Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1380 The Raid 7

Emery’s sudden and eye-catching arrival into the field brought about a boost to the hundreds of acolytes who were fiercely fighting the elves. Their fighting spirit soared when they saw Emery was able to block the dark elf magus’ spell easily and even launched a counterattack with a powerful strike that blew the magus away.

However, in spite of all this, the battle did not go as well as they hoped. Once the top acolytes engaged in the battle against the similarly powerful dark elves, the hundreds behind them were comparably weaker and in very poor condition.

There were already too many acolytes who were wounded and exhausted from the battle against the elves. As for those who were in good condition, they did not possess enough strength to confront the fully trained saint-level dark elf fighters.

The top privileged acolytes might be able to deal with multiple dark elven guards at the same time. However, each of these dark elf foot soldiers were comparable to the strongest of the elite class acolytes. As for the regular acolyte, even with a group they couldn’t match up against one.

Noticing all of these things, Emery quickly organized the information he had and analyzed their current situation.

Other than the dark elf magus, who was currently fighting him, there were six more elven magus. Those who were capable of going solo against the other dark elf magus were only Silva and Zetto the Titan. As for the remaining four magus, they were surrounded by small groups of acolytes led by Thrax, Vida, Gerri, and Shatter respectively.

However, it was apparent that all four groups did not have an easy fight at all. Moreover, while they were struggling against the dark elf magus, the number of deaths of the acolytes fighting the elven guards continued to increase by the second.

Not wanting to see more people get hurt and die, Emery decided to let go of all his inhibitions, not caring about his own exhausted body from the previous battle. He decisively took out his [Advanced Light Saber] and channeled his spirit energy into the weapon artifact, calling out to his little friend.


The plant creature quickly reciprocated the calling and landed on his left arm before changing form, crawling and entangling the entirety of his body tight onto Emery’s arm. Utilizing the overflowing power within the weapon artifact as the trigger, Emery burst out the light energy in his nature core and directed it into the plant creature on his left arm.

Emery lifted off the ground as  a storm of brilliant light enveloped Emery’s entire body from his left arm as the skill was successfully cast. The striking display naturally attracted the attention of everyone around him.

[Plant Mastery – Fusion]

The dark fur that covered his left arm was now completely covered by the root body of Twik. It went until his shoulder and onto the left side of his torso.  Emery felt a surge of extraordinary strength as he successfully formed a partial fusion with the plant creature.

[Battle power increased exponentially]

[Nature spirit energy enhanced]

Finally, with the help provided by Twik, Emery was once again brimming with power. The first thing he did upon the completion of the transformation was to cast a spell on the acolytes behind him.

[Rejuvenative Mushrooms]

In a matter of seconds, dozens of one-meter tall glowing mushrooms emerged from the ground. Thanks to the immense boost that [Fusion] gave, the spell materialized in an enhanced form that increased its total number and healing potency.

With just one spell, Emery managed to bring extraordinary impact to the acolytes, healing the wounded and removing much of their fatigue.

Now that their bodies had been healed, it was time to lift their spirits up.

Raising his sword high into the air, the gaze in Emery’s eyes was resolute as he loudly shouted, “This is it! This is the moment! If you want to get out of here, fight for it! Fight for your own freedom!”

The acolytes’ replied with an invigorated battle cry at those words and with their conditions mostly recovered thanks to Emery’s spell, they quickly got back on their feet and continued their fight. A series of commotions occurred throughout the battlefield as the acolytes charged forward in droves.

As for Emery himself, he still had the dark elf magus who was preparing huge dark fireballs, intending to repay what Emery did to him before. Those orbs of destruction were forming over the magus’ two hands, the latter’s eyes glistening evilly as he stared at him.

Of course, Emery wouldn’t let another of those fireballs hurt the acolytes.

He quickly cast [Light Wings], sprouting a pair of dazzling wings, before shooting at the magus. At the same time, he cast [Blink] in succession, disappearing and reappearing in erratic patterns as he continued to approach the magus at breakneck speed.

Before the magus could overcome the confusion and determine where Emery had gone, the latter had arrived at the magus’ side, a bright flash towards the magus as the weapon in his hand became a blur.

[Omega Strike]

The body part he was aiming at was none other than the magus’ two outstretched arms, and with his enhanced strength, it was instantly severed the moment the weapon touched them.


While the magus was still in shock from losing both of his arms, Emery quickly cast [Repulsion] to send both the magus and his severed arms right at the nearby group of dark elves. A moment later, a deafening sound rang through the air as the dark fireballs conjured by the dark elf magus exploded.


“Now! Push through!”

Emery’s heroic action managed to raise everyone’s spirits to the max, giving the elves no chance to recover. Emery plunged into the black smoke from the explosion and finished off the unprepared magus by decapitating him.

Blood splattered the ground as well as his clothes, but Emery was unaffected.

“Next one!”

Turning his head, Emery scanned through all the fights involving the dark elf magus and quickly headed for the one he deemed to be the most dangerous situation. After catching the dark elf magus off guard with an ambush, he worked together with the other acolyte to overwhelm and finish them off.

Soon enough, another huge group arrived from the compounds. They were the acolytes led by Jai Strider, Arcana and Tyler Haze. Without further ado, they joined the ongoing battle against the elves.

As more and more acolytes arrived, especially the top ones, the battle was certainly looked in the acolytes’ favor. If this situation continued, it was only a matter of time before they exterminated all the elves.

The source of this content is nov/el/bin[./]net’

Everyone started to see that they could actually win this fight and escape.

However, the dark elf magus that Emery ambushed next unexpectedly let out an evil laugh as he spoke in an ominous tone.

“You shall not escape! We will do anything to make sure of it.”

It was at this moment Emery realized that something was changing in the distance.

The formations set up on the high walls surrounding the compound suddenly turned dim, indicating that it had been deactivated. And with it, everyone could clearly hear screeching sound as a large number of figures could be seen climbing up the high walls.

Emery’s face changed drastically as he realized who the approaching figures were.

“The nightwalkers! They are coming!”


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