Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1376 Chaos

[Divine God Armor]

An advanced suit created from pieces of ancient materials. Crafted by the best grandmaster artisan, only a hundred of them were ever created for the entire human race.

However, the Nephilims alone took hold of ten of such artifacts.

The armor was considered one of the most valuable treasures among all existing Tier 6 artifacts. Eeshoo had proven himself to be worthy of wearing the armor, distinguishing himself even from the thousands of outstanding talents in the Nephilims’ faction.

Ever since the life-threatening Andora planet mission, Jinkan had pulled a lot of strings to get the advanced suit for her fiancé. Unfortunately, he was not able to use it during the tournament for obvious reasons.

Thus, this was the first time that Eeshoo was finally able to show its prowess.

The suit of armor began to glow with faint light. Shimmering golden light enveloped the Nephilim protégé’s body, and four pairs of wings majestically sprouted out of his back.

Even surrounded by the scorching flames, the suit’s radiance was no less brilliance.

[Angelic Descent – Stage 5]

[Battle Power increased by 150]

[Spirit Force increased by 1000]

The armor helped him break through his limitations and gave him power almost at the level of a half-moon magus. Of course, the dark elf noticed the sudden, drastic surge of power. Still, although he was slightly surprised, it was still nowhere near the level of the grand magus.

The armor’s form, power, and overall craftsmanship; the dark elf couldn’t help but marvel at the exquisite work. But at the same time, his eyes that fixed on the suit flashed with apparent disdain.

“Such a stunning piece of divine  art… it’s far too good to be worn by a human like you.”

“I know… For that, I have something else prepared,” Eeshoo calmly responded.

The dark elf subconsciously frowned at that response.

From his storage ring, the Nephilim protégé took out a one-meter glass tube filled with the dark smoke and threw it toward the dark elf grand magus.

“What is it this time!?”

The dark elf immediately shot a dark fireball toward the glass tube. He was about to sneer at the human’s futile attempt, but his expression suddenly changed.

The dark smoke broke free from the tube, spread out and formed into four bizarre-looking powerful smoke creatures, each with four arms that exhaled a screeching wind. These smoke creatures’ powers rivaled the level of peak magus, with none of them weaker than the other.

They were Delbrand’s powerful summoned creatures, and they had been prepared beforehand for this specific reason; to give the acolytes enough leverage to fight against a grand magus.

“Damn it! you Humans and all your tricks!!”

Just as the smoke creatures finished taking form, all four of them immediately charged toward the dark elf. Meanwhile, Eeshoo channeled all his boosted power into his 36 of [Heaven’s Will Shuttle].

Seeing this, Magus Xion was greatly impressed by the Nephilim protégé. At the same time, he also couldn’t help but feel somewhat amazed by his own disciple.

To think that his disciple fought against such a genius in the tournament and won.

Alas, this was not the time to be stuck with such thought. He quickly put it aside as he had his own task to do, and with the opportunity that the Nephilim presented, he had to break the supreme being out of the glass box as fast as possible.


After the elves’ guard rushed down to the basement, the situation in the whole compound quickly descended further into chaos.

More than five hundred acolytes simultaneously came out from nine different cells and on the other side were almost three hundred dark elf guards with several magus-level individuals accompanying them.

Unfortunately, even though the acolytes were almost double the enemy’s number, most of them were nowhere near well after the constant torture in their arena. Yet in spite of that, numerous brave acolytes who could still fight displayed incredible acts as they were able to fight their fears and unleash their rage onto the battle.

Although his condition wasn’t optimal, Thrax forced himself to unleash the power of slaughter that had been buried deep within him, and with it the gladiator able to block the dark elf guards that charged at him in droves.

“Push forward!!” he fervently shouted, rousing those around him.

Thrax’s display of strength successfully fueled the fighting spirit of the acolytes, and they, who had close to no experience in fighting the elves, began to fight back. Passionate shouts from the hundreds of acolytes resounded loudly in the enormous basement, fully showing their resolution to make the dark elves pay and be free once again.

Amidst all this, one magus-level dark elf rushed forward. Dark flames gathered in the air surrounding his forearm as he charged towards the gladiator who was occupied with fighting the elf guards.

However, just when the dark elf was only a few meters away from reaching his target, a powerful thunderbolt swiftly rushed from behind the gladiator and struck the magus.

Even though the dark elf noticed it, the momentum his body carried did not allow him to change directions in such a short time. Hence he could do nothing but suffer under the powerful [Fusion Bolt] casted by the young noble of the Cross faction.

On the other side, Gerri the Violet Flame and his group managed to join up with Vida’s group. With the two groups working together, they were able to push through other waves of dark elf guards charging at them.

A similar situation was currently happening on another side of the compound. The surrounding area was wrecked as two figures battled. Even without his reliable axes, Zetto was able to fight on par against a dark elf magus.

“Arrghh!! Die, you elf bastards!!”

Tayler Haze and Arcana, the individuals ranked 10th and 11th who hated each other. Individually, they had no chance of winning against a dark elf magus, but together…

As one used his [Eye of Mistra] to attack the opponent’s mental state and the other used his dagger aura, a dark elf magus was not much of a problem.


While most of the acolytes in the compound were fighting for their lives, two different groups headed toward the remaining six cells; one led by Jai Strider and the other by Atlas.

With the intense battle in the compound basement attracting all of the dark elves’ attention, the two groups did not need to worry about getting found out. Consequently, they were able to reach the designated cells with ease.

Unfortunately the acolytes need time to equipping themselves and healed up before getting ready for battle

“Hurry up, we need to join the fight right now!!”


Among all the battles in the compound, there was one where the human side was heavily outnumbered.

One dark wolf and one white serpent half-blood stood back-to-back. Surrounded by dozens of elven guards and four magus-level elves, their grip on the pair’s swords tightened as their eyes scanned the enemies around them.

To the elves’ sheer shock, in spite of their situation, the two were still able to hold down the incessant attacks from four crescent moon magus guards. This was especially the case for Silva, whose smile brightened as the battle proceeded.

“A top acolytesss indeed… Remember the woodssss? You were sssshho afraid back then…”

“This is not the time to reminisce! Here they come again!”

To Emery’s own surprise, he also found the situation exhilarating. Ever since his Wolf genes were boosted by becoming part of the wolf patriarch’s pack, he had been feeling a noticeable increase in appetite for battle.


With his transformation, Emery possessed enough strength to block a strike from a magus and even send the other party back. With such momentum, he even dared to cast [Attraction], subsequently pulling several dark elven guards who were caught off guard by the unexpected move.

Not wasting the golden opportunity, he unhesitantly swung his sword and used [Omega Strike].


On the other hand, the serpent girl was no less threatening. While cunningly moving around with her speed to dodge and score a few attacks herself, she blew up multiple poison smokes that corroded the enemies’ sight and burned their bodies.

None of them said a word, yet the two worked together in perfect synergy, forcing their assailants to step away from their proximity lest they were heavily wounded by the retaliation, or worse killed.

Just when the attacks paused and the two took a breath, another magus came to the area, drawing their attention.  The figure was not an elf, but was someone Emery immediately and clearly recognized and with just a gesture of his hand, Emery’s gravity spells were instantly neutralized.

“You can’t even handle two young acolytes? What an embarrassment for the proud dark elves.”

The figure was a magus who mastered the law of gravity, one of Zenonia’s most powerful disciples and an instructor of the academy.

The source of this content is nov/el/bin[./]net’

Magus Cassian.


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