Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 533: Gauging heart

Chapter 533: Gauging heart

“Haha, brother look at this woman behaving all mighty in front of us, she thinks that she can kill the reaper brothers who are very infamous for killing, and of course, we are pretty famous for devouring the essence of maidens just like you, but I like this kind of attitude, I like women your caliber, both of you sure going to satisfy us on the bed,” one of the old men said and another old man smirk as he heard his brothers words.

Hearing those words aella took a deep sigh and the next moment she took a few steps toward those two old men,aira took a deep sigh as she saw a different expression on aella’s face.

“Tell me about the river shore city…”aella halted her movement right in front of those two old men and she looked into their eyes with killing intent.

“What are you going to do if i…”


“I will rip your heart just like that if you waste my precious time”aella thrust her right hand into that old man’s heart and gauge out his heart in an instant, the old man’s eyes popped out the moment he saw his own heart beating in aella’s grasp, he was in disbelief and soon he falls on the ground.

The other old man freaked out as he saw his brother’s lifeless body laying over the ground in his blood pool and the women in front of him radiating a killing aura. He felt a chill all over his body, his heart sunk knowing these two are not normal women.

“Where is the river shore city, this is your last chance, think about it carefully before uttering any words, otherwise you are going to join him in hell”aella turned her head in the direction of the other old man and said those words in an utmost cold manner.

The old man gasped and the instant he peed in his pants seeing those furious expressions on aella’s face, she was looking scary and serious,aira remained calm as she saw lady aella gauging the heart of that old man.

“Please don’t kill me, I was wrong my lady, I was blind that I didn’t recognize that you are a cultivator, I don’t wanna die, I will tell everything that I know about the river shore city,” that man fell on his knees and pleaded to aella for his life and ready to explain everything that he knew about river shore city.

“Go on, I am listening,”aella said and with those words the surroundings became normal, that old man took a deep sigh and raised his head.

“The river shore city is eight hundred miles from here, I heard lots of weird things happening around that city, most of those weird things related to young master yohan not only he kill lord Nicholas but recently he killed the only heir of the xian clan, things are not good over there, so most of the merchants and other business owner avoiding that city, no one wants to go there out of fear and moreover the city gate is closed from three weeks no one is allowed to enter inside that city, that’s the only thing I know,” the old man said and next moment he took out a map from his spatial ring And handed to aella.

“This map will help you to reach there,” he handed over that map with a shaky hand,aella took the map with a bloody hand and looked at it carefully.

“Very well then, I decided to spare your life, you could save him if you handed the map earlier or told me about the direction of that place, we could avoid the casualties”aella said as she looked at that old man with a smile, seeing that smile the old man felt chill in his entire body and his gaze went to the body who is laying over the ground, that old man feel like throwing up seeing the condition of the corpse.

“Let’s go aira,”aella said as she looked at aira, hearing aella’s words aira nodded her head, and the next moment both of them disappeared like a ghost leaving that old man in a daze.

“She killed him instantly like he was nothing in front of her, she killed her like a mere insect, what kind of monster she is, the women behind her didn’t flinch as killing is no big deal for her as she witness something more heinous and cruel in her life, what in the world these two doing inside this northern region and why are they want to meet that other monster who killed lord Nicholas and the heir of xian clan shaking the entire royal family,” the old man muttered to himself, his face was dark and pale, his heartbeat was irregular seeing the blood on the ground.

Meanwhile, two figures could be seen flying in a particular direction, both of them were aella and aira who were making their way to the river shore city.

“My lady, why are you looking so lost, is something bothering you, I know this is not related to that old man whom you killed, there is something else bothering you, “aira asked as she looked at aella.

“Yohan…it is related to yohan, the way that old man explaining about him, he is looking somewhat afraid of him, Nicholas and that heir of the xian clan might be related to the big faction and he killed them in cold blood, that old man even mention about the royal family, he is roaming free after offending the royal family, what kind of person is my nephew is,at first i didn’t gave too much thought but my heart is feeling something else thinking about him, I can’t wait to see him,”aella responded to aira as she explains what is going on her head, seeing those expressions on aella’s face aira took a deep sigh.

“No matter how powerful he is, he is nothing in front of you, no one ever lives to see another day after fighting you my lady, you are one of the six warlords who is capable of destroying anything that came to your path, he will be on his knees in front of you, “aira exclaimed as she looked at aella and said those words to her,aira has a different expression on her face as she told those things to aella.

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