Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 690 Ch 690: Ancestral Martial Bloodline

"You said you are Ye Xiao?"

Inside a big hall, at the seat of the leader was sitting a middle-aged man. On his left and right were a series of high-end chairs. These were for the elders of the Tong Family who were also present at the moment, looking at the young man standing in the middle of the hall.

Ye Xiao was brought here by the guards. Along the way, he heard from the guard that the old man Tong is severally wounded and needed many years to heal and recover. No one has seen the old man Tong in the past ten years.

As for Tong Nian, the guard refused to say anything. He said if the patriarch wants, he'll tell Ye Xiao and if the patriarch doesn't want, Ye Xiao will never know where Tong Nian is.

He also told Ye Xiao that the patriarch and other elders were originally talking about an important topic. Now that Ye Xiao has come, he'll be presented in front of all the elders and patriarch of the Tong Family.

According to the guard, it was very tiring, burdensome, and gruelling standing in front of the patriarch and the elders. He was gloating in his heart and wanted to see how Ye Xiao will react.

As for Ye Xiao, he didn't think anything. With his strength, there was no need for him to think too much. He can deal with any situation in the Upper Realm. He was able to escape under the eyes of a Ruler, what can these Dao Manifestation Realm martial artists do?

"Yes, I am!" Ye Xiao replied indifferently.

He already knew that Tong Nian was Tong Family's current patriarch's daughter, however, the relationship between the two of them was not good.

When the old man Tong supported Ye Xiao's master, not a single person from the Tong Family come forward to support him. At that time, Old Man Tong was greatly disappointed. His own son did not come forward to support his father, this made him think that his life was worthless and he failed to do a meaningful thing in his life.

It was at that time when Tong Nian, his granddaughter come forward and told him that she was with him. She even went to the Lower Realm with her grandfather just to support him and her Grandpa Wang who has doted on her since her childhood even though he was not her grandfather by blood and was only the best friend of her Grandfather.

The patriarch of the Tong Family looked at Ye Xiao's indifferent face and was surprised a little. Ye Xiao's temperament attracted not only his but all the elders' attention as well. He was exuding an entirely different aura than what they had thought of before.

When Tong Nian and the old man Tong returned to the Tong Family, upon being asked, Tong Nian recounted a few of her experiences. She had also told the, about Ye Xiao being the only disciple of her Grandpa Wang. About ten years ago, before Tong Nina left, she had left a letter with the patriarch, telling him if Ye Xiao ever come to look for her, he'll have to give that letter to Ye Xiao.

Because Ye Xiao come from the Lower Realm, they looked down on him. According to them, anyone from the Lower Realm is not qualified to step foot in the Tong Family.

However, since it was what Tong Nian wanted, they still called Ye Xiao to the main hall of the Tong Family. They also wanted to see how this disciple of a great alchemist really is. They didn't expect Ye Xiao to remain indifferent in front of them, as if they are not Dao Manifestation Realm old men but ordinary people without any cultivation base.

Tong Nian's father took a deep breath and waved his hand as a piece of folded paper appeared in his hand. Although this paper was folded, no one could open it because there was an extremely small layer of formation on this piece of folded paper. This formation was to prevent others from opening it and reading the content inside.

Ye Xiao recognized this formation. If forcefully opened, the formation will destroy the piece of paper immediately. If one wants to open the folded paper to read the content inside, one has to first break the formation. But if one were to break it forcefully, it'll destroy the paper.

If one wants to break the formation, they'll have to break it with the right process. Of course, if it is the person to whom this paper is meant to be given, the formation will disappear on its own.

Ye Xiao was the person this paper was meant to be given. When Ye Xiao took it and dripped a drop of his blood, the formation disappeared on its own.

After that, Ye Xiao opened the paper and started reading whatever was written inside. The more he read, the more surprised he become.

It turned out that when Tong Nian was on the Lower Realm, she was in disguise and that was not her real face. Also, at that time, she was already an Early Stage Immortal Emperor Realm martial artist. Her cultivation talent was extremely high.

After returning to the Upper Realm, her cultivation sky-rocket because of her extremely high cultivation talent as well as the resources provided by the family. She is the only daughter of the patriarch of the Tong Family. Whatever resources she wanted, it was presented to her.

Because of this, in just a hundred years, she continuously broke through in cultivation and become a Middle Dao Body Stage martial artist of the Dao Manifestation Realm. This speed of cultivation was one of its own kind.

However, something happened ten years ago. Ten years ago, a young lady descended from the sky. She said that she is a Worldly Divine Lord and has come from the Divine Realm to look for an anomaly. However, she discovered Tong Nian and discovered that Tong Nian has the blood of her family. She told Tong Nian that Tong Nian has a very powerful bloodline called the Ancestral Martial Bloodline that only a member of the Ancestral Martial Clan can possess.

According to that lady, the Ancestral Martial Clan is one of the ancient families and is located in the Upper Realm. The most powerful person in this family is already an Ancient God. As for what this Ancient God meant, Tong Nian didn't know at that time.

She was extremely shocked when she heard that she possess a bloodline called Ancestral Martial Bloodline that only the people of Ancestral Martial Family could possess. Later, she asked her father what is going on. Of course, that lady was also confused and asked the patriarch of the Tong Family how is it possible for Tong Nian to possess the Ancestral Martial Bloodline.

Although this bloodline is not awakened yet because of another low level bloodline flowing inside her body that obviously belongs to Tong Family, it couldn't be denied that Tong Nian does possess the Ancestral Martial Bloodline.

After being asked by her daughter continuously, the patriarch finally revealed a truth that he had hidden in his heart for hundreds of years.

It turned out that Tong Nian's mother belong to the Ancestral Martial Clan. A few hundred years ago, she fell from the sky with extremely terrifying injuries. It was Tong Nian's father who saved her by consuming a lot of resources. Later, the two of them fell in love and married, and gave birth to Tong Nian.

However, fearing that her family members might come down to look for her and discover her daughter and husband, she left the Tong Family and went back to the Divine Realm. She did not want her husband and daughter to be killed just because they belong to the Upper Realm.

Just as the people of Upper Realm look down on the people of Lower Realm, the same goes for the people of Divine Realm. They also look down on the people of the Upper Realm.

When Tong Nian come to know the truth, she was stunned and extremely angry at the same time. It is because her father always told her that her mother has died when she was still a child.

Later, the young lady wanted to take Tong Nian away. She can't let a person with Ancestral Martial Bloodline stay in the Upper Realm. Any person who possesses the Ancestral Martial Bloodline must belong to the Ancestral Martial Clan.

Tong Nian agreed to go with her because she wanted to see her mother. But she wanted to stay here and wait for Ye Xiao to come back and meet him at least one time. But the lady obviously doesn't want to stay.

Tong Nian's grandfather wanted to pursue that young lady to stay for a few years but he was badly injured by her. After that, she only gave Tong Nian the time to write a letter, and then she herself laid down a formation on the letter.

Tong Nian gave the letter to her father, telling him to give the letter to Ye Xiao when he'll come looking for her. She wanted to wait for him but couldn't wait because of the circumstances.

After that, she was forcefully brought to the Divine Realm by the young lady of Ancestral Martial Clan.

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