Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 762 Ch 762: Seeing Wen Xiang Again

The BOOK OF LIFE was sealed inside the Stone Table in such a way that clearly showed the previous owner's solid intention of not letting anyone find and get the BOOK OF LIFE.

The beautiful lady had also told him that the BOOK OF LIFE is a natural treasure born from the Law and Profound Meaning of Life. It was neither created nor written by anyone.

Ye Xiao had high expectations from the BOOK OF LIFE, however, he still has to wait for a long time before he could get his hands on the BOOK OF LIFE once again.


Half an hour later, Ye Xiao was standing in front of the magnificent palace. Two black dragons were standing at the main entrance of the Palace. These two black dragons were looking at the sky. These two dragons were just stone sculptures but looked very lifelike.

There was no one to stop Ye Xiao, so he directly opened the main gate and passed through it, stepping into a long grass field. This grass field was about a hundred meters long, and at its end, six pillars in the pair of two stood tall and supported a small balcony of the palace above.

There was a round fountain on the left side, small but a long line of flowers on the right side, and a dried-up lake fifty meters away from the flowers.

Ye Xiao entered the palace without wasting any time enjoying the scenery outside. He passed through the long corridor, passed through many rooms and turns, and finally arrived at the main hall of the palace. However, the source of the extraordinarily sharp aura was nowhere to be seen.

In the main hall, instead of thrones and other luxurious stuff, only the corpses of Sky Ghosts could be seen. These corpses were the same as what Ye Xiao and others had seen after just entering the Ancient Ruin. These corpses were well preserved even after many eras, not a single corpse had started rotting. From this alone, one can easily guess that the strength of these people was not low at all when they were alive. They were at least Exalted Rulers or above.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao carefully observed the main hall. He didn't find anything else other than the corpses.

Letting out a sigh, Ye Xiao shook his head and turned to another passage. This passage led him straight once again, and when he crossed the long passage, he arrived in front of a huge room.

This room was huge and the gate has some sort of mechanism setup. There were four chains hanging down from the top of the gate. And at the bottom of the gate, there were three chain-sized holes. From this, Ye Xiao guessed that he has to insert three chains in the three holes below, however, there among these four chains, there is one chain that was of no use.

However, exactly that chain is the main issue here.

What will happen if he inserted the wrong chain inside the hole?

Well, aside from these chains, there were two dragons carved on both sides of the gate. These dragons were facing each other. Everything about these two dragons was perfect other than their eyes. Their eyes seemed to be empty. Maybe, he needed some sort of materials or keys to insert into the dragons' eyes.

And aside from these two, there was a formation on the gate named Three-lock Formation. To Ye Xiao, breaking this formation was not an issue.

Ye Xiao then thought of first looking for the keys to insert in the dragons' eyes before touching this gate. Otherwise, who knows what will happen!

Since there was no point in standing in front of the gate, Ye Xiao immediately released his Divine Sense to look for the source of Extraordinary Aura that he was feeling for a while now.

Very soon, he sensed something and walked towards it, and ended up in front of a wall. He could sense the extraordinary aura from the other side of the wall, but the question was, is there really a path on the other side.

"Whatever! I'll just check it out!"

Thinking like this, Ye Xiao immediately punched the wall. A loud explosive sound echoed out but the wall didn't break. The material that the wall was made up of was really something. Ye Xiao was unable to even leave behind a single scratch on the wall.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao took out the Dark Star Blade and used his full strength to slash down once again. A sharp blade's light flashed and the next instant, an arc of light exuding a terrifying aura appeared, slashing down the wall once again.

This time, a small crack appeared on the wall. This attack used Ye Xiao's 100% strength but only a small crack appeared. Ye Xiao laughed bitterly and sat down cross-legged to recover his spirit energy.

It is impossible to recover the lost spirit energy outside the Dragon Temple for some reason, however, inside the Dragon Temple, this was not the case. He could feel dense spirit energy in the air. It took him just half an hour to recover his spirit energy and he once again slashed down on the crack. He continued to do this three more times before a small part of the wall crumbled down and a new path appeared in front of Ye Xiao.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao went past the hole in the wall. Then he turned back to look at the hole, however, he was shocked to see that the wall was no longer there. This place has become more like an underground cave. This shocked him.

The change in the scenery was too sudden.

But he was shocked not for too long, for the extraordinary aura he was sensing has become sharper and more profound. Ye Xiao could tell that the source of this extraordinary aura should not be too far away from where he was standing.

Suddenly, he heard quite a number of people making a ruckus.

"What's going on? Could it be that there are people here?" Ye Xiao's expression changed when he heard the sound of people. He couldn't believe that there were people present at this place.

How is this possible?

He immediately walked along the path to see what was going on. When he walked closer, he also heard the conversation inside.

"Brother Wen Xiang, not good! That beast has gone mad! Run!"

"Damn it, why would a Blood Moon Wolf that's comparable to a Martial Ancestor Realm martial artist appear here?"

"It's over, we won't be able to get out of this place, we still have to die here."

In the cave, frantic voices continuously sounded out. Ye Xiao observed from afar and did not reveal himself immediately.

After observing for a while, he roughly understood the situation. And when he saw the face of that Brother Wen Xiang, he was shocked. He never expected to see a familiar face in this place.

There were a total of five people here. And the so-called Brother Wen Xiang was actually the Wen Xiang of the Profound Star Sect of Azure Dragon Country at the Azure Sky Continent in the Lower Realm.

This Wen Xiang was the grandson of the Sect Master of the Profound Star Sect and his second friend ever to appear other than Lin Hao. He met Wen Xiang when he was participating in the First Round of the competition organized by the combined forces of the Five Great Sects and the Imperial Family.

He didn't know how these people appeared here. And the most important, how did Wen Xiang appear here? He was clearly in the Lower Realm and Ye Xiao could see his cultivation base was also at the Martial Emperor Realm.

Ye Xiao didn't have time to stay shocked. He saw the five of them running in a hurry to save their lives, and the Blood Moon Wolf with its ferocious aura had no intention of letting them go either.

Looking at this scene, a pretty lady among the five people with a face full of despair said, "It's over. I'm afraid this time we will die here."

The moment the woman's words came out, despair immediately spread throughout the five people. Only Wen Xiang still stared fixedly at the Blood Moon Wolf, unwilling to sit still and wait for death.

"Don't talk nonsense. If we fight back with all our might, even if all of us can't escape, at least one or two of us can still leave this godforsaken place alive!" Another person took a deep breath and said loudly.

The other people were also on alert. Although their faces were completely pale, the light in their eyes didn't turn dim due to despair. Ye Xiao could still see the hope of survival in their eyes.

Who would want to die if they have even the tiniest bit of hope to stay alive?

These five people were the same. They wanted to live and return to the place from where they've come.

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