Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1378 The Raid 5

It was commonly known that most human magus had a battle power of at least 200 when their Immortal Body was formed upon their ascension to their realm. Afterward, to further temper one’s physical strength became increasingly difficult as the state of the body had been defined. Most only reached 300 battle power at the Half Moon stage and 500 at the Full Moon stage. Even the combat magus Izta, who was renowned for his overwhelming strength, only possessed 600 battle power.

Of course, a magus could utilize various ways to further increase their physical power. For example, through products of apothecary, powerful artifacts, and extraordinary skills like [Immortal Gate] the combat magus known for. However, the same was evidently not the case for Cassian.

The magus had comprehended the Law of Gravity. A law known to give one of the highest powers of external forces to its wielder. Because of that, the man had no need to increase his battle power, as the law itself was capable of overwhelming almost anything.

Thus, once his law was taken away from him, the powerful magus was instantly brought down to the ground, becoming very vulnerable.

At that moment, Cassian had his body tackled and pinned down by the ferocious half wolf creature. Both of the latter’s sharp claws had pierced deep into his chest, sending waves of excruciating pain throughout his body.

“Arrghhh! Get the fuck off me!”

Pain was something that a senior magus, who had gone through dozens of dangerous battles like Cassian, could easily endure. However, the magus immediately broke into a series of screams for help when he sensed the intrusive power of Emery’s devour coursing through his body.

When they heard the hysterical scream, the four dark elf stood still for a second as they wondered whether they should help or retreat to remove the effect of the Anti Magic spell instead.

Their dilemma didn’t last long, as the one who had the highest authority amongst them said, “There’s nowhere to run. If these prisoners manage to escape, our life will be forfeit when we return.”

Upon hearing those words, the four dark elf magus quickly took action and charged towards Emery at the same time.

“No, you won’t!” Silva said as she jumped into their paths to interrupt, not letting them get close to the rampaging wolf beast.

The source of this content is nov/el/bin[./]net’

Unfortunately, having been stripped of the ability to cast spells as well, the white-haired girl only managed to stop two dark elf magus, while the other two shot past her.

One brandished the spear in his hand as he streaked towards Emery, while the other took out a different weapon – a thin silvery net artifact.

“Get away, Emery!” Silva shouted when she saw the restraining artifact.

Even though he knew the two dark elf magus were approaching fast, Emery still remained on top of Magus Cassian.

He just couldn’t help it, the spirit energy he devoured from the man was one of the best he had ever tasted. It was so good it even almost made him lose himself completely to the savage urge within him.

That’s why, even when the net artifact enveloped his entire body and the spear stabbed into his back, Emery still stayed still, focused on draining every bit of energy from the screaming magus.

“Arrghh! What are you all… Doing! Get him off me!”

Even though he knew they had come to his help, Cassian couldn’t help but scream a protest on how the dark elves dealt with the wolf, seemingly without the slightest bit of care about his life.

“At least aim for the head, you morons!”

Unfortunately for the man, Emery was still in control of the situation. Even though he had absolutely no intention of pulling out his blade claws, he would also not let the elves act as they pleased and inflict a mortal wound on him.

Splaattt! Spllaat!

Two strikes landed, inflicting wounds on his body. The third strike arrived, letting a growl of annoyance escape his mouth. By the fifth strike, a smile emerged on Cassian’s face as he saw the bloody state the beast was in.

“Kill him!! Kill hi–”


Accepting he could no longer enjoy his feast, Emery let out a roar of irritation, before finally deciding to finish off his prey. On the other hand, the magus’ face turned pale as he could clearly feel the killing intent contained in that roar.

“No no!!!” Cassian shouted hysterically. Alas, there was nothing he could do with his body still being held by the beast.

The man screamed furiously, his face an expression of unwillingness to accept his approaching end. The wolf beast opened his mouth wide and blood sprayed as Cassian’s head went rolling down the hallway.

Such an action forced a disconnect between the spirit soul and the body, hence Emery could only devour what was left in the corpse.


After depriving Casian’s body of its remaining energy, Emery let out a furious howl. Snapping his head to the side, he glared at the two dark elf magus sending chills down their spine. He was enraged at them for what they had just done.

Still maintaining the furious glare, Emery let out another howl and mustered all of his strength to break out of the metal nets covering his body. He struggled so fiercely that he made multiple deep cuts into his own body.

In spite of his ferocious struggle, the metal nets showed no signs of breaking apart. Especially when the dark elves begane holding down the net  to tighten his hold over him. Once again a battle of strength, this time with two elves magus.

The dark elves indeed possessed a superior physique compared to humans, their Divine Body – their version of humans’ Immortal Body – boosted their battle power past 300 when they reached the magus realm. Added with the restraining nets, Emery could not outstrength them easily.

Emery attempted another struggle, exerting all the strength he could muster to force the dark elf to let go of the artifact. At the same time, he also dodged the spear attacks sent by the other dark elf.

“Keep him still!” The spear-wielding dark elf shouted in annoyance as Emery dodged his attack for the umpteenth time.

“He’s too strong! I also can’t cast my spell because of the damn anti magic! Quickly kill him!”

While the two dark elves struggled against Emery, the same was also true for the latter. One elf held down the net while the other stood in between brandishing his spear; the two of them working together made it difficult for Emery to counter or break free.

It was at this moment that Twik made his move. He pounced at the spear-wielding dark elf, pushing him away from his partner. Not wasting the opportunity his buddy had created, Emery quickly charged towards the dark elf holding the net restraining his body.

Even though his body was still affected by the net artifact, Emery was still capable of unleashing his savagery, venting off all his frustration towards the dark elf.

“Stop him!”

Seeing that one of their comrades was in deep trouble, the two dark elf magus who were fighting an advantageous fight against Silva decided to ignore the white-haired girl and charge at Emery once again. They desperately hoped that the net artifact would still inhibit the half-blood wolf to some degree.

Unfortunately, they were dead wrong. Not only did the wolf beast’s regeneration heal its wounds rapidly, along with its rage, its battle power also gradually increased.

“This is madness! We need more people to handle this thing!”

The dark elf magus glanced over his shoulder, only to see the three dozen elven guards standing still. Their expressions clearly expressed their unwillingness to join such a fight. Gritting his teeth, the dark elf shouted loudly.

“I command you! Kill this beast!”

Taking advantage of their hesitation, not only did Emery manage to catch one of the magus, but another unexpected thing occurred. A commotion coming from one of the hallways drew everyone’s attention.

“There they are! Attack!”

The newcomers were not a reinforcement of elven guards that the dark elf magus expected. Instead, it was a group of a dozen acolytes led by Atlas.

They had come to help after they finished freeing all the acolytes from the prison cells.

Needless to say, the elven side quickly found themselves pushed into a corner. After all, the acolytes who had been chosen for this operation were top tier privileged class acolytes; each of them were strong enough to fight a few elven guards.

Seeing the situation take a turn for the worst, the magus quickly gave another order.

“Retreat! Regroup with the others!”

Unfortunately, while one hallway was guarded by Atlas and the others, the other hallway was blocked by Silva and Emery’s plant buddy. The white-haired girl had a wicked smile on her face as she stared at the elf group and said, “You are not going anywhere! Kill them all!”


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