Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1167 Dark Elf

Emery couldn't help but become nervous as he stared at the dark elf magus in front of him. Facing the other party meant that he would have to fight a magus who possessed the affinity of Metal, Fire, or Darkness elements, which were the innate limitations of the elf race.

However, unlike humans who were not guaranteed to have elemental affinity, almost if not all elves were born with an affinity for one. Just like a fish that lives in water, the elves were a race of natural magic users.

Pairing this extraordinary gift with their higher physical qualities, a confrontation between a human and elf of the same cultivation stage would never be a fair match. Hence in Emery's case, to compare a mere Rank 9 and bonafide Magus, it was an even more impossible feat.

But even so, Emery certainly would not give up without doing anything.

Knowing that he was already at disadvantage, Emery naturally tried to obtain as much edge as possible. Therefore he took the initiative, starting the fight by summoning five of his level two Jade Warriors.

These five summons were sacrificial lambs for him to find out more about his opponent's abilities. As the wolves dashed towards the dark elven magus, Emery focused all his attention on what was about to happen.

'What would it be? Darkness, metal, or fire?' He thought to himself, his gaze attentively watching the magus' every move.

Five dark green wolves reminiscent of jade ferociously charged towards the dark elf magus. When he saw the pack however, the magus just casually raised his index finger and motioned it in the air a few times.

Before Emery could even think about what the other party was doing, the five wolves crumbled to the ground as their bodies were cut into pieces. All this happened in an instant, which shocked and also terrified him.

"Sword aura!"

Even though Emery knew that the upcoming battle would be difficult, it was only after seeing what he had just seen that he truly realized how difficult it would be. The dark elf magus standing in front of him was not an ordinary figure at all.

Oblivious to the storm of thoughts in Emery's mind, the dark elf magus glanced at the remains of the wolves before shifting his gaze to the latter. "Your summoning spell is indeed above average for a rank 9, human. But I know it's not your true ability.." With an amused gaze, he said, "Show me your full power!"

Planning to do just that in the first place, Emery took out his [Savage Sword] and quickly stirred up the spirit energy within his body. He channeled his dark energy into the sword before swinging his weapon.

[Shadow Edge]

"Better!" was the response that came from the elf magus, as he casually parried the crescent-shaped sword wave.

Although it looked like the other party had parried his attack with bare hands, Emery could see there was a gleam in the shape of a blade in his lower arm – an energy blade created by the combination of the darkness magic and the manifestation of sword aura.

Emery couldn't help but hesitate when he saw such adept manipulation. However, his wolf form gave him the courage, or rather, the urge to fight.

Understanding that his fate depended on his current actions, Emery had no more doubts. With all her strength, he stomped the ground and dashed towards the elf magus, swinging his sword fiercely.


A loud sharp sound resounded in the air as his Savage Sword clashed against the magus' blade arm. Emery got the end of the stick in this exchange, as his body was pushed back by the impact. It was clear that his almost 400 battle power was not enough, yet he still wasn't willing to give up.

"One more!!"

This time, Emery cast [Void Mist], creating many identical clones of himself. While the clones were attacking and distracting the elf magus, Emery sneakily slipped behind him and attacked with [Omega Strike] he had prepared.

Unfortunately, his efforts were once again in vain as the magus managed to dash forward at the last second. Instead of injuring the dark elf magus, the powerful attack hit the floor and created a hole.

,m Turning his head to look at Emery, the dark elf mage glanced at the aftermath of the attack and said, "That attack was impressive. It can definitely hurt me, but of course only if you can land it."

Emery's face darkened as he looked at the dark elf magus. The other party was stronger and more agile than him. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration if the man was also more resilient than him.

Meanwhile, the magus casually walked around Emery.

"You're not from Nexus, are you? ..Definitely not. None of those morons could give birth to talent like you." the magus asked a question, which he answered himself. With a pondering expression on his face, he continued his words. "Which means you were most likely sent by the alliance... Hmm, I tell you what, return what you stole. If you do that, I will be merciful and grant you a painless death."

As if to back up his words, the man manifested the blade energy on both his hands. Not wanting to be intimidated, Emery did the same and took out his second sword [Lightsaber], brandishing it together with the Savage Sword.

When the light spirit energy flowed from his spirit core into the sword, a dazzling blade swiftly took form. Seeing such a sight, the magus broke into a chuckle once more. "Hahaha, darkness and light… Truly, an exceptional talent; killing a genius like you will be my honor."

Casting [Blink], Emery's figure disappeared and reappeared on the magus' right side. The two weapons in his hands moved swiftly, carrying great power to decapitate those who blocked their master's path.

A faint smile on his face, the dark elf magus parried and countered the attacks thrown at him.

Knowing full well that ordinary swordsmanship was far from enough, a second later Emery began performing his [36 Dao Divine Sword Technique], launching a tempest of slashes upon the magus.

Seeing the incoming wave of attacks that threatened to tear his body to shreds, the magus laughed boisterously instead.

"Hahaha, finally, a worthy fight! Even if it's not much, you've at least helped relieve my boredom stuck in this boring mission!"

Clank! Clank!

Since the storm of sword slashes was an attack that Emery physically dealt, he was able to directly experience the retaliations from the dark elf magus. Each slash from the magus' blade arms was heavy, causing his hands to go numb.

He would definitely be overwhelmed if he directly faced the other party. Luckily, Emery was able to take advantage of his Void Mist clones and his speed to match the magus' sword techniques, albeit barely.

Unfortunately for him, by this point, all 100 Jade Warriors he summoned to stall the other elves were already defeated, and soon enough more elves would come to join the fight.

As if those weren't enough trouble for Emery, an urgent message popped into his mind.

[Emery, how long are you going to be there? A Nexus ship is coming close! There are two magus, so hurry and get out!] The message came from Klea who stood guard outside the place.

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