Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1197 Nexus Battle 5

A few minutes before,

The young half wolf man with a rooted arm, still fought his best at the dark metallic figure in the sky, outside of the facility.

[Omega Strike]

A brilliant gleam shot downwards as if severing the horizon, as Emery plunged from the sky towards the dark metallic figure and swung the Lightsaber in his hand.


The blaring sound of the sword landing squarely on the figure’s shoulder sounded vividly in the air. It didn’t seem to have inflicted any serious injuries, but it did send the metallic figure crashing into the ground violently, spurting out blood in the process.

After going through and exchanging dozens or so clashes with the dark elf’s new form, it was clear that Emery was still stronger and faster than the other party when he was still in the Fusion form with Twik.

The metallic armor the dark elf magus brought out had indeed provided many upgrades in the former’s resilience, but in moments like this, the edge of the weapon Emery was currently wielding showed its true value.

Thanks to its properties as an energy-based weapon, Emery’s [Lightsaber] allowed some of the force it carried to ignore the elf’s hard armor by penetrating it, which resulted in far more powerful blow compared to a normal weapon.

Seeing his opponent grimacing on the ground, as much as Emery liked to deliver a crushing blow, he couldn’t help but worry about the situation of his friends who went to destroy the stargate.

With the time drawing near yet there were still no messages from Julian and the others, Emery decided to turn and go to catch up with them.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Kasin screamed despite the excruciating pain in his body.

“Don’t you fucking run from me again!!”

Unfortunately for the magus, Emery ignored the dark elf magus completely.

Just as he was about to dash away however, Emery sensed a powerful figure coming right at him. His face changed drastically and he swiftly moved away, just in time to dodge sharp looking crescent-shaped energies that almost cut his body.

Turning his head, he saw that the path where he had to go through was blocked by someone.

A man with dark tattoos on his body was hovering in the air, staring menacingly.

It was the dark elf magus who possessed the darkness affinity.

“My Lord told you to stay. Hence, you shall stay here.”

Emery inwardly turned anxious at this unexpected development. It was not because of the other party’s power, but because if the man was here it meant that the two magus had already been defeated.

As if reading his mind, the magus said, “If you are wondering about the fate of those two trashes, don’t be. They are no longer anyone’s concern now.”

It seemed that the worst possible outcome had indeed happened, as Emery quickly realized that he could no longer sense both Magus Wildon and Rodrick’s presence. With that, their predicament became even more dire.

As for the other magus, all didn’t seem to go well either, it’s only a matter of time before the others were to fall also.

“Dammit!!” Emery cant help to cursed

With the newly-arrived darkness magus blocking his way, Magus Kasin had the opportunity to get onto his feet and caught up to Emery. The table had been turned, as it was now a two against one situation.

In an instant, Emery’s brain went into overdrive as he tried to think of a way to resolve this situation. However, his calculation in order to survive the impending fight had to wait as suddenly a powerful tremor shook the entire facility. He could feel the emergence of a concentrated amount of energy from a certain direction.

This disturbance could only mean one thing – the stargate was activated.

“No! This is too soon!”

Beyond Emery’s confusion comes Laughter that exploded in the air.

“Hahahaha! You failed, human!” shouted Magus Kasin in a mocking tone.

Emery silently heaved a sigh of dejection. Of course, he should’ve expected that the estimated time given by the Nexus wouldn’t be completely accurate. Having an error margin of 5 minutes should be more than fair in such a situation.

Knowing that the stargate had activated once again and nothing he currently could do to stop it, the first thing Emery did was to check the situation of his friends with his spirit reading, and fortunately, it seemed that everyone was still fine.

A second after the tremor, a huge glowing rune, one mile wide was formed in the sky above him, and before long, a massive construct emerged from it –  an elven warship. Although the size was similar to the one Emery had seen, it was definitely a different model.

What shocked him the most however was the more than ten signatures of magus-level individuals he had sensed within it. One of them even emanated a power that he couldn’t begin to comprehend. It was clear that that particular figure was a Grand Magus.

Emery clenched his fists in exasperation. He couldn’t believe that they had failed.

The ship’s imposing arrival quickly stopped all the fighting – the foot soldiers and magus alike.

The proud leader Magus Garnet surprisingly took this chance to take off, escaping in flames towards the Wasteland, leaving Stildar and Aruka behind, who were both unable to comprehend what they should do now.

,m “We have failed!”


Underground, just a mile away, beneath two different layers of sediments, within the facility, the same feeling of hopelessness Emery felt was shared by the three friends. The expressions on their faces caused the magus that was attacking them to come out of the shadows and reveal themselves.

“Hahaha, in despair aren’t you? There’s nothing you can do now that our main fleet is finally here!”

The three of them ignored the magus’ provocative words as they were too engrossed with the feelings currently overwhelming them. They are saddened, knowing that the trust placed in them cannot be reciprocated.

“Should we run?” Chumo asked, as he knew that the warships that came were bringing more magus level figures with them – a force that they simply had no ability to deal with.

Moments later, the facility shook once more and the stargate powered up once again, meaning the second ship was about to came through the portal.

Realizing that the stargate was able to teleport out five eleven cruisers before, Julian gritted his teeth while saying, “No! Not yet! At least we can stop the arrival of the next Cruiser! Let’s do it while we still have a chance!”

Those words quickly lifted their spirit, and immediately Klea started channeling her spell once again. The zeal of the three, of course, received scorn from the one other figure present.

“You think I will just let you do that?! In your dreams!”

Saying those words, the magus gradually faded into the shadow before eventually his presence went completely undetected again. The two besides Klea tensed as they knew well what was about to come.

Heaving a sigh, Julian suddenly took out an item, a small golden pearl and swiftly consumed.

Before anyone can ask what it was, Julian said  “Chumo, track down that man’s location!”

Chumo immediately did as asked. With his [Eye of Raven], he could see what others normally couldn’t see and thus he was able to quickly pinpoint the shadow magus’ location, albeit roughly.

“He’s coming!”

The moment he pinpointed the location, Chumo turned his head as he realized that something was happening to his Roman friend. His eyes were shrouded by a bright light as a powerful surge of power exploded from Julian’s body – one that gave off a majestic aura.

Instead of defending against the magus’ attack, this time Julian took a step forward and headed straight for the other party.


One shield smash took a heavy hit to the magus.

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