Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 777 Ch 777: Red Heaven Sword (3)

The sword was flying at an extremely fast speed. Ye Xiao's speed was nowhere enough to catch up to the sword. He could only follow the trail of the sword helplessly and move forward.

No matter what, he couldn't let the sword disappear.

Very soon, he arrived in front of a tower that looked exactly the same as the Dragon Temple. The sword was hovering above the tower and was flashing with intense red light. At the same time, a humming sound was coming out from the sword. It was as if the sword was trying to communicate with something or someone inside the tower.

The Leader and other elders were shocked. They looked at the sword hovering in the air carefully and with interest. They were so lost in observing the sword that they didn't even notice when Ye Xiao arrived here.

Not long after Ye Xiao came here, Huang Wentian also arrived.

Ye Xiao looked at the sword and couldn't help but shout at it: "You, come here. You should know that you are my responsibility as long as I don't hand you over to your master. Come here now, hurry up!"

Ye Xiao's childish shout alarmed everyone. They turned their heads and looked at Ye Xiao in surprise. They didn't expect the human that their Leader sent Huang Wentian to fetch was a 13 years old child. What is more, this child was actually shouting at the Guardian Weapon of their Sky Ghost Race, telling it to return and it was his responsibility as long as he doesn't return the Red Heaven Sword to its master.

Wait a moment...

Return to its master...

The Leader and everyone else's eyes moved. They looked at Ye Xiao all at once, almost frightening Ye Xiao. He was not scared, he was just startled when facing so many people suddenly looking at him.

The Leader stepped forward at this moment and said, "Little fellow, let me introduce myself first. I'm the current Leader of the Sky Ghost Race. My name is Su Yanghao. We, the Sky Ghost Race, have been hiding in this pocket dimension for eons. The time difference between the pocket dimension and the outside world is very far apart. One year inside the pocket dimension is equal to a hundred thousand years outside. Because of some rules of the Pocket Dimension, no matter how much we cultivate, our strength doesn't increase at all."

"I'm telling you so much only because you just said that the Red Heaven Sword is your responsibility until you return it to its original master. Do you mean that you've met our Young Lady?"

Ye Xiao was surprised. He had already guessed that the rules of this pocket dimension might be similar to the pocket dimension where the Golden Crow Race lives, however, he was still surprised when he found out that this really was the case.

Moreover, he didn't expect them to talk about the owner of the sword.

'So, this sword's name is Red Heaven!'

Ye Xiao muttered in his heart and then replied: "If you are talking about the Red-haired Lady who told me to bring this sword to her, then yes, I've met her!"

When the people of the Sky Ghost Race heard Ye Xiao saying 'Red-haired Lady', they immediately became excited. They knew that it really was their Young Lady. And since Ye Xiao had met her, it means she was still alive.


"If she is alive, then why hasn't she returned to us yet? Also, why did she send you to bring the sword back to her? Was the sword somewhere inside this space, but we have looked for the Red Heaven Sword for eons without finding even a single trace of it."

Ye Xiao looked at their anxious faces and knew if he didn't answer them and clear their doubts, they'll keep pestering him. Taking a deep breath, he told them everything, from the moment he met the Red-haired Lady to the moment when he opened the Gate and meet the Golden Crow Ancient Race, and finally, when he obtained the Red Heaven Sword, Ye Xiao told them everything.

He also told them what the leader of the Golden Crow Ancient Race told him about the Red-haired Lady sealing the sword because she has hidden something inside the sword that can give her the chance to live once again.

When the people of the Sky Ghost Race heard Ye Xiao telling him that the current Red-haired Lady was neither dead nor alive, they showed a painful and sad expression, however, when they come to know that the Red-haired Lady could live once again relying on something hidden in the sword, they once again became excited.

They began discussing something among themselves. On the other hand, Ye Xiao looked at the Red Heaven Sword that was still hovering in the sky, and once again shouted: "I told you to come here. Hurry up!"

The sword trembled and a humming sound echoed in the air, causing people to feel as if their ears were going to tear apart. They started bleeding from their ears and Ye Xiao was not an exception. Everyone including him put their hands to their ears, trying to close them and not let the humming sound of the sword enter their ears.

After some time, the sword stopped humming, it shone with another wave of intense red light and directly shot inside the Tower.

"This is...?"

Ye Xiao was surprised. Now, he had another guess in his heart. He looked at the leader and asked: "Is there something closely related to the Red Heaven Sword inside the Tower?"

The Leader took a deep breath and looked at all the people who were waiting for him to respond. He sighed and nodded his head, saying: "No one knows about this. Only I know and I have kept this fact a secret for many eons. I didn't expect to reveal it today here!"

These words of the Leader attracted the attention of everyone present. They didn't know that their Leader was hiding something very important from them. This caused them to become very curious. They now wanted to know what their Leader had hidden from them for eons.

"Leader, what is it. Please tell us!"

"Yes, Leader. To be able to cause the Red Heaven Sword to act and directly enter the Tower, there must be a huge secret hidden inside. You also told us that you've been hiding this secret from us for eons. Now, it is time to reveal the secret."

"We are waiting, Leader. Please tell us!"

The Leader sighed when he heard the elders' words. If possible, he still wanted to hide everything from them. However, the current situation didn't allow him to hide anything from the crowd.

Taking a deep breath, he started saying: "The rules of this pocket dimension are strange. No matter how much time passes, it'll have no effect on us. That's why the newborn babies eons ago are still newborn babies. Even our cultivation bases are the same."

"Actually, before we escaped from the Ancient Samsara God and entered this Pocket Dimension, I was fighting along with our patriarch. I was badly injured by the Ancient Samsara God and almost died back then. Patriarch saved me by risking his life, but my cultivation regressed because of the heavy injuries. Now, I'm just a Dao Tribulation Realm martial artist."

"Sigh! As I said before, to save me, Patriarch risked his life, causing him to suffer heavy wounds under the attacks of Ancient Samsara God. When the patriarch was on the brink of his death, the Young Lady appeared and started fighting. This gave me the chance to escape with all of you."

"When the young lady arrived, she gave me a formation plate and told me to escape with her father, the Patriarch. I secretly brought the patriarch here first, to the highest floor that is the Eighth Floor of this tower. I tried many methods to wake him up but failed. Our Patriarch had fallen into a deep sleep and was not going to wake up anytime soon. But if left like that, he would have definitely died. So, I used the formation plate given to me by the Young Lady and activated it. This formation plate created a barrier and sealed our Patriarch inside. The patriarch is still in deep slumber."

"Well, after the formation plate sealed the patriarch inside, I returned and brought all of you with me to this pocket dimension. I don't know what happened after that and how the Pocket Dimension ended up inside the secret space of the Dragon Temple. I also don't know how the Sky Ghost Palace also ended up thrown inside this secret space of the Dragon Temple, but I guess, it must be the doing of the Young Lady. She did it to keep all of us safe."

"Anyway, after I brought you all back, I wanted to tell you guys about the patriarch, however, after thinking for some time, I decided the opposite. I then sealed the Eighth Floor completely, causing the tower only to have Seven Floors."

"Now, the Red Heaven Sword has arrived here. It means that it must have sensed the existence of our Patriarch. Our Patriarch was the master of Red Heaven Sword before Young Lady. Red Heaven Sword has a deep connection with our master. As far as I can think of, it must have gone to save the patriarch!"

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