Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1504 One Of The Three

'Oh crap, it broke...'

Davis saw that his Golden Sheen Obsidian Spear shattered. Previously, it had taken a lot of damage and developed many cracks from defending against the heavenly tribulation he faced for little Tia.

Nevertheless, the pieces of blade plunging to the ground abruptly shot towards the six surviving Three-Eyed White Serpents.

"Palace Chief..."

They were utterly dumbfounded while gazing at the sudden twist in the situation.

This human with Law Dominion Stage undulations appeared from nowhere. He beheaded their terrifying Palace Chief, who puts his targets in a seamless illusionary world with his third eye and kills or ensnares them without them even noticing. But, this time, it was their Palace Chief who had been killed helplessly without even being able to perceive the incoming attack.

However, the moment they saw that the human had sent projectile blades against them, their scalps turned numb. They turned around and instantly shot towards the distance, their white-scaled snake bodies trying to slither away in the air.

Some tried to dodge and defend with their tails, but they were pierced through and a hole was punched through the back of their heads because, in front of the Emperor Grade pieces of blade, they were nothing more than vegetables. Not only did it collapse their souls, but the impact also caused their heads to explode.

Davis's expression produced a grimace. He mused that their third eyes were extremely valuable, but he ended up destroying six of them even though he tried to limit the power with his soul force.

'What an idiotic thing to do, Davis...'

He cursed himself, but gazing at one of them having an emergency talisman near their carcass, looking like it was about to glow, he sighed as he knew his quick resolution was needed.

"This... This isn't an illusion, right? Am I still within Ryzenir's grasp?"

Nyoran looked visibly confused, while her eyes were full of disbelief as she gazed at Davis.

"Well, do you want this head?"

"You'll give me that...?" Nyoran's beak went agape, feeling this was too good to be true. It made her think that this was definitely an illusion before she heard him speak again.

"No, I'm not giving it."

Davis teased as he threw Ryzenir's valuable snakehead into his spatial ring.

"Then... if this is reality... then you... you are the peeper..."

Her body flashed with a dark light before she returned to her sumptuous black-robed human form. Her arm trembled as she pointed at him, leaving Davis to wryly smile as he knew that he would eventually be found out.

"I truly didn't mean to peep. I mean, you were all just there where my soul sense passed by accidentally..."

"Liar, didn't your human father and mother teach you not to use soul sense when you're near waterfalls?" Nyoran appeared aggrieved as she waved her hands.

"Erm..." Davis could only scratch his head as he remembered his father and mother.

They taught him only how to be rabbits in bed.

Nevertheless, he understood her concern since she was civilized. He mused that a wild female magical beast wouldn't care if it was seen naked. However, recalling Nadia's shyness when she first mutated into a Twin-Tailed Dusk Wolf, he vaguely felt that magical beasts became shy in their naked human form for some heaven forbidden reason.

Perhaps, it was the same as humans, shame.

In any case, did waterfalls only belong to women? It belonged to nature unless it was private property, but not only this waterfall but this entire Territory was still contested!

"What if a magical beast was hiding there, lying in wait, you know?"

"But I'm a magical beast!"

"Of course!" Davis pointed at her, "You were lying in wait to eat me...!"

Nyoran looked taken aback before she screamed.

"I won't deny that, but I was not hiding! I was bathing with my fellow sisters!"

She stopped, glaring at him for a while before her body relaxed.

"That prowess... you're definitely not a Low-Level Martial Overlord Powerhouse, are you?"

"Did I say I was, Princess Nyoran?"

Davis chuckled. It became clear to him that she was a high-status individual within the Dark Moon Crow Empire once Ryzenir screamed out her title.

On the other hand, Nyoran imagined that he was at Mid-Level Martial Overlord Stage or even stronger, all the while being unaware that he was just a Martial Sage Stage Expert whose prowess reached the Martial Overlord Stage because he had been careful not to show his martial energy undulations.

Just his physical might alone was enough, and combined with the Golden Sheen Obsidian Spear's piercing prowess, he made a clear work of the Low-Level Emperor Beast Stage Three-Eyed White Serpent.

Nyoran gazed at him with a complex expression on her face.

"I underestimated you, human. But now that you know my identity, are you going to capture or perhaps kill me too?"

She understood that their current location was in the middle of nowhere, and her speed could probably not match him, and neither could her strength. She didn't have the confidence to escape from him.

"What the...?" Davis became confused before he shook his head, "No, give me my Darkness Elemental, and I'll be on my way back home."

Nyoran appeared flabbergasted, appearing as if she was not able to understand this human. She knew that she was a hot target among the human world, and many powerhouses would pay a steep price to have her as their mount.

If a slave seal was cast on her, she would have no means to resist other than seeking death, but even that was sometimes denied as she knew from the stories of her fellow crows.

Was this human not even interested in making her his magical beast mount after capturing her? Surely, he could escape from her Dark Moon Crow Empire's onslaught if he were to run to the Four Great Righteous Powers.

Somehow, she found her common sense being flipped the more she was with him.

"Anyways, let's not stay here." Davis looked around before he kept the poor spear inside his spatial ring, "Reinforcements from the Three-Eyed White Serpents would be on their way."

"It's fine. They failed to activate the distress talismans we stole from humans. They wouldn't be able to find this place easily. At the very least, it would take hours before they find it."

Nyoran explained before she went around collecting her dark feathers as they transformed back into a flash of light before they entered her body. It seemed like she could refine her feathers back into energy and restore the feathers on her body.

As for Davis, he went around collecting Three-Eyed White Serpent soul essences as well as their carcasses. Some of the King Beast Stage Three-Eyed White Serpents still had their third eyes intact after being pierced by Nyoran's feathers and beheaded by her dark wings.

'Damn, she also knows to clear pieces of evidence and also didn't use flamboyant techniques to leave more evidence. Is this the accumulation of experience from hunting in this battleground?'

Davis looked at Nyoran and realized that magical beasts like her absolutely transcended their primal state. They were like a different race, to be honest.

However, he was a bit bummed not to be able to see her use her species technique. No, he was regretful that he did not get to see both the Dark Moon Crow and the Three-Eyed White Serpent's Species Techniques as they were said to be terrifying, giving them an edge over other magical beasts and hence, own Territories as a result!

Nevertheless, once they finished clearing the evidence while Davis made sure that there was no one peeping on them with his soul sense and physical sense, they left the valley, only leaving the signs of destruction caused by two Ninth Stage entities.

Davis and Nyoran traveled north for a while before they landed on a mountain with an extreme altitude of over three hundred kilometers. He did not go that high but just carved open a cave at the height of five kilometers and entered.

"This is a nice cultivation cave for me, alright..."

Davis looked at the aesthetically carved cultivation cave and nodded in approval. He turned to look at Nyoran when she abruptly clasped her hands.

"I would like to invite you to my Dark Moon Crow Empire as a guest."

"Huh? Are humans even allowed?" Davis became amused.

"Well, for a short period, yes. If you want to stay for a longer time, I don't recommend it because we are unwelcoming to humans."

Nyoran wryly uttered while Davis smilingly shook his head.

"No need. I'll just await you to bring back the three Darkness Elementals so I can choose from one."

"Erm..." Nyoran appeared slightly embarrassed, "In actuality, it would take some time for me to get a Darkness Elemental out of our Treasury, much less three Darkness Elementals. If you won't come to my empire, then how can you choose one out of the three?"

"Right, I can't." Davis pursed his lips, "I apologize for assuming because I didn't put much thought into it after hearing you were a princess."

Nyoran's lips twitched, "I'm not the only princess. I'm the youngest, ninth princess."

Davis nodded, thinking that she had less authority unless she had something special to herself.

"Do you know the descriptions of these three Mid-Level Darkness Elementals? I can choose from here so that you can get me the one I require. I'd also like to know when you can deliver it. If you fail to deliver it within the time you give me, I'll take it that you betrayed our deal, and the next time we meet, I reflect that we would be hostile."

"I don't know the correct time, but it can take anywhere between a day and three months."

Davis reflected on her answer before he nodded again.

"Alright, if you can't deliver the Darkness Elemental within four months, I'll take it that you betrayed me unless you can provide a better explanation as to why you have delayed before the four months end."

"To which location or power do you want me to deliver?" Nyoran shook her head, "Just so you know, I can't go to the southeast of the Fifty-Two Territories because I would definitely die while delivering it to you secretly."

"No need to go that far. Just bring it to the Towering Cloud Hall Territory and gift it to Ancestor Xanbas Goldsky."

"You're from the Towering Cloud Hall?" Her brows furrowed.

"Not really. That's just a front in case I'm not available, but I would prefer if you give it to him. In any case, you have my name, so you'll be able to know about me if you investigate, although I dare say you wouldn't believe what you're hearing."

"Heh, acting so mysterious..."

Nyoran rolled her eyes before she widely smiled, "You just wait. Killing Ryzenir made my year, and I will unmistakably see to it that you get what you require within these four months. If not, you can perceive me as your enemy, and I still won't spread your identity because I still owe you one. However, I will use my empire to kill you to protect myself, is that fine?"

Davis's mouth went agape before he smiled, "I like honest and reasonable characters even if they are from other races."

He reached out his hand again, and this time, Nyoran didn't delay as she grabbed his hand and shook it.

From his experience with working together with magical beasts, Davis could say that magical beasts were more inclined to be trustworthy and honest than humans. They said what was in their minds without deceit most of the time.

However, for the most part, they are mostly unable to scheme, and humans get the better of them because of this sole reason. However, he also mused that they disdained to scheme since they worshipped might because of their heaven-given constitution.

"So, we have three Darkness Elementals. Plummeting Midnight Sky Rover, ranked fifteenth. Entombed Darkfall Wisp, ranked twelfth. Twilight Obsidian Butterfly, ranked eleventh."

Davis raised his brows at this lineup. By rank, it was clear to him about what he should choose, but from experience, he also knew that compatibility remained an important factor.

"What do you recommend?" He asked.

Nyoran thought for a moment before she answered.

"I personally recommend taking Twilight Obsidian Butterfly, obviously because of its rank but also its illusionary and dark prowess, making it incredibly capable of swift kills. If one considers its overall ability, its elemental rank reaches rank eight although its prowess can't compare to the elemental that truly holds the eighth rank."

"Nevertheless, you saw what Ryzenir's illusion did to me as it almost brought my mind into an imaginary space while barring my ability to maneuver for a short time until the illusion could truly pull me in. Now imagine with your concealment skills and the additional illusory skills granted by this elemental...! Wouldn't you become extremely powerful, pulling your enemies into an illusion and killing them before they can even know who you are!?"

Davis's eyes lit up. He felt that this Darkness Elemental was quite a good match for him. But, he suddenly had a bad premonition when he saw Nyoran's expression become wry.

"However, there are also rumors saying that those who witness the Twilight Obsidian Butterfly's wings flapping will become cursed and have bad luck."


Davis's expression froze. The last thing he wanted to add to his abilities was bad luck!

"What about the other two...?" He hesitantly asked.

"Well..." Nyoran looked away, bringing her finger to her lips as she pondered.

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