Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1022 Hunt

Chapter 1022 Hunt

Emery decided to cut the talking short for obvious reasons. Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly stated what he was here for to the demon wolf.

"Senior Heorgar, I heard that you comprehend the Law of Devour... I think I am too" Standing with his back straight, Emery ask. "Can you please guide me?"

The demon wolf didn't immediately respond and remained quiet for a while. It looked like he wasn't surprised by Emery's sudden request. Rather, it seemed as if he had expected it. But then, his expression looked as if he had just heard a piece of terrible news.

Putting his hand on Emery's shoulder, Heorgar was silent for a moment before saying, "Don't worry. I will help you."

Although he was happy that his request was accepted, Emery couldn't help but wonder about the expression Heorgar had before agreeing.

Now that the matter was determined, the demon wolf then proceeded to take a few days of leave from his duty, before taking Emery away with him. In the meantime, realizing it will be a wolf thing, Klea and Shena would return to Zodiac City and wait there.

Contrary to Emery's expectations, the demon wolf did not take him to other planets. Instead, they entered the dense forest located just outside the barracks and made their way into its depths.

"Follow me." Heorgar said before he activated his transformation ability, turning into a pitch-black wolf. In the next instant, his form shot into the dense line of trees.

Seeing that the man had dashed away, Emery quickly used [Night Transformation] and followed him into the forest. The grass and bushes swayed as the two of them made their way through the woodland.

Emery tried his best not to be left behind by the wolf chieftain as the latter continued to run. Somehow, the two hours of running after the man felt refreshing to him. However, Heorgar did not take him just for a stroll.


The demon wolf suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned towards Emery, and said, "Can you sense it? Up there over the hill."

While in wolf form, Emery's five senses were greatly enhanced, becoming more sensitive. Hence, he didn't even need to use Spirit Reading to tell that there was a powerful beast on the hill the demon wolf pointed to.

In an even tone, the wolf chieftain said, "Let me see you devour that beast."

Having somehow expecting this kind of test, Emery nodded his head readily and swiftly dashed towards the hill. A few seconds later, he arrived and found his target. A scary-looking bear 5 meters tall with red-brown fur.

[Mutated Red Bear]

[Magical Beast - level 85]

[Battle power - 180]


It immediately growled when it saw Emery. It was a monstrous creature that would certainly terrorize any normal human who saw it. Unfortunately, this time it was faced against Emery. He didn't even feel the slightest bit of fear facing the bear, as he had already gotten used to fighting creatures of this level when he was previously stranded on the mysterious planet.

The monster swiftly charged towards Emery, every step it took caused the ground to shake. It rushed at breakneck speed, bulldozing through the dozens of trees in its path without a shred of care.

Seeing that, Emery calmly used his innate skill in response.

[Blade Claw]

As sharp claws popped out of his knuckles, Emery moved his body to the side, dodging the lunge at just the right time. He then pounced on the bear's exposed back and thrust his claws into the back of its neck, before continuing to use [Spirit Devour].


As Emery felt energy flowing into his body through his claws, the bear began to shake its body frantically. It even crashed into trees in an attempt to get him off its back. Alas, its struggle was doomed to be in vain as Emery drove his claws deeper, not letting go.

The creature continued to move around chaotically, howling in despair as it slowly and clearly felt its life slipping away. Alas, there was nothing it could do to change its fate apart from roaring its frustration, but even that would soon be a privilege as it kept getting weaker as time went on and Emery devoured more.

Two minutes later, the bear's roar of despair disappeared and its body finally fell, lying half-dead on the ground.

As if he had been present from the start, Heorgar appeared as soon as the bear fell and approached Emery. Looking at the claws the latter had between his knuckles, the wolf chieftain whistled.

"Having a blade on your knuckle sure is convenient. Anyway, sit down and let me check what you've done."

While Emery sitting in the lotus position, he saw Heorgar turn to his second transformation, just like him, tattoos appear from his boys and his skin turns dark red. A moment after the tattoo itself came out of the chief's body and like a tentacle, it swirled around Emery's body.

Emery then can feel his spirit channel tremble and the spirit energy he just took from the beast, who was still floating around his spirit core was pulled away from him.

Magus Heorgar slowly speak

"Following the energy you just devour from the beast, I now know how it was channeled to your spirit core"

Emery now can feel that his spirit core turn trembled and the magus said "Just Relax"

"I have seen the said pillar, I see it's a mess…" The magus stop for a second and said "I am gonna fix it now, do not resist!"

The word certainly worries him, but before he could say anything he can tell the demon wolf was already starting, and emery felt a sudden excruciating pain in his spirit core specifically coming from the pillar.

Strangely he felt a scorching heat, fire elements burning inside of him pulled out of him gradually and a notification came into his mind

[Spirit force decreases]

[Spirit force decreases]

It was like a leaking dam, his spirit force flowing out of him.

"Calm down!" the magus said remind him not to resist

The truth was he was very anxious that things only turn to worst, Emery followed the magus until the pain slowly receded and his spirit core turned to calm once again. The whole process took about an hour but Emery felt as if a day had passed.

Now that The magus was finished he slowly pulled his grasp off him, Emery can see the powerful magus in front of him appear to worn out as well, he looks toward his stat and sees his spirit force was down quite a lot

[Spirit force: 1545 (1522)]

When he checked on his dark core, toward the pillar, unfortunately, the crack was still there but there was no more glowing red at all on the crack all were gray.

"What's going on Senior?"

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