Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 818 Falling Snow Sect's Recruitmen

While Davis was becoming nostalgic, everyone was looking and anticipating Natalya's answer.

On the martial platform, Natalya felt honored to be praised like this that her thought process slowed down for a second. Only after a second did she come out of her reverie and quickly grabbed Tanya Frostblight's hand.

"I also look forward to exchanging pointers in the future!" Natalya slightly raised her voice and almost stuttered.

Fortunately, she didn't mess up and didn't feel embarrassed as she held Tanya Frostblight's hand.

Tanya Frostblight's smile blossomed as she shook Natalya's hand.

Clasping or cupping hands towards each other is the basic form of respect for cultivators. Shaking or holding each other's hands meant intimacy, whether it was friendship, deep respect, acknowledgment, or a lover's handhold: it still meant that an understanding was reached between the two parties.

Tanya Frostblight's smile faded, replaced with an anxious look, "W-Will you become my... friend?"

Natalya became blank before she grabbed Tanya Frostblight's hand with another hand, "Yes! It's my pleasure!"

Looking at Natalya's smile that blossomed like a lotus flower, Tanya Frostblight momentarily became taken aback before she twisted her hand out of Natalya's grasp and captured her hand only to grab her pinky finger with her own.

"That's a promise, then?"

Natalya hurriedly nodded her head. She never had a friend before, but after battling, the person in front of her seemed to acknowledge her genuinely and even went as so far as to call her an equal.

She felt encouraged, heartened, and elated.

Tanya Frostblight giggled, "We're friends from now on!"


The crowd who were watching their interaction almost in tears while their mouths were slightly agape. Just now, there was a heart-racing and magnificent battle between them. After that, these two ice fairies bonded, giving them a sight for their eyes.

After watching this scene, they felt coming here to witness the unfolding battle between the mysterious Conferred Queen and the two major powers that were worth it!

By now, they were all aware of the story behind this battle exchange, as there seemed to be people who intentionally spread the news around the crowd.

"Everyone..." A calm and serene voice suddenly echoed, garnering everyone's attention.

It was none other than Elder Enye who hovered in the airspace.

"There seemed to be a dangerous situation a while ago, but as everyone can see, the truth couldn't be any clear."

That's right!

The truth about the command to kill Natalya couldn't be any more clear. Although they felt like this, not a single one of them dare to voice out their opinion.

Elder Enye didn't bother about them and turned to look at Natalya, her pupils flashing with an ecstatic glint.

"I, Elder Enye, on behalf of the Falling Snow Sect, would like you to join us as a top disciple of the Falling Snow Sect."

Natalya became shocked and confused.

Didn't she just preemptively reject, stating that she would like to be with her husband? Why was she being recruited now?

Furthermore, it wasn't just Elder Enye who was recruiting her but the Elder Enye, who represents the whole of Falling Snow Sect in order to recruit her! What kind of regard was this?

Natalya felt a chill on her back and was about to forcefully decline when she was interrupted!

"Your rejection is already in my comprehension. However, the talent you displayed is far too blinding that this elder is unable to forget or just leave it be when witnessed. I'm sure that the Elders and the Grand Elders of the Falling Snow Sect would have the same opinion on you as soon as they observe your talent." Elder Enye gently smiled.

While Natalya didn't know what to say, the person in front of her visibly became ecstatic.

"Is that right!? Natalya can become a top disciple of the Falling Snow Sect!? Yes!!" She screamed but then became confused.

"Wait for a second... How can it be? Natalya is already married. Doesn't the rules of Falling Snow Sect states that people who are married to outsiders cannot become a sect disciple or an elder?"

"That's right..." Elder Enye didn't deny, "That's why I decided to make an exception and also recruit Alchemist Davis Loret and Evelynn Loret, who obviously doesn't train in Ice Laws. This way, all three of them will enter and belong to the Falling Snow Sect."

"Ha! Poaching my subordinate right in front of my face. You got some nerve..." Princess Isabella shook her head and giggled as if she wasn't concerned.

"I'm aware of my impudence and the foolishness I'm committing, Conferred Queen. However, Natalya's talent is just too terrifying, and it would be a waste for her to not enter the Falling Snow Sect and use its resources. I do not doubt the Conferred Queen's ability to nurture talent, but I am confident that my Falling Snow Sect will be able to nurture Natalya's talent in Ice Laws to a tremendous degree!"

Princess Isabella smiled. She didn't doubt Elder Enye's point.

After all, even if a potent seed were to be planted in a nutritionless environment, it is still a trash seed! Even if it manages to grow, it would still be weak and could only compare to the other normal seeds that grew along with it.

However, if that same potent seed were to be planted in fertile and nutritious soil, the number of times it would grow would be greater than the normal seeds that were planted together with it!

This was also one of the reasons why Davis's group and Princess Isabella came here rather than to grow in the Grand Sea Continent, where they only had access to limited resources consisting of two restricted immortal Inheritances.

"As a top disciple, Natalya will have the best treatment entitled for disciples there is, and she will also become a candidate for the position of the Sect Master in the future!"

Elder Enye clasped her hand and slightly bowed as if asking the Conferred Queen to ignore this transgression.

"Hmph!" Princess Isabella just harrumphed and didn't bother to reply.

"Alchemist Davis, if you truly care about your wife, Natalya, then you must know what is best for her future!" Elder Enye sternly spoke.

Davis produced a resplendent smile on his face. It was as if he could not be any happier to be invited by a major power like the Falling Snow Sect, but the words he spoke almost made people aware that he is certainly a madman.

"It is wonderful to see that Natalya's talent bought us two tickets into the Falling Snow Sect, but I wonder, how many couples have you people separated for a retarded reason such as 'If you care for her future, you will forget about her.'?"

Not only did Davis repeat her sentence, but he also did it with her posture and accent.

Elder Enye's brows furrowed as she felt mocked.

"You... Don't talk nonsense..." Tanya Frostblight frowned, but her words were as if she didn't even have confidence in her words.

Davis inclined his head and looked at Tanya Frostblight, "As perceptive as you are, do you really think that all sects are that nice? Sometimes, they might even kill off the party who was left behind to make the one who joined cast aside their weakness."

Tanya Frostblight's lips quivered, wanting to refute, but she took a step back and became pale, unable to deny his words.

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