Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1400 Unleashed

Finally, the magus realm. A stage where one had transcended their limits, capable of wielding the power of the Law.

Of course, Emery deeply understood that a Crescent Moon magus was nothing compared to someone with a much higher realm than him – a grand magus like Zenonia.

However, knowing he was finally able to vent out the anger he had over his master’s death, and with newfound power to back up his fervent desires, Emery couldn’t help but lash out at the female grand magus.

Stomping his feet against the ground, Emery’s figure shot towards the other party. With a slight wave of his hand, he roused the vibrant spirit energy within his core and proceeded to cast his most reliable control spell.

[Jade Root]

The dry and dark plains landscape experienced a strong tremor as several huge green roots shot out from the ground and fiercely charged towards the female grand magus. Powered by Emery’s newly-magus core, the roots now possessed at least double the number and three times the power they normally displayed.

The roots were as hard as a mountain boulder, yet they were agile like ocean waves.

Alas, despite the spell’s massive improvement, as if an invisible wall existed, all the roots came to an abrupt stop when they were one meter away in front of his opponent. Eyeing the frozen roots before her eyes with a mocking gaze, Zenonia had only made one simple motion with her finger to block Emery’s attack from reaching her.

“Still, I have to say, these are quite impressive for a magus.”

Saying those words, Zenonia made a rotating gesture with her finger. Once again, following her motion, all of the dozens of plant roots crumpled like paper before finally crumbling into ashes.

As the ash cloud she had just created dispersed, the female grand magus beamed a derisive smile at Emery.

“Show me something better.”

Seeing the smirk hanging on her face and his spell being handled so easily, Emery changed his plans. He stopped in his tracks and placed his hands on the ground before a bright light appeared around him.

[Mineralized Soldier]

The earth rumbled as the ground began rising into the air. It quickly formed into a humanoid shape, but not only one made its appearance. Tens, dozens, hundreds. In a matter of seconds, Emery had created hundreds of his Mineralized Soldiers.

One hundred, three hundred, before finally stopping at the five hundred mark. These warriors who were made of earth and possessed powerful strength stood in an orderly manner. In spite of their sheer number, Emery was still able to control them thanks to his new magus core.

That said, they immediately charged fiercely towards Zenonia with a wave of Emery’s hand.

However, the grand magus did not look impressed at this display.

With a sigh that was tinged with disappointment, she also waved her hand. In an instant, all five hundred Mineralization Soldiers collapsed to pieces in the midst of their charge, turning back into sands that scattered on the ground.

“Is that all you can do?!” She asked with great disappointment. “I guess I can’t expect much. Did I take too much of your power already?”

Hearing those words, Emery clenched his fists tightly as what the grand magus said had cut straight into his heart. This was a fact that he also learned when he cast both previous spells.

Even though his successful breakthrough to the magus realm had given him a much stronger spell power and control, with his dark core severed from his being, Emery was unable to channel even an ounce of dark element spirit energy, meaning he wasn’t able to cast any of his darkness and combined spells.

The situation was so bad he couldn’t even open his Spatial Space, depriving him of his weapons. Still, unwilling to give up so easily, Emery decided to opt for his innate weapons. A pair of blades spurted out between the knuckles of his hands.

The source of this content is n/ov/elb/in[./]net’

[Blade Claw]

Casting [Slipstream] to boost his speed, Emery once again shot at the female grand magus. He arrived before her and stabbed forward, but only managed to cut through an empty air. Seeing his attack miss, Emery quickly jumped away.

It was then that he was shocked to find that he could no longer feel both of his legs.


Blood splattered into the air as Zenonia casually cast a spatial spell which cut through Emery’s two knees. Losing his footing literally, Emery couldn’t help but fall to the ground. His body crashed with a thud.

A wicked smile on her face, Zenonia used the invisible force to restrain Emery and lift his body up, making him floating midair right in front of her. Her gaze that was filled with disdain fell on Emery as she said.

“There may be a small chance that you can catch me off guard in the outside world. But it’s impossible when you’re in my domain.”

Emery gritted his teeth as he felt his body being gradually crushed by the invisible force. But seeing that his opponent was only an arm’s length away from him, he endured the intense pain and mustered all the strength he had to carry out a single strike with his claws.

If he could sink his claws into her, he might be able to turn this situation around.


With his sheer will as fuel, Emery managed to free his right arm from the restraint and swung it towards her.


Blood once again splattered, but Emery was shocked when he saw it was coming from his arms, which were now flying through the air. His eyes turned hollow as despair overtook his being.

Everything he had done to successfully break through to the magus realm was meaningless before a grand magus.

Seeing his reaction, Zenonia pulled him closer and whispered, “It’s over now. Giving up will do you good. It will be much less painful.” After saying those words, the grand magus once again stuck her fangs into Emery’s neck and resumed her act of ravaging him.

Once again, Emery felt as if his life was sucked out of him. He quickly found himself returning to the abyss, where the supreme being’s soul was still waiting for him.

With a deflated look, he looked at the old man and said, “I can’t defeat her… she’s way too strong…”

“I don’t think you’ll make it either.” That reply further kicked him into a ditch, but the next words the figure spoke quickly caught his attention. “Not without the other half of your core.”

“But how?” Confusion marred Emery’s words. “It was so painful that I felt numb. I can’t sense my dark core at all!”

Shaking his head, Altus said, “No, the reason you can’t feel it is because I have been holding it out for you. Or else, you would have died already.”

Hearing the supreme magus seems to have a way for him, Emery calmed himself and said “Please Elder, instruct me how.”

However, the reply he heard was something not easy to hear.

“To be able to control both of your core, you have to split your soul.”


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