Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1103 Spider Creature

Chapter 1103 Spider Creature

[Apex Spider]

[Legendary Beast - Level 15]

[Battle Power - 195]

With Spirit reading, even though he couldn't see them directly with his eyes, Emery could sense that there were three dozen of those spider-like creatures. On top of that, more were coming into the edge of his detection, crawling from every corner of the dark dreary underground cave.

On the other hand, Zach began taking the form of his transformation in a nonchalant manner.

The moment his transformation completed, he began to create purgatory by unleashing fire element spells that swiftly incinerated a few Apex Spiders into ashes while blasting a dozen of them away.

Visibility returned to this place, as the blazing flames provided some much-needed light.

While the Legendary creatures were burning and emitting deafening screams, Zach turned his head and looked at Emery saying "You can do whatever you want. Just make sure you don't get in my way!"

Immediately after he said those words, the Dragon protege's feet firmly stomped on the ground and his form shot forth, charging towards the corner of the underground cave that was infested with the most spiders.

The air seemed to be cut apart as he fiercely swung the huge sword in his hand, slicing through every Apex Spider standing in front of him. Following right after was a blast of scorching flames that quickly turned all the creatures it hit into piles of ashes.

Zach's figure continued to advance as he obliterated any creature in his path, moving deeper into the underground cave without looking back.

Seeing this, Emery couldn't help but heave a sigh of helplessness. The proud Dragon was certainly not one easily to talk to. He could feel the number of headaches he would be experiencing throughout his one week stay here.

Still, in order to ensure their time in this god-forsaken place remained civilized, he decided to follow the Dragon protege within an acceptable distance, which allowed him to cover the latter's back while also slowly understanding the opponents they had to face in this place.

From his initial observations, Emery concluded that these creatures named Apex Spider possessed similar strength to the Lizard he fought on the restricted floating island where he collected Master Dulin's ingredients.

However, the difficulty against these creatures was completely different from fighting the Lizards thanks to one important factor.


The underground caverns where these creatures lived exerted a stronger pressure than the surface, which substantially affected his movement and subsequently the power he could exert. The extent of the weakening went as far as a quarter of his usual strength!

Luckily, thanks to the fact he was using his Twilight Transformation, the innate magic resistance it provided helped him reduce the negative effects by half, turning it somewhat manageable.

With the penalty of the unfavorable environment taken care of, Emery also took out his sword and started cutting down all the creatures that were following them.

Spllaatt Spalltt!

Loud, ear-splitting shrieks resounded in the underground cave as Emery performed a massacre upon these Legendary creatures.

After careful observations and several experiments, Emery discovered that the most optimal way to kill these creatures was to first separate their legs from their body to completely immobilize them before delivering the decisive blow by stabbing them in the head.

However, even though he had killed many to the point of losing their count, the underground cave was still swarmed by these Apex Spiders. At glance, it was as if he didn't kill any of them at all.

The Legendary creatures seemed completely unaffected by the cave's pressure as Emery saw they could easily crawl up to the cave's ceiling, where they started shooting their spider strings at him.

Emery accidentally received one in his arms due to the sheer number of creatures he had to deal with. He felt a tugging and strange sensation at the part where the string was stuck, and when he looked at it, he saw that most of his [Jade Skin] had melted with the furs covering his skin coming next. If it weren't for his [Undecaying Flesh], Emery was sure he wouldn't be able to withstand these strings.


Emery spun his head when he heard a deafening roar reverberate within the cave. Up ahead, he could see that Zach seemed to be using his [Draconic Flame] as the entire cave suddenly lit up brightly with draconic flames that surged and engulfed all creatures. A rain of Apex Spiders fell from the cave ceiling, quirming and swaying as their entire bodies shrouded in blazing red cloaks – suffering through a terrible fiery death.

Seeing so many corpses of Legendary creatures lying on the ground, the impulse within him reacted and Emery couldn't help but take out his [Blade Claw], then he stabbed one of them and started using [Spirit Devour].

Moments later, a pained shout escaped his mouth.

"Ahh! Fire and darkness!"

These burnt bodies of Apex Spiders were apparently not ideal targets for his [Spirit Devour]. However, as long as he controlled his devour well, he could still obtain half, the dark side of these Legendary creatures' spirit energy.

Without further ado, Emery's figure quickly jumped between the Apex Spider's corpses as he fervently started devouring their spirit energy one by one. This deed of his was naturally noticed by the dragon half-blood.

"Lest not waste such spirit energy" Emery said casually to the Dragon protege with a smile.

The expression on Zach's face was cold as usual, but Emery couldn't care less when he saw there was so much he could devour. As far as he knew, this was what the grand magus meant by this place would bring him many benefits.

Without saying anything, the Dragon protege continued to dash his way deeper into the caves.

Not wanting to become a leecher between the two of them, yet still desiring to have time to devour all these Apex Spider's corpses, Emery decided to cast [Jade Warrior] and summoned thirty-two Stage 2 Jade Warrior – the wolf form summons.

Ever since his successful attempt with the Stage 1 Jade Warrior, Emery had been trying to incorporate the Hexagram Formation into the wolf-form Jade Warrior. Unfortunately, he hasn't made it.

Now, knowing that the Stage 1 soldier-form was not strong enough to deal with the much faster Apex Spider, this was the best time to give the idea another try.

With one half-blood dragon fiercely opening up the way with his flaming sword, a squad of thirty-two dark-green wolf summons ran right behind and guarded the rear against any ambushes. On the other hand, the figure of one-half wolf has been blinking over the spider corpse one by one.

These activities went on for an entire day before the dragon finally stopped and said, "We need a place to hide and recover."

"Great idea!" Emery replied quickly and pointed toward a particular tunnel that would lead to a small cave.

The two entered the place and Emery cast [Jade Wall], raising a green wall to close the entrance to the tunnel, leaving only two of them inside the 5 by 5 meters cave.

"Two hours break, not a minute more," Zach said as he quickly sat in lotus position.

Emery himself only smiles with such an awkward situation between them, however as the dragon said he only has two hours and he needs to swiftly absorb the full laid of dark energy he has been devouring all day.

[Spirit Absorption]

[Spirit force has increased]

[Spirit force has increased]

A few hundred legendary creatures do give him quite a lot of energy as within just one day he could get 2 points.

[Spirit force: 1627]

With this situation, Emery might be able to break through into the next rank within a month. He can't wait to see if he could take down the arrogant dragon by that time.

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