Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2515: Persistent

Chapter 2515: Persistent

Isabella felt her entire body turning hot in an instant as she began the process and downed the blood essence into her throat.


At the same time, a dragon roar resounded throughout the air as the image of an Earth Dragon appeared behind her. It was unlike Mira and had the normal scales of the Earth Dragon. However, its cry was one of outrage; its remnant will protesting against the entrance of another blood essence.

She could also feel her soul shake as though it was deeply offended.

Isabella knew that this was none other than the remnant will of the Earth Dragon Immortal’s soul essence. It awakened in reaction to the presence of another Earth Dragon blood trying to invade its space.


She coughed out a mouthful of her own blood essence, feeling pained, and momentarily became dizzy.

However, the blood essence Isabella absorbed suddenly emanated a regal aura. It caused the remnant will that was rejecting to suddenly cower under the overwhelming force of the Emperor-Tier aura and obediently retreat the next moment.

Isabella could feel the backlash fade. She was overjoyed that she didn’t have to deal with it. Fortunately, if her body wasn’t strong enough to handle the backlash, it would’ve exploded. But as she tried to make the next move, which was to start absorbing Mira’s Emperor-Tier Immortal Blood Essence, she was shocked to find out that she didn’t have to suppress the blood essence to allow it to fuse with her blood.

It completely accepted her, willing to become one with her.


After all, she knew how difficult it was to quell a dragon’s will as she had experienced it multiple times when inheriting the blood from the Immortal Inheritance. Its blood essence was not easily absorbable until one obtained its acceptance through strength or other factors. It could be different for each kind of dragon, but strength was the main factor as every dragon concentrated on power.

However, Mira’s blood essence had no resistance to her.

She had already earned the acceptance of Mira’s will that she couldn’t help but feel like shedding a tear in glee and gratitude. That lass was recuperating her mind and soul, yet her strong remnant will was still able to recognize her and treat her with care.

Isabella was shaken with emotion.


Abruptly, an internal explosion occurred, and Isabella’s body became a bloody mess. Her skin cracked all over, and blood seeped out from her pores.

Davis’s expression churned, but he didn’t show any worry in his eyes. He knew that it was a part of the process. Isabella needed to remold her body with Mira’s blood essence as much as she could.

Indeed, Isabella was covered in a crimson-golden haze. The yin spring also became crimson from her own blood seeping out to accommodate the influx of new blood essence. Otherwise, there was quite a chance that she could turn into a fey.

His soul force worked in tandem with her flow of energy to distribute the blood to her heart the most and evenly to other locations. As long as the heart changed and combined with his life energy, Isabella would have a near-endless supply of Emperor-Tier Earth Dragon’s blood essence. She would never run out of it unless she wasted an extreme amount of blood essence.

His soul force hadn’t quite reached the realm of Immortal King but had certainly surpassed Level Nine Immortal Stage. With its greater power, it helped Isabella carry the blood to all the parts of her body and fuse with it as she refined it.

Time passed.

Isabella’s skin was constantly splitting apart, spilling blood before rejuvenating, while Natalya did her best to keep the yin spring clear with her energy. Due to Mira’s acknowledgment, the blood absorption process was already easier, so with Davis and Natalya’s help, Isabella practically experienced no pain other than the absorption process.

Everything flowed smoothly, and a deep, oppressive and regal aura began to seep into Isabella’s mighty aura. However, it was not even prevalent as Evelynn’s, like how the latter could display with her regal aura.

After all, it’s not possible for a human to unleash King-Tier or Emperor-Tier aura as much as a fey could. Their other half of the blood, which was composed of human blood, posed a restriction to the bloodline aura, but still, that didn’t change the fact that their body was becoming one of noble or regal bloodline, turning stronger and deadlier.


Outside the Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace, Davis’s residence was well guarded.

Yotan surveyed the landscape and perfectly organized the Reaper Soul Legion to patrol the estate. Some were in fixed positions while a group of two constantly moved about to guard the area. After Natalya and Schleya got their residences, they activated the barriers. Moreover, they did it in a way that connected Davis’s residence together with theirs.

So now, they owned the entire southeastern part of the island. If they included Myria and Ellia’s land, then they owned the entire eastern side while the western side was practically empty.

So far, the Reaper Soul Legion found that there was nothing of concern. The island was as empty as an occupied land, but the kind of flora and fauna present here was amazing to see that they couldn’t help but feel that they were one with nature, further refreshing their minds that had been training all year long. However, they didn’t go past the island.

To exit the island, they should get permission. Otherwise, they would be detected by the formation and would be arrested by Law Enforcement.

After all, they were considered unidentified individuals. They could live on the island as disciple’s people, but they couldn’t go out without permission. As long as they had permission or the disciple wanted to take them out, they could leave anytime. Those were the rules.

At this moment, in one of these many islands present within the Aurora Cloud Gate, there was a group of people at the edge of an island.

Judging by their clothing, they all appeared to be workers, and in front of them was a white-robed man with a blue-colored cloud emblem, indicating that he was an inner disciple.

“You workers were all brought in for one thing, and that is to fix the connection between the waterways of a few islands here marked in the map I gave you before. Once you’re done, your memories will be perfectly sealed so as to avoid leaking the internal workings of the Aurora Cloud Gate, understand?”


The workers echoed in unison as they answered. They all knew what they signed up for. After all, they were getting a handsome reward in return, something even better than what outer disciples get. This was one time opportunity for them.

As soon as this opportunity was opened, it was quickly filled. The latecomers could only cry.

The inner disciple at this moment threw a bunch of status plates at the workers. It was none other than the permission to exit the island freely.

“Now, get to work. The instructions would be in the manual given to you people.”


“Then I guess I don’t need to carry on with this charade.”

The group echoed in unison again, but there was one among them who spoke differently, his voice hoarse.


Everyone couldn’t help but look at a lean man with a perplexed expression. He was the one who uttered something incomprehensible to them. However, they suddenly all fell to the ground.

The inner disciple was about to open his mouth, but he also fell to the ground and appeared to become unconscious like the others.

As for the man, he looked entirely ordinary, having practically nothing wrong with his aura. However, his black eyes flickered as though they didn’t exist and flashed with a deathly pale glint.

“Dead End, you can’t escape from me. Your Master Deathseeker will find you soon enough.”

With a wave of his hands, these unconscious disciples disappeared before he took a step forward on the island’s edge and floated away.

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