Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1050 Plant Giant

Chapter 1050 Plant Giant

[Ice Shard]

Numerous ice shards swiftly flew through the air towards the 10 meter tall tree golem. Successive loud noises resounded through the air as the creature was fiercely bombarded and covered in icy mist.

The spell managed to freeze the creature's large trunk-like feet and slowed its speed to a crawl. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Emery bursted into the air and fired the [Dark Matter] spell he had prepared at it.


With a powerful explosion that caused dust to rise everywhere, a large part of its head disappeared turning to ashes. As if it were a doll that had its strings cut off, its massive body collapsed to the ground with a thud.

"Good job, Klea!" Emery complimented her assistance with a smile.

The girl, however, looked a little annoyed as she flashed a sour smile at him.

Both Emery and Klea had been fighting this legendary beast for fifteen minutes now, and the source and reason for the Egyptian Queen's irritation was none other than her performance, or rather her offensive spells. Lightning, wind, ice, water; neither of them were able to damage the legendary creature.

Hence in this fight, she was forced to once again play the supporting role

"Watch out! It's not over yet!" Emery said as he watched the body of the fallen creature slowly get back up, its head gradually returning to its original shape. He was surprised by the fact that it could still use its powerful regeneration ability despite not having its head anymore.

This time, as soon as it stood up, the two large wooden golem's hands sank deep into the ground. The next instant, roots similar to Emery's [Primal Flora] spell came out from the ground. The difference was instead of Emery's measly dozen, the number the creature summoned was in the hundreds.

Hundreds of spear-like spiky roots shot out, attacking Emery and Klea from all sides. Seeing such a lethal attack, the two quickly used their respective defensive spells to block.

[Jade Wall]

[Ice Prison]

Walls of jade and ice rose from the ground, stopping the deadly roots from reaching them.

Even so, the situation still turned into a close-range fight as another wave of roots rushed over, forcing Klea to take out her sword which Emery quickly followed. Twik, who had stayed close to the girl, managed to stop half of the attacks that had slipped past the wall and aimed at her.

Seeing Klea and Twik able to protect themselves, Emery's figure shot forward at high speed as he forced his way and drew closer to the legendary creature. In response to his advance, hundreds of roots shot toward him like a dense swarm of bees.

Emery however has prepared one attack, His sword has channeled powerful dark energy that he swiftly unleashed.

[Shadow Edge]

The air seemed to ripple violently as that dark energy wave cruised forward through the air, destroying all the roots that stood in its path. With nothing threatening his life, Emery cast a [Blink] and appeared on the creature's wide shoulder.

Raising the sword in his hand high into the air, a layer of brilliant light enveloped the entire blade. As soon as his feet landed on the creature, Emery immediately swung the weapon downwards, unleashing his new sword skill [Omega Strike] at the creature.


A massive sword strike descended upon the creature's shoulder, breaking the arm and instantly causing half of the hundreds of roots attacking them to come to a halt.

The creature screamed in anger as well as in pain, commanding all the other roots to attack. Unfortunately its roots didn't manage to touch Emery as he kept teleporting all over the place, while also carving many wounds on its body. He continued to strike until he suddenly found a glowing green light with a certain shape moving within it.

The data showed that the legendary creature has a clear weakness, namely a certain worm that lives in its body. In fact, the creature was basically done if the worm was taken care of. The problem was the fact that the worm merely 10 centimeter long and its place of hiding was different with each individual Treent,

"I found you!" Emery shouted excitedly, as a pair of three claws sprouted on his knuckle and pierced the glowing green light.


[Spirit Devour]

Being a legendary-level creature, the Treent naturally possessed a tremendous amount of spirit energy. When he confirmed it to be a plant element spirit energy, Emery suddenly felt the urge within him scream aloud. It wanted to devour it all.

He didn't even care when the roots the creature summoned began to entangle and pierce his body.

Emery continued to stand still, his claws still deep within the creature's body, letting his [Jade Skin] and [Undecaying Body] do their jobs while continuing to devour the creature.

Seeing this, Klea quickly ran over and cut off any roots that were entangling her lover's body, before proceeding to protect Emery with her spells. A thick wall of ice was erected around the three of them while another wave of elemental rampage swept over, stopping the roots from helping its summoner.

Finally, about a minute later, the legendary creature stopped its struggle. The deadly spiky roots that were constantly hitting the wall Klea had erected limply fell to the ground.

Apparently, Emery's devouring skill was able to stop the creature's monstrous ability to regenerate itself. One minute later, he had finally completely devoured the creature's energy leaving its body into an empty husk.

Emery was gasping for air when he was done with his deed. Even so, he ignored his short breaths and quickly sat in the lotus position, using [Spirit Absorption] to digest the gains he had obtained.

It took him fifteen minutes to completely absorb all the spirit mist outside the core, and when finished he received two spirit power increases.

"Two points from just one creature!? That's a lot of energy!" Shouts of joy echoed within his mind.

When Emery opened his eyes, a smile adorned his face, he was surprised to find Klea looking angry. Both her hands on her seductive waist, she glared at him saying, "You are too reckless Emery! We should have discussed a better strategy before dealing with it! "

Emery didn't dare to argue back since he knew the reason she was like this was because she was worried about him. Therefore he just nodded, agreeing as Klea reprimanded him. Only after Klea looked satisfied did Emery finally harvest the golden moss on the Treent's dead body.

He successfully obtained a total of 30 grams, an amount worth three portions of the golden moss from the legendary creature. Seeing such a bountiful harvest, Emery was pumped and went to find more of them.

The two of them fought a few more of the legendary creatures that day, this time with better coordination and easier time since their opponent's attack pattern was largely similar.

When Emery caught sight of the glowing light of the worm, both Klea and Twik would immediately take action, the former cast a protection spell while the latter transformed into a shield, to lower the risk of him being hurt.

The battles also allowed two of them to have the opportunity to practice swordsmanship together, improving the coordination between their [Hexagram Technique] which greatly increased their defensive capability.

At the end of the day, they managed to kill 8 more Treent, and Emery received a total of 10 spirit force from devouring them.

[Spirit force 1532 (1540)]

At this point, they had decided to take a break and return to the first level. Emery, however, felt that finally, his broken [undefined] pillar started to form. A certain glint flashed across his eyes.

"I just need a few more."

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