Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 811 It's Your Turn

Baize's lips looked pale as if he lacked blood, but he did his best to speak, "You can't leave me like this! You are maliciously killing me! My Towering Cloud Hall will slaughter you!"

Evelynn just shook her head as she ignored his threat, "How is it maliciously killing when the battle is already over?

"Could it be that when a cultivator dies from injuries after the battle, it becomes the winner's fault?"

"A poison is also a type of injury! Cure it yourself! Aren't you a core disciple from the Towering Cloud Hall!? Is the Towering Cloud Hall unable to heal its own disciples!?" Evelynn's anger was just about to explode even she calmed herself down.

Her bosoms heaved as she took and let out a deep breath.

"Since you know to run your mouth, then live up to the consequences..." With a single step, Evelynn disappeared and reappeared beside Davis a few seconds later.

However, Baize, who was left behind like a rotting corpse on the martial platform, was miserable, to say the least.

"No, no, no, no... No!!!"

Bloodied tears were leaking out of his eyes, and snot had covered his nose, making him look worthless. His grandeur was nowhere to be seen, and only the fear of death clouded his expression.

"Elder Towerfall! Help me!!! Cure me off this poison!!!" He miserably cried.

At this moment, Elder Towerfall appeared on the martial platform with a calm expression on his face, and touched Baize's head, looking into the damage done by the poison. Only after speculating did heave a sigh, but it was filled with pity.

Baize was still salvageable, but without plenty of resources to completely cure him, his days as a core disciple were over.

He took out a tiny lustrous pill that looked like an all-purpose antidote pill and shoved into Baize's mouth, causing Baize to become silent. With his martial energy lifting Baize up, Elder Towerfall took to the skies, but before he could head in the direction of the ark, he looked towards a certain someone.

"Very good!" He nodded his head with an icy glint while looking at Alchemist Davis.

Davis completely ignored Elder Towerfall and ran his fingers through Evelynn's green hair as he held her close.

"Well done... But is this fine?"

Evelynn blinked once before she asked, "You know what I did?"

Davis smiled. How could he not understand what she did...

"You did this on purpose to make people hate you so that they would never approach you..."

Evelynn wryly smiled as she inclined her head, "I can't seem to hide anything from you..."

"You shouldn't..." Davis smiled profoundly.

She let out a sigh and continued, "I've brought you trouble just by existing by your side, not just once, twice, or thrice but many times. It's time I took care of the annoying pests by myself so that they would never approach me again."

"Initially, I planned to use the spread of these imagery stones to rise in infamy as a poison cultivator but who would've thought that you would destroy them. With this, my plan to have these pests never target me is ruined." Evelynn expressed with a pout.

Davis awkwardly laughed, "Sorry, I wanted to curb the spread of those Imagery Stones because even though the chance is less, one of the thousands of imagery stones might make it to the Poison Lord Villa Territory..."

Evelynn's Noxious Flesh-Searing Poison Essence Gathering Cultivation Manual belonged to a rather strong power in the Poison Lord Villa Territory. Davis didn't want to add another headache at this time.

Evelynn sweetly smiled and raised her right hand to his cheek as she caressed, "Jeez, you're overcautious..."

However, she shook her head, "But I like being protected like this by you..."

"Evelynn..." Davis reached out to her cheek with his that was combing her lush green hair.

"Excuse me, but you two are receiving strange looks from the audience..." A voice suddenly interrupted.

Davis and Evelynn looked at Natalya before they looked at the people in the battle arena, staring at them with strange looks.

The people surrounding the battle platform looked at Davis as if he was a madman. Only a poison cultivator or a madman would dare to be with a woman who cultivates poison.

And didn't he just see how her right palm dissolved the skin out of Baize's face? Just the sight of it gave them innumerable shivers coursing through their backs!

What if... What if 'that' came off while he was having her warm up his bed!?

The men who were gathered here in the martial arena didn't even dare to think about it!

Evelynn instantly took her hand away as she became conscious of the gazes cast at her. A crimson hue appeared over her cheeks as she knew that she had forgotten herself at the heat of the moment.

Davis just shook his head and retracted the sound barrier that was enclosing the four of them. The sound barrier was created with his soul force, so it appeared was detectable by those who possessed Elder Soul Stage Cultivation and other cultivation bases that were up to par.

Elder Enye, who seemed to be waiting for Elder Towerfall to return from the ark, finally spoke, "Have you all finished conversing?"

"I guess so..." Princess Isabella nonchalantly replied.

"Then it's your turn to send someone from your side..."

Princess Isabella turned to look at Davis, who, in turn, looked at Natalya while erecting a sound barrier again.

"Me?" Natalya pointed at herself as her gaze contained hints of dodging.

It appeared so adorable that Davis didn't know what to say at the moment.

"Natalya..." A gentle voice echoed.

"Ah! Yes?" Natalya became nervous right after being called out by Princess Isabella.

"Aren't we all... sisters?"

Princess Isabella's lips twitched as she said that. She hadn't married Davis yet, so how can she call herself their sister? She herself didn't think that her face was this thick, but she blamed it all on Davis inwardly for her changing her to be like this!

Natalya subconsciously nodded her head as she possessed the knowledge that Davis had already promised to marry Princess Isabella. She wasn't in any position to deny Davis's wants as she was his second wife, and she was aware not to overstep her bounds even though Davis had said beforehand to be open about their desires.

However, whether Davis would reciprocate those desires were another thing altogether.

Looking at Natalya nod, Princess Isabella felt somewhat relaxed.

"Then, shouldn't we all be equal as sisters?"

Natalya's pupils dilated before she answered with an unusual determination, "Yes!"

Princess Isabella's lips subconsciously widened into a smile, "The reason why I brought you two out is to make you two into experts. One way to achieve that is to participate in life and death battles actively, but for starters, this battle exchange is a good stepping stone!"

"In the future, even if we are not useful to our man at the moment, we would at least be able to protect ourselves!"

Natalya hurriedly nodded her head.

"Then what else is there other than to go out to the martial platform and make our man proud by showcasing our will to follow him to the peak!?"

"Yes!!!" Natalya was clenching her fists so much that it almost produced cracking sounds.

Davis became flabbergasted. Princess Isabella sure knew how to rile them up as he could see that even Evelynn was somewhat affected. It was as if she wanted to head to the martial platform to battle another opponent to showcase her true strength!

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