Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 771 Ch 771: Golden Crow Bloodline

"I and many of my brothers didn't want to stay inside this Pocket Dimension for our lifetime. Before that red-haired lady entered the Pocket Dimension, we could enter and exit at our will, but to not let the Ancient Samsara God discover our existence, she sealed the Pocket Dimension. From that day onward, people could only enter but not exit. If they want to leave the Pocket Dimension, they must first unseal her sword. Only then the seal on the Pocket Dimension will be lifted and people could leave on their will once again."

"Although she did this out of good intention, in the end, it became torture for us, Golden Crows. We wanted to leave so one day, I and many of my brothers made a decision. We decided to dive into the river and bring the sword out. However, we overestimated ourselves and our strengths. Moreover, we were not permitted by the red-haired lady to take the sword out. In the end, we were trapped inside the river and started dying one by one as the years passed."

"If you are here to bring the sword of Red-haired Lady out, I hope you bring our remains out as well and give them to my fellow brothers outside. And to return the favour, I've left behind my blood essence that is stored inside my spatial ring. After refining my blood essence, anyone could obtain the Golden Crow Bloodline."

When Ye Xiao heard all these things, a smile appeared on his face. His trip to this place could be said to be worth it. He managed to obtain the Golden Crow Bloodline now. With this bloodline, his strength will increase even more quickly. And if he managed to bring it out and obtained it, he'll really benefit a lot.

He hurriedly looked at the skeleton and found the spatial ring. He looked inside the spatial ring and saw a small bottle filled with golden blood that was burning fiercely. But the bottle was made of special material. So, no matter how high the temperature of the Blood Essence was, the bottle didn't melt.

Without wasting his time, Ye Xiao immediately took out the Blood Essence and swallowed it. Instantly, he felt that his whole body was burning, as if he had been thrown into a furnace!

This feeling was exactly the same as the evolution of the Nine Sun Divine Body to the Nine Sun Eternal Body.


Soon, Ye Xiao cursed out loud because the Blood Essence of Golden Crow was too overbearing, much more than the Nine Sun Eternal Body. The two of them couldn't be compared at all. The value and might of the two of them are a world apart.

Hiss, Hiss, Hiss...

In the Ye Family, Ye Xiao had created countless cultivation techniques and martial arts skills. Each one of them was marvellous. He had also created many ice and water attribute cultivation techniques.

Because the temperature inside his body was too high and he felt like burning alive, Ye Xiao started circulating a water-attributed cultivation technique to counter the rising intense fire inside his body, causing steams to appear.

The steam was like a huge dragon, sweeping towards the sky!

The power of the Golden Crow Blood was very powerful. If it wasn't for the fact that he was circulating a water-attributed cultivation technique that is a natural counter of fire, he wouldn't have been able to suppress it.

Without this technique, Ye Xiao felt that he would have been burnt to ashes if he by now.

Two hours later, the Golden Crow Blood Essence was gradually absorbed into his body. His eyes slowly opened and golden light flashed.

A red mark appeared on his forehead. It was different from Sun Wheel Mark. This mark was a Golden Crow with flames burning all over its body.


Ye Xiao took a deep breath and revealed a smile on his face. He has finally refined the Golden Crow Blood Essence and obtained the Bloodline of the Golden Crow. Now, he has Nine Sun Eternal Body and Golden Crow Bloodline. Both of them are fire-attributed. And because of this, his affinity with fire rose to the highest level.

At this moment, his body was completely different from before. He possessed the Golden Crow bloodline, and even if he didn't have a single ounce of Spirit Energy, an ordinary Martial God would still not be a match for him!

"It's time to look for that sword!"

Ye Xiao muttered, and the first thing he did was to store the skeleton inside his spatial ring. Then he left the ship-shaped house and looked toward the deep trench. Now, with the addition of the Golden Crow Bloodline, he has gained another layer of confidence.

The extraordinary sharp aura coming out from the sword made the current Ye Xiao feel threatened. But he was not worried. Unlike the people of the Golden Crow Ancient Race, Ye Xiao was sent here by the red-haired lady of the Sky Ghost Race. So, he should be able to take out the sword.

,m Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao dived into the trench. The space inside the trench was completely dark. He couldn't see even a few inches in front of him. But the next moment, his body started burning with Golden Flame as a Golden Crow mark appeared on his forehead.


A terrifying screech of a bird echoed inside the trench as the golden flame burning on Ye Xiao's body suddenly turned into a Golden Crow and looked down the trench. Maybe, it understood what Ye Xiao wanted since it was now a part of Ye Xiao's body, it suddenly flapped the pair of burning wings, and in the next instant, two rows of flames spread down from two directions, lighting up the entire trench.

It has to know that this was a river trench. It was completely filled with water, however, even so, the flame continued to burn without any problem. Ye Xiao soon found out what he was looking for. He saw a sphere of light about 500 meters in front of him.

One could imagine the fright of this River Trench. This was a sphere of light but in this trench, it was completely drowned by darkness. Ye Xiao was only 500 meters away but he was unable to see it.

Just how terrifying the darkness here was?

And the most important, what is the reason behind this darkness?

Ye Xiao didn't think much. Taking a deep breath, he continued diving and soon arrived in front of the sphere of light. This Sphere Of Light was five times bigger than Ye Xiao. From outside, he couldn't see anything.

"Is it the barrier stopping people from entering and getting the Sword?"

Ye Xiao looked at the sphere of light and thought. He also guessed that he might need to prove that he was sent by the red-haired lady if he wanted to pass the barrier.

But the question was... How would he prove it?

The red-haired lady didn't give him anything. She only told him to enter the palace and bring back the sword.

Shaking his head, Ye Xiao extended his hand. Since there was nothing on him that could prove he was sent by the red-haired lady, he would simply try to enter. And if he couldn't enter, he would think of some other ways, otherwise, he would be trapped inside the river just like the Golden Crow from before.

The moment Ye Xiao touched the sphere of light, he felt like someone held his hand tight. No matter how hard he struggled, he was unable to take back his hand. As he was getting anxious, he saw traces of a horrifying aura bursting out from his hand.

"This aura?"

This aura was too terrifying for the current Ye Xiao to bear, but for some reason, it was always on his hand and he was completely unaware of this fact.

He could never forget this aura because it belonged to the red-haired lady.

When she appeared in front of Ye Xiao before and burst out with her terrifying aura, Ye Xiao felt the pressure he had never felt before. And the same pressure once again appeared.

Fortunately, it soon disappeared and along with the terrifying aura, the sphere of light also started disappearing. To be more accurate, a small portion of the sphere of light disappeared, revealing a hole for Ye Xiao to enter.

Ye Xiao didn't waste his time and entered the hole. Then he turned back, only to see that hole was once again covered by the light.

"When did she leave her aura on my body?"

Ye Xiao couldn't help but think. When the red-haired lady left her aura on him, he didn't even know, neither did he feel her aura all this while.

This was too terrifying.

"Is this the power of a God?"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao shook his head and started observing his surroundings.

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