Chapter 360 - Letters

Eiro stepped through his manor with a light smile on his face. It hasn't been too long since he's been here, but he still kind of missed this place. But even so, he couldn't dwell on these thoughts too long, since there was business to take care of.

The Demon stepped into his personal study and sat down in front of the desk. He had to write a few documents for a plan of his. More specifically, these 'documents' were letters, written from the perspective of random people that may or may not really exist.

These letters would be mostly about the life of the person in question, asking the other a few random things. But the most important part was information subtly weaved into the letter. The information about a powerful necromancer in the capital.

Of course, the 'Necromancer' that Eiro was talking about was <The Death> that was imprisoned near the town. But Eiro wasn't dumb enough to actually reveal anything of importance that would make any 'Royal' think that another one of them was trapped here. That would just be something rather idiotic, to say the least.

It would be like inviting an army here that would raid this place. All that Eiro hinted at was a powerful Necromancer resurrecting random beings around town. And that wasn't wrong; it was what <The Death> was doing after all. Eiro heard a bunch of reports about this sort of thing once he asked Solomon to receive this hidden information on things going on with this Royal.

Randomly, things like dead rats, cats, or dogs were resurrected after their death. Rarely, even dead bodies of people started walking again. But none of them were turned into proper undead, they were merely manipulated to move in random ways.

This was all the info that Eiro gave in the letters. That random 'Undead' were waking up all over town. This should be enough informaiton to pull the 'Queen of Undeath' Koperia in toward town, if Eiro worded this information in an intriguing enough way.

He swiftly put everything into envelopes and decided for their destination. The people that Eiro was sending this to were people that didn't actually exist either. But even if they existed, the letters wouldn't reach that point anyway.

After all, he was going to send them through rather unreliable sources. The kind where any letter from certain places would end up being opened and read by random people. Those people would then read the information and take notice of the undead, spreading it around naturally for Eiro.

Of course, Eiro still had some more ways than just this to spread the information, this was just one of them.

One of Eiro's other ways was connected to another one of his goals, one that he would act out rather soon. And 'soon' meant 'today'. Or at least he would start with it.

The Demon stood up and made his way out of his study with the letters in his bag. He walked through the manor and spent a little bit more time with Avalin and Leon, before heading out into town. Although, not in the most subtle fashion. Eiro didn't bring Bavet with him either, and instead used his regular mask and cloak outfit. He was more used to this way, after all.

Eiro tried to hide himself somewhat as he flew over the town toward the slums, and then simply dropped down into the center of the base of the 'Organization'. Now that Eiro knew that this was just a sub-group of a larger group, that name just seemed like such a lazy choice.

The Demon appeared out of nowhere in the center of the base, and everyone was more than surprised to see him there. Especially the executives of the organization that were aware of the fact that Eiro killed one of the 'Letters' and another executive shortly thereafter.

It seems like they had special ways to immediately recognize a person depending on the tag they carried with them. And of course, Eiro wouldn't leave his valuable tag at home, or he wouldn't be able to rise within the oraganization anymore.

With a soft smile, Eiro looked around as everyone's focus was already on this person that literally fell from the sky, "Hello there. I'm not sure if any of you know who I am, but it's better if you did. I'm going to be taking this organization over now." Eiro exclaimed loudly. And everyone began to laugh.

Of course, this was something that many people said when they came here the first time. And they laughed because it was usually the weakest that said this kind of stuff. Due to that fact, there were a few people that wanted to teach Eiro a bit of a lesson, to show him how things worked here.

"Listen here, kid, ya ain't gonna get fa-" A random man said. He seemed like he was proud of his body. So, Eiro gave him the chance to get a proper look at it from a new perspective. And so, as that well-trained body fell to the ground and Eiro held this man's head in front of him, he looked around at the others and smiled softly underneath his mask.

And then, Eiro quickly raised his right hand to the side and made use of the magic-stone slot that was added into the gauntlet that Eiro was using. It was in the 'claw' mode right now, of course. And the magic stone inside of it was a Light Magic stone.

Because at exactly that moment, one of the executives made use of a 'Time-stop' ring and casually approached Eiro, "Another one of these, huh?" He muttered annoyedly. But of course, he couldn't expect that Eiro's consciousness worked at the same speed as this 'stopped' time. It was really just slowed down to a crawl.

But there was one thing that was faster than anything else, and that couldn't be avoided by anyone. And that was 'Light'. Eiro pushed his mana into the Light Magic stone and caused a focused ray of light that immediately blinded the executive.

Eiro was able to experiment on these things a while ago... Immense light like this made one's mind basically stop working for a moment. And due to that, mana usage would become unstable. And artifacts would become unusable for that instant. Meaning that the time-stop ring would stop working. And in that instant, Eiro cut through the executive's finger to take away the ring before stabbing his throat to let him die in a rather painful way in front of everyone here.

There was one thing that was known to mostly everyone here: Don't mess with the executives. Sure, Eiro beat one up before, but that was because that executive couldn't use these artificial artifacts then. This one here could use it, and even so, Eiro was able to kill one with ease.

"Now..." The Demon smiled, and slowly waved his hand around. He created flames that he wrapped around his body. They were glowing in a nearly white light, showing how hot they really were. Nobody dared approach this man in front of them.

"Eh? Nobody dares to challenge me? Is there any single-digit around? Or maybe even a letter that I can quickly take care of?" Eiro asked, in a voice deliberately meant to piss others off.

But sadly, nobody took the bait yet, "Then how about this? I'm going to be near the small lake just outside of town for the full next day. If anyone wants to challenge me, then come there. You can bring any amount of people, any weapon, and even executives are free to come if they want. Of course, if you're weaker than an executive, you shouldn't even dream of beating me." Eiro exclaimed smugly.

Since it seemed like he managed to agitate everyone there properly, Eiro swiftly finished off the executive by smashing his skull underneath his foot, to make sure he couldn't be healed, and then picked up the ring before jumping up into the air and using magic to push himself away.

Once he was out of view, he merged his aura with the air so that he would practically disappear, and then started to fly using his wings again.

Like this, Eiro quickly made his way to the lake that he announced he would stay at. Currently, it was completely frozen shut, and there was a small island in the center of the lake that Eiro would be waiting on, for anyone that wanted to challenge him. For most of the day, nobody came there, though. It soon started getting dark, and Eiro didn't notice anyone in the area yet.

Until he did.

There was a group of five people stepping over the ice of the lake toward where Eiro was currently seated. He was pretending to be asleep to make people try and approach him to get a sneak-attack in, but of course he wasn't really sleeping.

Once they were all close enough, all that Eiro had to do was manipulate the ice underneath the feet of the people approaching him, making the frozen lake swallow them whole. Eiro heard a few thuds from underneath the ice, but the people quickly drowned and then froze up underneath the water. However, it seemed like this group was the first of many to come.

The organization probably gave out a 'Quest' to have Eiro killed at some point. Well, it worked for him. He was able to get a handful of levels just from relaxing out here and drowning the weaker people that approached him. There were still a few stronger ones amongst them that Eiro had to use stronger magic against, but at the end of the day, they were still too weak for him.

And since this was a 'Quest', the executives couldn't get involved anymore, so Eiro could mostly relax. At least, until a certain person came there.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Evelyn, the Bloodstone Sorceress, and a 'Letter' of this organization asked the Demon. She looked down and saw the numerous dead bodies underneath the floor, "Collecting materials. Amongst other things. Increasing my level this way is honestly pretty fun." Eiro pointed out smugly.

Evelyn glared deeply at Eiro and held her hand forward. Blood streamed out of her fingertips, more than her body should be able to hold, and formed spears of ice.

"Hah, you think that's going to make me worry? You should know what abilities I have. At least roughly, if you're not a complete moron." Eiro told the person in front of him, one of the few people there were that he truly despised.

But without hesitation, Evelyn shot one of her ice-spears at Eiro. It pierced his cloak... But that was it. Eiro himself had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.. Until he peeked out from underneath Evelyn, climbing out of her shadow.

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