Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1090 Confusion

Chapter 1090 Confusion

The fact that Headmaster Delbrand was unable to divulge any information about the mission meant that Magus Xion was indeed on a secret mission. And most secret missions were highly dangerous.

However, Emery still felt somewhat relieved when he heard the headmaster's words. At the very least, this meant that his master's whereabouts were not unknown.

Not intending to disrupt the two important figures' meeting, Emery thanked the headmaster and quickly excused himself.

But just as he was about to turn around, the headmaster stopped him.

"Emery, stay for a moment, will you? I have a question for you."

"Yes, Headmaster. What is it?" Emery respectfully asked.

Headmaster Delbrand seemed a little hesitant. As if carefully constructing his sentence, he was silent for a moment before he finally asked,

"Did anything strange happen around you lately?"

The question encompassed a broad scope of matters, and it was certainly unusual.

"Excuse me, Headmaster, but what do you mean by 'strange'?"

The headmaster had a slightly troubled look on his face as he vaguely explained, "A conflict of some sort, one that might endanger lives."

The first thing that popped up into Emery's mind was the Nephilims, but that couldn't be what Headmaster Delbrand was looking for. After all, the headmaster was with him at that time.

Other than that, he couldn't think of any apart from the one with the Cross-Faction. Thus, Emery explained to the headmaster about what happened back then as concisely as he could.

However, after he finished his explanation, the headmaster shook his head with a contemplative look. "That's not it… While it's true that the Cross-Faction can be quite difficult to deal with, they are a very open book."

Hearing Headmaster Delbrand's words, Emery also fell into thought. Still, he couldn't think of anything else that was relevant to what the headmaster described.

"Headmaster, if you can share a little more context, I might be able to be of better help."

The headmaster thought about it once again. "Actually, Emery, we have reasons to believe that the academy security is…"

"Delbrand. That's enough."

The magistrate abruptly interjected. In the end, the headmaster didn't continue to speak and heaved a deep sigh.

"Thank you for your time… You may leave, Emery."

The sudden interruption left Emery with more questions, but he had no reason nor right to ask further about the matter. Thus, after excusing himself, he left the headmaster's chamber.

After making sure the acolyte has left, he turned to Headmaster Delbrand and began speaking.

"I have seen his record, and it is indeed impressive. I would not have expected that such a talent was born in the low realm. I can see why you like the kid, but we should not involve an acolyte in this matter."

The headmaster stood up and walked toward the window. He pushed it open, took out a cigarette, and lit up one end before inhaling from the other.

Headmaster Delbrand exhaled a puff of smoke out the window. With a melancholic aura around him, he said,

"Aurora had warned us a few times. She was right last time, and our ignorance cost us a headmaster. We can't act recklessly again.

"Griffith, I need you to settle this matter as soon as possible."


Emery walked away from the headmaster's chamber. His mind was filled with questions, but his heart was relieved.

When the red-haired girl who had been waiting for him caught sight of his figure walking closer, her eyes brightened in anticipation.

"How is it? Does the headmaster know where Xion is?"

"Yes. Don't worry, the headmaster really did give my master a mission."

"I see." Annara thoughtfully nodded. "Do you know what kind of mission it is?"

"No… the headmaster didn't say," Emery answered while subtly shaking his head.

He expected the girl to become worried just as he did, but to his surprise, she looked more relieved instead.

Emery asked her about it without hiding his confusion, and Annara's answer surprised him.

"It must be a mission somewhere close to home… an academy matter of some sort."

Emery looked at her with curiosity. "What makes you think so?"

"Why bother letting you know that it's a secret mission when he couldn't tell you about it? If it's about the elves on the faraway planet, the headmaster would've had no problem spill a little about it, unless you keeping information from me, which I know you didnt"

Emery nodded in understanding. It was indeed a very logical deduction.

It was time for Emery to head back to Zodiac City, but the red-haired girl continued to keep herself close saying she also have needs in the half-blood city and ask more questions about the meeting in the headmaster's chamber.

The two were just walking through the portal when all of a sudden, Emery felt violent, chaotic urges build up inside him. The sudden rush of pain caused him to lose his balance on the spot.

"Emery!? What happened!?" Annara exclaimed out of surprise and quickly moved to support him.

"I'm… f-fine. I need…"

His core was once again in turbulence. If he couldn't restrain himself, he might just unleash everything in the middle of the city.

Noticing the situation, a few of Zodiac City's guards approached them. However, Annara paid them no heed as her attention was on Emery.

"You don't look fine! What do you need!?"

Emery tried to open a portal, but it was to no avail. In the end, he pointed in the direction of a hill and said painfully, "Take me… there… to find Magus Shena…"

"All right, hold on!"

Annara hurriedly helped Emery fly up, leaving the city guards behind. She used her familiars to scout the area Emery previously pointed at, and soon enough, they finally arrived at Emery's estate.

She looked around, but Magus Shena was nowhere to be seen. Only Klea was there.

When Klea saw the state Emery was in, she immediately rushed forward to check his condition.

"Oh my God, he's burning up!"

The Egyptian Queen hurriedly checked Emery's pocket and took out the communication stone Magus Shena gave him and then said,

"She'll be here in 20 to 30 minutes!"

"No! there's not enough time! …get away from me... LEAVE!!" Emery uncontrollably roared.

Klea hesitated. At that moment, Annara quickly asked "This is the Devour side effect, isn't it?"

Klea nodded in affirmation, which prompted the red-haired girl to continue,

"I have a way to help him control it until help arrives!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Do it!"

Hearing this, Annara's lips unexpectedly curved into a wry smile.

"All right… lay him there and help me take all of his clothes off!"

"!! what?!"

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