Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1859: The Next Round

Chapter 1859: The Next Round

Unlike the youth who knelt in defeat and deep frustration for losing even though he was part of the group who ambushed the four of them, the other nine sneered at him, including the ones they had ambushed.

“Jambei! You bastard! Because of you, we lost!”

The four youths who had escaped but ended up being ambushed became incensed, pointing their hands at the culprit as soon as they caught sight of him floating above them.

“What does your loss have to do anything with me?”

Jambei’s expression became wry, “This just proves the extent of your own weakness. Just graciously accept defeat like me, or are you going to try to challenge me and lose miserably?”


The four of them clenched their teeth in a fury. To him, this competition may not be of any use, but to them, this competition was of utmost importance. However, it was true that they didn’t understand the extent of his power other than knowing that he possessed a five-kilometer domain and ended up provoking him, which led to this altercation.

They can’t back down from this humiliation in front of millions of people watching them with wide eyes, could they?


Honorable Elder Mihangel Evan’s voice resounded in all four of their ears at this moment, causing them to close their ears as it echoed inside them, shutting them up. However, it didn’t seem to have affected Jambei as he was not targeted.

“As of this moment, the top thirty-two of the Seventh Stage Segment has been decided.” Honorable Elder Julian Kruse added and gestured, “The winners are displayed here.”

A giant projection that could be viewed from all angles appeared in the center of the battle stage, causing the crowd’s eyes to light up.

Logan and all other names were there on the rankings, but ranks from one to thirty-two haven’t been assigned, but from thirty-three to four hundred and thirty-two, they have all been assigned according to the time they had been eliminated.

If the time is the same, birthing conflicts with the rankings, then their cultivation base and domain radius are taken into account.

However, the crowd could see that the rankings were all over in the place.

Even Jambei was in the 94th position, causing everyone to scoff.

Although Jambei had lost early, he clearly had the ability to enter the top ten, so they couldn’t help but lament his luck on meeting Clara and a few others who have met other powerful opponents.

By all right, the Top 32 should’ve all been Perfect Domain Cultivators, but because of teaming up, the Supreme Domain Cultivators were also in the Top 32. They felt it was ridiculous and unfair for the Perfect Domain Cultivators, who were way stronger, but as the Mandate Emperor spoke, the competition also tested one’s charisma and luck.

Unquestionably, the Emperor of Death’s group had better charisma over any group, while the surviving Supreme Domain Cultivators had more luck than other Supreme Domain Cultivators who lost.

However, people already had a rank first in their hearts, and it was none other than Clara Alstreim!

Clara was just a High-Level Law Dominion Stage Expert, but despite a level difference, she managed to overpower Jambei with two Perfect Domains that seemed to perfectly complement each other almost. If she had been in Peak-Level Law Dominion Stage, would he have been completely overwhelmed?

However, she recognized him as an equal-level opponent. What did it mean?

Did it mean that she saw opponents one level higher than her as equal-level opponents? Is that her arrogance or confidence?

They didn’t know.

If anything, they felt that they could wholeheartedly nod their heads to the fact that she was Emperor of Death’s little sister. She was overbearing and powerful as him, except she hadn’t shown any mysterious sacrificial techniques like her brother does, which was understandable as she didn’t seem to use Death Laws.

However, she used Mandate Laws and seemed to be on a level of her own in it, even becoming the successor of the Heaven Mandate Temple when the Four Great Righteous Sect’s relationship towards the Emperor of Death is said to be not even friendly but acquaintances at best.

Jambei had his gaze on Clara.

He believed that he was not worthy like she said, but he just couldn’t forget her beautiful visage that fascinated him.

‘Maybe I need a thorough beating from the Emperor of Death?’

He awkwardly thought, knowing that he would probably be beaten black and blue if he asked the Emperor of Death for Clara’s hand in marriage after losing to her.

“You need a beating from me, you little scrawny brat!”

Abruptly, a figure arrived in beside, capturing his head with big hands, which caused his expression to change.

“Father, forgive me…!”

Jambei acted as though he was going to cry.

“Oh, now you remember me as your father!?” The green-robed Sect Master of the Ascending Path Sect looked incensed, “Where did your filial duties go when you secretly gained the remnant tomb of the Emerald Roc Gale Immortal’s successor and hid it from your own father!?”

“Heavens, you have so many women who’d circulate this important information while hearing it from you in your nightly affairs…!”


The Ascending Path Sect’s Sect Master raised his hand to slap when Honorable Elder Mihangel Evans suddenly appeared beside them.

“That’s enough.”

“What’s enough?” The Ascending Path Sect’s Sect Master fumed, “You’re telling me that I can’t discipline my own son for slandering his mothers?”

“Let me take care of this…” Honorable Elder Julian Kruse from the Heaven Gazing Sect appeared and sighed at Ascending Path Sect’s Sect Master.

“Keep these things private, Ascending Path Sect’s Sect Master. Besides, your son’s life has become more valuable than yours to the righteous path, so you can’t publicly humiliate him.”


The Ascending Path Sect’s Sect Master looked unable to retort before he flew away, returning to the sect and entering a spacious room that was meant to be a resting place for people of high status. Everyone thought he had entered to blow off steam but in truth, angered expression faded, replaced with a sneaky smirk before it exploded into one of excitement!

“Yes! Jambei, my son… you’re my pride!”

He couldn’t believe that his son actually inherited the bloodline of the Emerald Gale Roc and garnered attention from the Four Great Righteous Sects. If they publicly defended Jambei from his own father, it could be seen how much they wanted to protect him, which made him, the father, have goosebumps all over his body.

Outside, the people scoffed at the Ascending Path Sect’s Sect Master for being abusive and greedy of his son’s treasures. They couldn’t believe he was such a scum.

Jambei coldly looked at the people who seemed to openly trash his father, all the while chanting with the intent of supporting him.

“Everyone, now that the first round is over,”

At this moment, the crowd became silent on hearing Honorable Elder Julian Kruse speak, “… the second round will take place in ten minutes. Due to the first round unexpectedly taking so long, we have decided to make the second round a two-on-two battle format so that there would be more eliminations while taking lesser time. As for the teams forming-“


The crowd instantly began to roar, which caused Honorable Elder Julian Kruse’s lips to twitch as he felt that they were a mindless bunch. He wasn’t even finished yet.

“… that is completely up to the participants themselves. We wish them good luck in choosing a better partner to battle alongside with because, like before, changing sides mid-way is allowed…”


The crowd became dumbfounded. Only large-scale battles had these kinds of rules. If only two people were there in a single team, would this kind of rule really be allowed?

Instantly, everyone began to pick their battle partners as there were only less than ten minutes left.

Logan instantly chose to team up with his daughter Clara, which ended up causing Claire and Nora to team up. Sophie and Niera also clasped hands while Tanya Frostblight became all alone. She looked towards someone who could team up with her but noticed that Drake Blackburn and Kara Moonridge already had their hands clasped, letting the others know that they were already a team.

Tanya Frostblight pursed her lips and moved her gaze to see that Esvele seemed to have teamed up with Verona Stein while Mu Bing seemed to have teamed up with one of her fellow disciples.

‘That only leaves…’

She turned to look at Dalila Leehan, who remained.

She actually didn’t come with them to battle but remained in the place where they camped, and no one seemed to be bothered about it. It was not like they needed her to defeat everyone else, but still… did something happen to her to be looking a bit lost?

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