Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1031 Private Training

Chapter 1031 Private Training

Emery had thought of teaching his [36 Dao Divine Sword Technique] to Klea ever since the two of them began to learn [Hexagram Technique]. However, he still contemplated it.

The reason was because he was unsure whether Klea would be able to see the training through to the end, since he actually did not know how much interest she had in the art of the sword. Hence, now that he had seen how serious and keen she was, Emery decided to teach her the technique.

Emery decided to bring Klea back to his spirit cave. He would teach the technique to her there, and when they achieved some progress, they could return to the training facility and fight the wooden puppet to find out the result.

Hearing that the two were going back, Magus Shena naturally followed them along.

Emery and Klea found themselves within the cave. The two of them were sitting across from each other in the lotus position, ready to start the training.

She looked at him with a faint smile hanging on her face, "Now teach me, I'm ready. I'll definitely be your good disciple." She said flirtatiously, in a blatant suggestive tone.

Hearing such words, Emery quickly shook his head. He must be the stronger person here. He had to focus on what they were going to do, so he decided to act as if he didn't hear what she said earlier.

Despite seeing Emery's monk-like reaction, Klea still didn't seem to want to give up.

"If you don't like good, I can be bad too… Really, really bad…"

Emery inwardly heaved a sigh in defeat. It was definitely not easy, being so close in training like this.

With a serious expression on his face, he asked, "Let me see at which stage the Dao have learned until?"

In order for Klea to be able to learn about this particular sword technique of his, the girl must first meet the initial requirement which was a high understanding of the concept of Dao. Thanks to the three weeks with the Eastern Sage, she has made some progress with it..

With a jolly smile, she said, "I am on stage 4."

Emery once again heaved a sigh, this time lamenting how talented the girl was in comparison to himself. The number of instances where the girl was serious could be counted by hand, but when she finally did, it would certainly not take her long to learn all of the Sage divine techniques. She might even be able to do it before Emery can finish his.

With the confirmation that Klea met the requirements to learn the [36 Dao Divine Sword Technique], Emery wasted no more time and started chanting the version of his Dao that helped him make his previous breakthrough. He even gave the girl half of all the Spirit Foundation Pills in his possession to help her further.

"Aaa… Emery, you are so sweet!" said Klea with a wink,

This action of his also caused the girl to cast a mischievous smile at him once again. Seeing that, Emery was forced to do something to prevent the undesirable.

[Jade Wall]

The spell was cast, and a wall quickly rose in the empty space between them and separated the two of them.

"This is something to help us concentrate more," explained Emery from the other side of the wall in haste, so as to make sure there was no possibility of misunderstandings arising between them.

Emery could hear the girl's amused chuckle from the other side of the wall. "If you really think that this wall could stop me, then you are sorely mistaken, Emery."

But just when Emery was afraid that she was going to act on it, Klea stopped and her voice turned serious. "Let's start." Although he was perplexed by the abrupt change, Emery was relieved that she had finally stopped teasing him and started training.

While Klea was learning [Dao Divine Technique], Emery quietly made his way out and went to the herb garden to check on Twik and Chizpur brothers.

He gathered them all and sat close to them before using [One Mind] to communicate with them. However, he did not say or start any conversation. This time, Emery decided to just listen to what they wanted and talk about.

"Kuang Kuang.. Ku Ku…"

A few seconds into overhearing the plant creatures' conversation, Emery discovered that the Chizpur brothers were actually looking forward to another adventure like the one they had in Andora. As for Twik, he came crawling to his arm again and seemed to try to extend his body continuously.

Seeing what he was trying to do, Emery quickly realized that Twik wanted to try their combined skill again. Memories of the skill's impressive display flashed back into Emery's mind.

[Plant Fusion]

It was such an extraordinary skill that allowed Emery to wield a strength comparable to a peak magus. If Emery could master such skill, then wouldn't he need not worry about Kronos champion anymore?

The thought gave him a smile.

Unfortunately, ever since the spirit creatures left his body, Emery seemed to have lost the connection he had with the power within Twik. On the other hand, Twik also didn't have enough spirit energy to perform and sustain such a transformation.

Looking at his plant creature who had been growing so much over the last few months, Emery took out a book from his spatial storage. It was the [Metamorph Theory] given by the Arbor master.

Emery recalled the human-looking plant creature that surrounded the Arbor master at that time. Therefore he gave the book another read, looking for a way to further improve his plant creatures.

After a while, Emery thought of the idea of ​​casting the [Photosynthesis] spell on the plant creatures again. Not only had he gained a lot of spirit force since he nurtured them, he also now had affinity and proficiency in the Light element that he previously lacked.

Emery was hoping that with these two factors, the spell would have a new impact on the creatures. Hence without further ado, he did just that.


He cast the spell on the Twik and Chizpur brothers one by one in turn. Moments later, he could definitely feel some effect on the plant creatures. But at the same time, he knew that he was missing something. Apothecary involvement.

Emery read the book again, delving on the rows of words so deep that he didn't realize that morning light had once again through the cave interior. Reading a lot of apothecary recipes within the text made Emery remember the promise he had not yet fulfilled.

Knowing that Klea's training would take some time, Emery decided to leave the spirit cave for a period of time. Of course, he didn't forget to tell her about his plan.

"I have to go see someone, Klea. I'll be right back."

Emery took an orbiter and swiftly headed towards his destination, to meet the dwarf master at the tempering facility.

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