Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 706 Three Scrolls

"Mother?" Alexi Ethren noticed her cultivation further dip to the Second Stage; Energy Condensation Stage. His lips couldn't help but quiver as he understood her grave condition.

Nevertheless, she still spoke, "However, you are still here... If I can see that scum killed by your hands, then I can rest in peace..."

Arianna closed her heavy eyelids as she spoke. It became synonymous with silence while her conscious darkened. She could only hear the vague voices calling her in the dark but that too became inaudible as she completely lost consciousness.

"Mother! No! Please don't go away from me! No!"

Alexi Ethren despaired. He seemed to have a mental breakdown amidst the views of the onlookers as he miserably cried like a child. However, when he embraced her weak body, he realized that she was still alive and only lost consciousness.

He tried to calm down but it was to no avail as he knew that it was just a matter of time before she dies in her deathbed; his arms.

Anything he did, it would be of no use!

That single fact left his mind reeling in agony and despair. In his life, he had never felt these intense emotions, not even when he was about to die! 

Suddenly, he felt that the way to save his mother could be in her spatial ring.

He instantly bound the spatial ring to himself and checked the contents. He instantly found four scrolls that were placed on top of everything as if it were meant to be there, found by him first other than everything in this spatial ring.

He took the nearest one and tore open the scroll as his gaze fell on it. Characters written in crimson hue appeared in his eyes. Instantly, he realized that the characters should be written with blood, perhaps her own blood.


Hehe, Alexi, the fact that you're reading this means that I have already died... How fortunate...

However, if it's you, trash, Kaiser Ethren, then this scroll is not for you... 

Go die!

Alexi, the time I wrote this letter is when I gave you that 'special extract' for the first time. Indeed, as you perhaps guessed after I died, it is indeed my blood essence. Unlike my body which is thoroughly tainted by the hands of numerous men, my blood essence is as pure as the day I was born since I cleansed my blood in the Blood Cleansing Fountain of the Dual Lotus Manor Territory. 

So you do not need to fear that you have been tainted by my blood, the blood of your mother. 


Alexi Ethren's lips withered as he finished reading the first scroll. 

Not finding any way to save his mother, he quickly took the second scroll into his hand and tore it open!


As you guessed, this is the second time I gave you my blood essence, Alexi.

How can one's blood essence be used to increase the strength of others? 

In theory, blood essences can indeed be used to strengthen a being but it all comes down to a matter of compatibility.

And since we're mother and son, our blood is highly compatible and you almost wouldn't receive any backlash other than your foundation becoming a little unstable. 

That's why I gave you these blood essences at the right interval.

Mhm? You're curious to know what technique I used?

It's categorized as an evil technique since it's abused a lot, but to me, this is the best technique I've ever found since I found a way to strengthen your cultivation. However, I'm not telling you and I've discarded all traces of that technique since I don't want you to use it.

Unfortunately, I found this technique on a man whom I sexually devoured.

Yes, as you could guess, my entire Essence Gathering Cultivation was built on the numerous corpses of men. I slept with them, devoured their yang, and killed them all!

My hands, my entire body, almost everything about me is tainted.

You don't need to remember me as a mother, you can just see me as that old prostitute on the roadside who is about to die.

Oh right, I should already be dead by this time... How silly of me, I forgot...


Alexi Ethren read this part as tears fell from his eyes. He could only continuously and helplessly mutter while asking 'Why?'...

Why was there a need to push herself this far? Why was there a need to blame herself this far when it was all the scum's fault?


Alexi Ethren didn't stop the array from burning Kaiser Ethren alive. 

At this time, no miserable throes were echoing from the array. He knew that there were only ashes remaining in the array but the flames kept blazing, wanting to remove the ashes out of existence.

Even then, pure hatred swelled through his heart as he started to greatly hate Kaiser Ethren, his father! He now wanted to nothing more than keep his father trapped in that array for centuries, making him experience the despair of what even a little bit of his mother experienced!

No! He wanted to make him experience what it means to despair ten times than his mother!

"Mother, wake up... I sent him to the underworld... With the crimes on his head, I bet that even the heavens wouldn't let him into the Reincarnation Cycle..."

Alexi Ethren pleaded, wanting his mother to open her eyes. However, there was no response, no matter how he tried. He could only feel the deteriorating condition of her body with his senses.

Biting his lips, he gazed at the onlookers in sadness before taking the third scroll to read.


Ahh... Alexi...

I didn't think you would become affectionate of this old prostitute... Even if you knew that I had a history like that, you still didn't treat me with scorn, but instead tried to approach me intimately, calling me master, master...

You have become quite the man I must confess, but as your mother, I must say... Do not be with a tainted woman like me!

I do not blame you for taking an interest in me romantically since I was disguised. 

At that time, I understand that to you, I'm nothing but a pitiful soul who needs warmth...

I know you wanted to console me...

You are a good man, Alexi. That's why I didn't kill you but instead saved you from those bandits the first time we met.

Hehe... Surprised? I was a Law Sea Stage Cultivator at that time. Following you around was nothing but an easy task. I followed you for months before deciding not to kill you.

As I said before, I was broken, tainted, and wanted nothing more than to kill Kaiser Ethren, and even you! You were the thread of the past I wanted to sever!

The motherly feelings that I possessed for you when I had given birth to you were no more, instead, the days that I wanted to kill you too increased along with my tainted days being with those evil men.

Erasing the mark of my disgrace... 

But strangely, the more I saw you be kind to people the more I saw the past me in you. Although you looked like that scum, you resembled me more. I couldn't help but feel strange in my heart.

In any case, know that I've truly acknowledged you as my son but you don't need to do the opposite since I'm just some random old prostitute who saved you from those bandits...

Nothing more, nothing less...

Or wait, you can perhaps call me master endearingly as you always do...



Alexi Ethren grasped the scroll tightly as it bent and distorted. It went up in flames the next second while tears kept flowing down his cheeks.

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