it. Sure, they would lessen a bit of the impact when Eiro happened to fall from high places, but that was all. It was just some leather armor with some metal parts in specific places on top of it. This armor connected quite well to the part meant for Eiro's tail though.

This part was just something meant to complete the item that Armodeus already made for the Demon's tail, but when combined with the pants, he was able to wrap his tail around his waist and easily make it seem like any other part of his armor.

Then came the chest-piece. This was obviously one of the strongest parts, because it was meant to cover all of Eiro's vitals. This was the item that Armodeus probably spent most of his time on, considering that he had to fine-tune everything considerably. After all, the base of the item was leather so that Eiro wouldn't be restricted in his movement at all, while Eiro's vital areas were covered in small metal plates.

To an extent, this armor seemed rather ornate, although every single part of it had a use. Neither Eiro nor Armodeus were the biggest fans of too much unnecessary decoration, at least when it came to weapons and armor.

And then, Armodeus helped Eiro put something on his wings as well. When he put it on, it was just a small rod onto each wing's central base, 'bone', but then Armodeus pulled something off of each of those rods, placing another smaller rod onto each area where one of Eiro's bones were running through the wings, with some very, very thin metal leather sheets on the rest. It was armor for even Eiro's wings.

And much like with his tail, when Eiro pulled his wings onto his back, they just looked like another part of his armor. That meant that he had more options when trying to disguise himself in public.

At last, there was the helmet. It wasn't anything too special, really. Instead of a 'helmet', it was more of a hood made of small metallic scales that Eiro could connect to the part of his armor connecting to his neck. And it was perfect when Eiro wanted to wear his mask as well, since it helped cover Eiro's full head perfectly.

In general, this armor covered every part of Eiro's body, but didn't make him look like he was wearing a full suit of armor, somehow. The only thing that was a bit off here was the fact that Eiro was a full-grown man that was walking around in a slightly golden-white from top to bottom.

However... Armodeus had a solution for that as well.

"Now, lad, I hope ya like this armor." Armodeus said smugly, and Eiro slowly nodded his head, "Of course I do. But I'm sure you're aware of the few troubles I have with it... right?"

"Aye, of course I am. Ya see, I had a few conversations with Lognir and Krista while ya were gone, and I'm aware of your new ability to interact with 'Chaos'. Use that ability and look at yourself." Armodeus suggested. A bit surprised, the Demon did as asked. With a quick breath, he concentrated on that sensation and looked down at his body. Now, his whole body was shifting around, as if the light around him was being fractured through extreme heat. It was quite surprising, considering the fact that this armor was made using the scales of the Dragon of Truth. But at that point, Eiro realized what exactly was going on.

Slowly, he placed his hand onto his chest and felt these distortions with his hands. And just so slowly, he tried to pour his thoughts into these distortions. And as he did, his Armor changed. From the bright white, to a far darker color. A color that was more like what Eiro was really used to wearing. This armor was far less conspicuous this way.

But at the same time.... Eiro realized the possibilities that this armor of 'Chaos and Order' gave him.

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