Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 814 A Chance To Become a Top Disciple?

Elder Enye's expression became difficult. She actually didn't have the authority to reprimand the top disciple since the young cultivators who hold the position of the top disciple are candidates for becoming the Sect Leader of Falling Snow Sect in the future.

In sects, especially theirs, hierarchies were strictly maintained, and those who don't follow the hierarchical structure are taken seriously enough to be punished! It is possible for those who violate the rules to even earn the death sentence!

Besides, the Frostblight Family was one also a power that stood at the peak of the Falling Snow Sect Territory, just below their Falling Snow Sect. They possessed a pleasant and cordial relationship with each other, so if she did something such as offending Tanya Frostblight, who is the rising young mistress of their family, it would be detrimental to the sect and to her. She didn't want to do such a thing as offending as that is just plain stupid.

While they were talking, Natalya cast a wry gaze at Davis as she was now opposite to where she initially stood since she chased Tanya Frostblight around.

Davis smiled and gave a thumbs up to Natalya's misfortune. She was rather blessed with a unique opponent. His gaze then returned to Tanya Frostblight as he found her amusing.

Despite her age, she acted like a teenager, but he could understand that it was her personality to be, perhaps, merry. While there is also the fact that there is almost no interaction between sect members, and with her being the top disciple, he could understand why she would be like this, throwing a tantrum when finding a chance.

Besides, she was a sword cultivator. That emboldened her personality to be straightforward and noisy even though she trained in Ice Laws.

Although there seemed to be tales of silent sword cultivators, it was a state where they act like a sword that is kept in the sheath, cool and tame, but when the sword comes out of the sheath, they will become animated enough to startle the people around them.

"And you, what was your name again? Ah, Natalya, you haven't told me your age yet!" Tanya Frostblight pointed at Natalya's face.

Natalya hesitated but still said it as her age already seemed to be known, "Late thirties..."

"You're kidding!" Tanya Frostblight exclaimed.

She thought that the information could be fake, but looking at Natalya's expression, she felt that it could be true, "You're even younger than me!"

"And you train in Ice Laws as well! Doesn't that mean you can become a top disciple of the Falling Snow Sect?"

Tanya Frostblight looked as if she found a new toy and turned to look at Elder Enye, "Elder Enye, look, she's even younger than me and is also in Law Seed Stage! Can't she become a top disciple of the Falling Snow Sect?"

Elder Enye wryly smiled. In truth, she had also considered recruiting Natalya, but Natalya was already married to a man. They, the Falling Snow Sect, can't behave unruly enough to separate wives from their husbands. There was also a rule that disciples who have fallen in love with an outsider no longer possesses any ties with the Falling Snow Sect, and it applied to both men and women in their sect.

And although there were men in the Falling Snow Sect, it was a matriarchal sect where women took the helm.

Hence, she found it difficult to even approach the topic of recruiting Natalya as it was just foolish. Her talent had surely caught her eyes, but bringing her back to the sect and making her adhere to the rules is just difficult.

And more than that, she was already under the command of the Conferred Queen, which is considered to be another power. Poaching talents might earn the Conferred Queen's ire, so she rather stayed silent.

"I apologize, but I'd like to stay with my husband..." Natalya spoke out her thoughts. It was out of consideration.

If Elder Enye were to really ask her to join the sect and if she were to reject, it would be publicly slapping their face. She wanted to avoid that scenario.

"Is that so? You're a real talent. It's a pity, but you're also lucky..." Tanya Frostblight sighed.

It seemed that she viewed Falling Snow Sect as if it was a prison and wanted Natalya to accompany her since Natalya could become a top disciple. Then, she could have someone to talk to!

It was obvious to the people around as laughter spread throughout the crowd.

Natalya possessed a red hue on her cheeks. She was actually embarrassed to be called a real talent by a real talent. Her increase in Essence Gathering Cultivation was achieved through dual cultivating with Davis, so it could be said that she had the help which these disciples didn't obtain and instead were ordered to protect.

After all, dual cultivation usually meant that the women would have to become weaker when their yin essence is extracted and refined by the man: solely for the man's purpose of becoming stronger. Women mostly didn't have a say in it.

She didn't know how it was for Falling Snow Sect, although with how female-oriented they seemed, she could more or less tell that their dual cultivation manual might be inclined towards making the women stronger.

However, since they would be ordered to preserve their chastity, it would only be after reaching the peak of their youth or cultivation base, they would consider marriage and consummation. Until then, the chances are that they would not be allowed to dual cultivate!

In Natalya's mind, Davis was certainly an oddity in which where he refined her yin essence and converted it into yang essence before sending it to her. It meant that all the positive effects of dual cultivation were given to her, and he didn't gain one bit of it.

It wasn't as if she did not know that there were not any negative effects for Davis.

If it continued like this, his vitality would lessen with time, making his yang essence dry, but because he continuously made breakthroughs in Body Tempering Cultivation, his rate of vitality never lessened, and only increased with time which in turn increased the quality of his yang essence.

Honestly, she felt loved and pampered. If left like this, she would continue to enjoy the life given to her while also stagnating in every other aspect, such as the determination to reach the peak! It was no wonder Princess Isabella wanted to temper them with battles and make them into experts!

Her eyes became sharp before a Low-Level Sky Grade Sword appeared in her hands. Davis had many of these in his spatial ring, so he gave some of it to them when he gathered them in the estate to battle.

He had also given Evelynn some weapons, but it seemed like she didn't need to use it since she overwhelmed her opponent with her deadly yet poisonous charm.

Natalya pointed the sword with a silver blade and red hilt right at Tanya Frostblight, "Since you had your conversation, it's time to battle!"

"Eh? That's it? It was so short..." Tanya Frostblight complained before she nodded her head. She slanted eyes suddenly widened, "Then prepare yourself to face defeat!"


Her figure disappeared, leaving a trail of numerous Tanya Frostblight's trying to reach Natalya from the same direction, except they were all scattered and hazy as if they were a mirage.

'What kind of footwork is this?' Natalya narrowed her eyes and summoned her icicles as her essence energy surged from out from her body, but before she could even condense them completely, her opponent was already in her range!

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