Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2716: Reaching A Common Ground?

Chapter 2716: Reaching A Common Ground?

“Of course. Even if I said no, someone would still want to share it as they aren’t the type to be ungrateful.”

Davis gestured with his hands as he shrugged but pointed his finger toward Cyclonis Blizzara.

“Also, senior sister should keep this under wraps if you want to truly protect Mistress Yeyin.”

Cyclonis Blizzara narrowed her brows, wondering what kind of gain Davis would have by giving her a good deal. She couldn’t see anything at the moment but still opened her mouth.

“Then… we have a deal?”

“It’s a deal. I don’t trust you, but you seem trustable enough.”

Davis nodded, causing Cyclonis Blizzara to feel that it was laughable as she responded, “You don’t seem trustable at all.”

“I know.” Davis smirked, “How do you want this deal settled, senior sister? Blood Soul Contract?”

“No.” Cyclonis Blizzara waved her hand, “Let this just be verbal. If we need a Blood Soul Contract to bind us, then it’s not really trust, is it?”

“I agree but not in all cases, as trust is already a preconceived notion cemented on the basis that the other party is capable of what you’re wishing for, which is the same thing as a Blood Soul Contract binding them to be.”

Cyclonis Blizzara’s eyes flickered with a bit of impression as she looked at him, “You’re right, but there’s a huge difference between wishing and compulsion. One is yin, and the other is yang. I don’t want anyone to be forced, but that doesn’t mean you could walk free without facing the consequences.”

“I’m glad our ideals match a bit, at the very least.”

Davis cupped his hands as he displayed a confident smile. His smile seemed a bit eerie to Cyclonis Blizzara, but she still cupped her hands like him and cemented the deal with him verbally.

“Wait…!” Abruptly, Mistress Yeyin reached out her hand, appearing all confused as she asked them.

“What are you people doing… advancing the conversation without consulting me in the first place?”


Davis blinked, thinking that she was right, while Cyclonis Blizzara quickly bowed to her.

“My apologies, inheritance master. I am pleased to serve you for the betterment of the clan. Will you let me nurture you? I promise I will devote almost all of the contribution points I receive to enrich your cultivation and growth.”

“…” Mistress Yeyin’s expression froze before she folded her arms, appearing stern.

“Ridiculous. You don’t need to do that.”

However, Cyclonis Blizzara shook her head, “My sole reason for coming here was to bring you back, but since you do not want to head back, I can only give an alternative that would lead to the glory of the clan. Please let me nurture you, inheritance master.”


“Mistress Yeyin, I don’t know about nurturing you, but I sure would like to protect you. It does not have anything to do with whom you share your blood with. It has to do with something I owe you.”

Davis also said, causing Mistress Yeyin to take a few steps back, unable to understand how they could go far for her just based on the assumption that she was the inheritance master.

“What is… wrong with you people…? What if I refuse to participate in the Candidacy?” She glared at them, waving her hand.

“I mean… I don’t care.” Davis laughed.

If Evelynn, Isabella, and Shirley one day came to him and said that they were tired and did not want to participate in something that is unknown as the Candidacy, he would simply agree to their requests. As his women, there was no need for them to strain themselves as far as he considered.<.com></.com>

But on the other hand, Cyclonis Blizzara appeared to lower her head, “Then I can only try my best to convince inheritance master.”

Mistress Yeyin lowered her head. It was unknown what she was thinking, but she walked towards the exit and stopped right before she could leave.

“Give me some time to think… I leave Zahara in your care as I believe that you wouldn’t have gone that far if you really weren’t intent on protecting her.”

Saying a few words, Mistress Yeyin jumped out of the gate and flew away.

“Until we meet again and explore more about the other inheritor.”

Cyclonis Blizzara also bid goodbye to Davis and left, following Mistress Yeyin back to the sect.

Tanya closed the gates once they left, turning to look at Davis and see him have a contemplative expression on his face. As always, she couldn’t tell what was going on in his mind, but she was sure that it was something good to them as always, causing her to smile.

However, there was one thing she held doubt toward.

“Is it fine?”

“What is fine?” Davis turned to look at Tanya.

“To reveal Shirley’s specialty…”

“Ah, that’s fine.” Davis chuckled, “Circumstances change.”

“Immortal Emperors are attacking us already, so if Shirley continues to keep her uniqueness concealed, then she will die in vain before she can display her ultimate prowess to protect herself or the others when it is needed the most. I’m going to no longer have her suppress herself and have her train Icefire Laws as much as possible.”

Tanya’s eyes flickered, “Good.”

“It just happens to be so that I realized that I was in my ego, thinking that I can do everything and protect you all, but today has made me realize I was still vulnerable enough to get killed in a single move by Rai Zenflame due to my carelessness and get blasted as a group of Immortal Emperors barraged us. I… we need more of us to improve beyond our capabilities in order to- Mhm!~

Abruptly, her lips were sealed as Davis appeared before her and caught her waist with one hand and held her neck with the other, pressing his lips against her as he pried her lips open and caught her tongue with ease.

Her eyes flickered again, but this time, with a devoted and submissive emotion as she knew that this would happen somewhere in her heart, so she didn’t struggle as he kissed her passionately while holding onto her.

“Mnn~ nn~ Davis… at this rate…”

She knew that it wasn’t wise for them to continue this as the others were possibly waiting with worry, but she couldn’t help it as he made her feel so good that she didn’t even care about how embarrassing it was as she allowed herself to sink into the blissful moment as he continued kissing her with his tongue as if it was their last time seeing each other.’

She loved this feeling enveloping her heart, knowing that she was all alone with him at this moment and could monopolize him, unlike the last time.

Abruptly, Davis lifted her with his arms and carried her, looking at her unveiled face with a passionate gaze.

“I know this isn’t the time, but we also both know if we don’t utilize this time, then we will only find ourselves together at a much later date. You have done so much for me. Even if that’s not the case, I just want us to savor our time together for a bit longer and make the most of this opportunity before you have to share me with your sisters. Is that fine, Tanya?”

Tanya’s heart skipped a beat as she lay in his arms while hearing his gentle tone, pursing her lips as she tasted his flavor before she raised her arm and pointed at a door that suddenly opened.

“That way… there’s a time chamber there…”


Davis became taken aback before he shot a lewd smile at her, causing Tanya to lower her gaze as she felt completely embarrassed that her ears had turned red. Quickly, they disappeared from the hall, arriving at another location where it became steamy and brimming with sensuality.

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