Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1351 Reminisce

It had only been two weeks since the last time Emery had come to visit, he put Twik and the two Chizpur back in his spirit cave. With the Magus Tournament and the intense battle that followed, it couldn’t help but feel like it had been ages.

Seeing the joyful sight of his little friends hopping around and bumping with each other, Emery could feel his mood lifted, bringing a smile to his face.

“What are these cute little things?” Silva asked in great curiosity. While Emery was explaining what Twik and the others were, the white-haired girl approached and touched them one by one.

Silva managed to interact well with the plant creatures; it seemed that her proficiency in the plant element had bestowed her an ability to better sense and communicate with them.

Thus, when she finally arrived at Twik, she understood who, or rather, what they were. Turning her head around, Silva looked towards Emery and said, “You managed to recreate the Arbor Master’s project in less than a year..  How impressive, always full of surprises”

With fascination, Silva continued to get familiar with them while Emery went to check on the twelve Chizpur seedlings — the ones he had revived using his [Rebirth] spell.

Emery inspected their condition one by one. With spirit energy, he communicated with them and relieved to find that they had grown up healthy.

His concentration was then interrupted by the clear sound of a girl’s laughter echoing through the air. Turning his head, he could see Silva playing happily with the plant creatures.

Emery couldn’t believe what he was seeing from a distance. Silva was currently very different from her usual disposition; her sassy demeanor completely gone, replaced by a radiantly cheerful one.

On the same note, he was also surprised to see that the white-haired girl was able to get along with the plant creatures so easily.

But then, interrupting a harmonious moment, the girl suddenly let out a cough.

It started with a simple common one, but acolytes do not easily get sick. Emery couldn’t help but  worry when he saw it continued, becoming more severe.


Emery approached the white-haired girl and was ready to check on her. But to his surprise, the girl pushed him away. “I’m fine…” She said, covering her mouth as another cough struck.

He noticed that she was about to take something out of her spatial ring, but before she could do so, she lost her balance instead and fell into his arms.

“Silva?! Silva!!”

Emery hurriedly carried her unconscious body to the wooden house in the cave. Laying her body onto the bed gently, he then immediately cast.

[Nature’s Blessing]

The moment Emery’s green root-like spirit energy entered her body, he was confused when he discovered that instead of injuries or trouble as he had expected, he instead found a powerful yet chaotic energy coursing through her blood. It also blocked his roots from going further into her body.

“What is happening to you Silva?”

His worry lessendly slightly as he saw her eyes flutter open. She looked confused for a moment, then she took out a serum from her spatial ring and injected herself with it.

When he saw that she had gradually recovered, Emery finally say

“Silva.. Are you alright? What is going on?”

Unexpectedly, the question made the white-haired girl glare at him and lash out.

“Stop looking at me like that! I AM FINE!”

She then took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before apologizing to the shocked Emery. “I’m sorry, Emery.. I know that you just worried about me… but you don’t have to. it’s really just the Snake bloodline thing.”

Understanding that she didn’t want to explain further, Emery decided to stop questioning her for now. But then, a few moments later, he realized that her face changed color.

“Silva, your face is turning red”

“Moron! I’m just uncomfortable sleeping in your bed, you know!”

With the exchange of those words, the atmosphere suddenly turned even more awkward.

The girl looked around the room and said another surprising question “Did… did she sleep here too?”

It took him a few seconds before Emery realized she was talking about Klea.

“Yeah.. She stayed for a while, accompanied me on my training.”

Hearing those words, the white-haired girl gave out a forced smile, her body trembling a little and after a sigh she said “I really wish I could accompany you in training as well.”

Emery had of course known about Silva’s feelings. Even so, he was still surprised at how straightforward she was now compared to what was in his memories.

Seeing Emery’s expression turn serious, she chuckled lightly and said, “Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you.”

As if to prove her words, Silva then proceeded to change their topic of conversation. She asked about what he had been doing since the last time they met. Emery of course gladly talked about his stories, but when it was her turn to answer, the girl always had her way to avoid most questions with vague answers.

Still, the two of them had a pleasant conversation for hours, with Emery talking about the mid-test at the Andora planet to the Nexus mission; while on the other hand, Silva talked about her brother and uncle Bob the Frog who apparently asked about him all the time.

Their chat also led to a task, one they should do together next.

Before that however, Emery returned to the garden with Silva in tow. After gathering all the plant creatures with Twik’s help, he stood in front of them and said, “I will soon be going on another mission, but its a dangerous one. I wonder if any of you would like to help me.”

It didn’t take long for responses to appear. And to Emery’s pleasant surprise, together with Twik, all five Chizpur brothers showed their intention to join, saying something about protecting Emery from danger.

However, Emery couldn’t allow all of them to follow him as he needed someone to take care of their little brothers. When they were told this, the Chizpur brothers quickly did a vote and Chiko was decided to be the one to stay.

Once determined, Twik and the four Chizpur brothers quickly entered the spatial space that Emery had opened. With that, Emery’s business on Hyperion planet was over and they were ready to leave.

Their last destination was a certain place in Golden City, one of the biggest blacksmith workshops to be exact. This was the thing that came up in their talk before, a way to increase both of their fighting power for the mission.


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