Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1214 Enchanted

After dinner, Julian went to consult the sage for help regarding his recovery while the other decided to call it a day and rest.

As for Emery himself, he immediately went straight to one of the bedrooms to continue absorbing the dark mist within his core.

But just as he sat in a lotus position and was about to start, a few knocks could be heard on his door. And without waiting for the room owner to answer, the person outside slowly opened the door and looked in.

“Ah… are you busy training?”

The figure was none other than the Egyptian Queen, Klea. With her big eyes fixed on Emery and one hand on the top of her coat, she casually walked into the room and quietly closed the door behind her.

“What is it, Klea? Do you need anything?”

“No… I just don’t like this creepy old castle, you know?” the girl said with a cheeky smile. “Do you mind if I rest here? I promise I won’t bother your training.”

“No, of course not.”

The girl began to undress her coat and climbed onto the bed. With only her black inner gown remaining on her body and her long black hair barely covering her peaks, Emery was drawn to the enchanting sight.

Still, other than that, he remained in his lotus position and quickly turned his focus back to his training, which made Klea secretly frown.

A few minutes passed, yet he didn’t give her even another glance.

Klea let out a few audible sighs, just enough for Emery to notice.

“Is something wrong, Klea?” Emery couldn’t help but ask.

“Aah… I’m sorry, it’s just… all that fighting made my back hurt, but I can’t reach it… Do, do you mind helping me a bit?”

“Not at all.”

Emery calmly climbed the bed and moved close to the girl. With his palms touching her warm, bare back, he started to cast his spell to relieve her pain when Klea quickly stopped him.

“Emery… I’d prefer not to use any spells for this… Can you just give me a light massage? Please…”

Emery stopped for a moment. He was concerned that he might worsen the pain instead as he knew little to none about massages, but for her, he still decided to give it a try.

As Emery started to firmly but carefully rub his fingers on Klea’s soft back, the girl’s body quickly loosened and warmed up. The more Emery rubbed her back, Klea’s huffs slowly became more audible.

“Harder, …please… harder…”

Emery put a little more strength into it following her request, but this time, Klea started to moan.

Worried that he might have done it wrongly, Emery abruptly pulled his hands. However, Klea turned to look at him with her misty eyes and said,

“It’s not polite to not finish what you started, you know.”

Without waiting for Emery to respond, the girl put her arms around him and swiftly put her soft lips onto his, pouring her love through the kiss.

It didn’t take long before Emery fell under the enchantress’s spell and began to follow her tunes. He put his hand on her waist, and as their passion overflowed, the two committed their love to each other and allowed themselves to fall into the pleasure of the flesh.

Fortunately, by this time, Emery already understood how to please her and the goddess soon enough started to scream in ecstasy.

“Yes… yes… yes…”

After a few hours, the girl finally helplessly fell into his arms with her warm arms still around him. As Klea started to fall asleep, Emery gently laid her on the bed.

He also felt a comforting released and was tempted to lay into slumber, but soon enough his mind was occupied with his training once again.

Emery rubbed Klea’s hair and gave her one more kiss on her cheek before whispering,

“Good night.”

After making sure that Klea was comfortably tucked in the bed, he sat back on the floor to continue his training.

[Spirit Absorption]

Once again, Emery gradually sliced the dark mist piece by piece for his spirit cores to absorb. Although the process was somewhat slow, he could still feel that he was getting stronger.

However, after an hour of continuously absorbing the dark mist, he stumbled upon a layer that was much more difficult to absorb. He tried to forcefully absorb it, but it only brought him excruciating pain.

After easing the pain and calming himself, Emery identified that it was of the metallic element, which he recognized as part of the spirit energy he absorbed from the dark elf, Kasin.

It took him a few hours to fully separate the metallic energy from the rest and shatter it. And to his surprise, once he did, the dark mist became even richer.

Emery began absorbing the remaining dark mist with anticipation. As expected, compared to before, the purified layer gave him much stronger spirit energy.

“This is amazing!!”

[Spirit force increased]

[Spirit force increased]

As Emery continued to absorb the dark mist once again, 2 hours, 4 hours… 6 hours passed.

[Spirit force: 1736 (1748)]

When the light of the morning sun peeked in from the window, Emery decided to check on his progress. To his shock, in that short span, his spirit force had increased by 12 points.

To make things even more shocking, he could still feel that there was still a considerable amount of power within the dark mist.

By the time Emery turned to check on Klea, the girl was already awake, looking at him with a smile.

“Thank you for last night.”

Looking at her awake in a good mood, Emery decided to take a break from his training and approached the girl with a loving kiss.

Klea was initially enjoying the kiss, but as their lips connected, her attention was subconsciously pulled to the significant gap between the spirit power she felt just the night before and his spirit power now.

“Mm, Emery… Wow, how did you improve so much in one night!?”

Under the girl’s amazed and curious gaze, Emery told her about the dark mist he devour from the elves and what he found in the process. Seeing how happy she was for him, Emery couldn’t help but feel even happier.

As their discussion about his experience with the dark mist came to an end, the symbol on Emery’s left hand glowed. At the same time, a notification came to his mind.

[You are selected to join the Magus Tournament]

With the notification of his invitation were the details of the tournament.

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