Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1383 Escape


The figure who arrived was none other than Mahinder Nieves, the divine monk. His arrival naturally sparked many questions in Emery’s mind, as he remembered the other party had been restrained prior to the operation.

Emery was unsure as to how he did it, but it was apparent the divine monk had escaped and decided to come to join the battle. Like finding an oasis while stranded in the middle of a desert, his arrival couldn’t be more timely.

Dozens of golden palms emerged from behind the monk. In a single blast of energy, all together they shot forward unleashing a storm of blows that bombarded the dark elf magus’ lightning sphere relentlessly.

The source of this content is nov/el/bin[./]net’

Seeing the window of opportunity that was created by the monk’s surprise attack, Emery did not hesitate to join the attack. One hand gripping the Savage Sword, the other holding the Light Saber, he slashed ferociously at the magus’ defense without mercy.

“You are not going to break my–”

Before he could finish what he wanted to say, the magus’ face turned pale when he saw visible cracks begin to appear on his sphere.

He immediately tried to dodge and create some distance. Unfortunately, the two acolytes had flanked  him from the front and back.  They both performed their close combat skills with no fear of his lightning attacks at all.

“Huh! You two little bastards!”

In the end, the collaborative bombardment by Emery and Mahinder managed to shatter the magus’ lightning sphere. With his protection gone, what followed was the sight of the Half Moon magus being battered as he received attacks from two sides.

It didn’t take long before severe cuts and bruises began to appear all over his body, causing heavy bleeding and pain that cut deep through his muscles to the bone.

Unfortunately, this particular mixed elf had a much more durable body than the other dark elves. It was probably thanks to the high elf ancestry within his body.

The dark elf magus tried to retaliate, but the attacks carried out by the two proved too much to handle now that he was left defenseless.


Desperate, the man decided to let go of his inhibitions and cast another lightning spell of his.

[Thunderstorm Descent]

The Tier 7 Spell acted upon reality, sending a downpour of powerful lightning that caused unbelievably strong shockwaves. The dark elf magus sustained some injury as he had directed the spell at his surroundings, but it managed to throw off his two assailants and keep them busy as they were continuously being struck by lightning.

Realizing the two acolytes were not opponents he could easily trample, he used the opportunity while they were still preoccupied by his spell to run away; but not before trying to destroy the two ships to lessen his punishment for his decision to escape.

Emery’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw the magus shoot towards one of the ships currently filled with dozens wounded acolytes. He immediately tried his best to let out all the lightning that had entered his body to give chase, but quickly realized that he wouldn’t be able to make it in time.


The crackling bolt of lightning on the magus’ hand was about to be released, but to his surprise, an unexpected figure suddenly flew towards him.

Despite losing half of his body, Atlas used fire spells on both of his hands to propel himself rapidly from the ground into the air. With this, he had placed himself in the line of fire, protecting the ships while also attacking the magus at the same time.

“Huh! You shall be the one to die first!”

Without the slightest hesitation, the black thunderbolt changed its target, shooting towards the approaching half-machine acolyte instead.

In response, Atlas did calculations utilizing his computerized brain to infer the spell’s trajectory. As soon as he did, he immediately released a burst of flames from his palm to change his trajectory. His body made a sharp turn as the attack shot past him, missing by inches.

Dodging the lightning bolts, he was finally up high in the air. By that time, Atlas had already maximized his reactor for the sake of one spell. The sky looked extremely bright for a moment as the spell was cast.

[Flare Tempest]

A tremendous wave of fire was released from the half-machine’s palm. However, instead of directing the attack at the dark elf magus, he used it to give his body extreme momentum which caused him to move at breakneck speed, toward the dark elf magus and crashed into him, hard.


The momentum Atlas’ body carried was so great that the magus was overwhelmed by pain, causing him to be sent flying uncontrollably and crash into the ground leaving a large crater..

Even so, it still apparently wasn’t enough to kill the man.

Moments later, the dark elf magus’ figure slowly rose from the smoke that enveloped the crater he had created, looking even angrier than before.

However, consumed by his rage, the man didn’t realize Emery had already arrived behind him via his [Blink].

Staring at the back of the vulnerable magus, knowing his Tier 5 swords would not do the job, he decided to deal the attack with his Tier 6 dagger artifact [Shadow Bane] instead.

The magus let out a pained scream as his vital point was stabbed from behind. The dagger was evidently enough to finally incapacitate him as his body immediately lost strength, giving Emery the chance for one last decisive move.

He held the magus’ falling body with his rooted arm while the other held the dagger on the latter’s neck. Emery took a moment to whisper;

“Congratulations on becoming the lucky number seven.”


Emery did not just slit the magus’ throat. To ensure the kill, he actually tore the head from the neck afterwards, before finally letting go, causing the magus’ headless body to fall lifeless to the ground.

The loss and subsequent death suffered by their strongest quickly sent the other two dark elf magus into a panic. Looking at each other’s eyes, the two came into a unanimous decision to retreat. Unfortunately, they ended up being overwhelmed instead.

The two known weapon experts among the acolytes, YunXiao and FeiLing, moved in perfect harmony to prevent the two magus from leaving. Meanwhile, Diyoo the Devil Nunchaku became the one who delivered the last nail as he landed a killing blow that crushed one of the magus’ heads.

The last dark elf magus found himself managed to escape the encirclement. However, before he could heave a sigh of relief, he was hit by Reyne’s enchanted arrow in the middle of his run, which caused him to fall into the throng of Nightcrawlers below and meet his demise.

As for the dragon creature that the golden-haired dark elf magus rode, Emery was surprised to see that Shatter was actually able to live up to the expectations as the pride  of the Cross faction.

The noble soared through the air standing on the back of the flying dragon’s head. A large flash brightened the hangar as he fired his [Fusion Bolt – Big Finger] with both of his hands at a very close range, leaving the beheaded dragon body to crash into the ground below.

Cross’ victory cry reverberated throughout the hangar before being replaced by the loud sound of the dragon’s body crashing to the ground. Emery’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch as he saw him almost crashing into the spaceships.

In the end, all seemed to be managing the job in the best possible way, except for the acolytes’ defense line, which was almost breached. It was clear that Thrax and Zetto were on their last fumes, while at least a hundred acolytes had fallen within the lines.

Emery wasn’t the only one to notice this, as the dozen or so acolytes who fought the dark elf magus before, including Mahinder, quickly jumped in to strengthen the ranks against the horde of Nightwalkers

Seeing that, Emery used all of his remaining [Fusion] power to cast [Jade Root]. The ground hundreds of meters cracked as arm-sized roots shot out and formed an enormous obstacle that  entangled the Nightwalkers hordes.

Not only that, he also incorporated [Primal Flora], as a way to hold the waves of Nightwalkers from advancing further.

The dozens of flesh-eating plants were able to stop the Nightwalkers from progressing. However, at this exact moment, everyone realized another horde of thousands of Nightwalkers had managed to climb the walls on the opposite side.

“We are surrounded!”

Knowing the situation was dire, Emery swiftly checked on the condition of the ships. At the same time, the two top acolytes healers, Mera and Lyndell arrived to report him on the status of the injured acolytes.

“The ships are full. We can’t put anyone in anymore.”

It turned out the two small ships could pack up to 300 acolytes. This also meant that they were ready to take off.

Without wasting any more time, Emery immediately told them to leave right away,

“Bring Atlas with you. He knows the coordinates to cross the elven border,” to which the two responded with an affirmative nod.

Moments later, there was a loud noise in the air as the engines of both ships started. The two ships quickly flew high into the sky, passing through the barrier, leaving behind the thousand acolytes who were surrounded on all sides by the Nightwalkers.

Emery took a little comfort at the fact that at least some of them managed to escape. However, this didn’t mean they were left behind and would all die here, they just needed to escape through another way.

Once again, he forced himself to channel whatever spirit energy he had managed to replenish and opened up a Spatial Gate.

“We are getting out of here! Right Now!”

Seeing the swirling open portal, the acolytes quickly sprang into action. They began to leave, group by group into the portal, headed further away from the compound where there were less nightcrawlers around.

It took them a few minutes before all managed to pass. Emery was the last to enter, he took one last look at the compound and muttered, “Wait for me… I’ll come back.”


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