Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1406 Surrounded

“Shield down to 5%! The ship’s hull is at critical.”

The loud voice of Jinkan sounded in the air. The Nephilim Princess had truly done her best, giving her all to maneuver her special golden spaceship across the ruins of destroyed buildings as they were chased.

Alas, it seemed all her efforts were in vain, as even after she had destroyed half a dozen of the elven fighter ships, there were still a dozen or so on their tail.


A deafening explosion resounded as another shot landed on the hull of their ship, and this time, the Nephilim’s ship shook violently, on the verge of losing control completely.

“We are going down! Hang on!”

Although the ship’s condition was extremely dire, with her expertise, Jinkan still managed to steer the extremely unstable ship to make it crash across a wide street of the abandoned city ruins, stopping right in the middle of huge junctions seconds after.

“Wake up! We don’t have time to waste! We have to get out of here quickly!”

The one shouting was none other than the red-haired Annara, because she knew very well exactly what was waiting for them down here, especially with the commotion they had created.

As if to fulfill what she was afraid of, ear-piercing shrieks sounded clearly in the air. Some of the acolytes who heard those shrieks had their face turned utterly pale. They knew it meant hordes of Nightwalkers were surrounding their ship.

While panic was starting to rise among the acolytes, another girl – a white-haired half-blood – got to her feet and came out of the damaged Nephilim ship. Thanks to her eyes that were refined by her Serpent bloodline, she could see clearly through the dark curtains of night.

Although all four junctions where the ship had landed were empty at the moment, there were hundreds of creatures crawling down from the nearby high-rise building like a colony of starved spiders.

Meanwhile, following Annara’s words, the other acolytes started coming out of the ship and filling the street. Many could be seen trembling in fear.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, they could also still hear the sounds of the elven ships chasing after them.

“Let’s move! We have to get out of this street!” Jai Strider shouted, attracting the attention of the other acolytes. At the same time, he swiftly ordered his Defender metal puppets to forcibly make an entrance into one of the buildings south of their current position.

It was at this moment that Klea finally came out, weighed down by the unconscious Chumo on her shoulders. “What about them?”

Those Klea mentioned were  the other five unconscious crazed acolytes who had been restrained.

Before anyone could say a word, Arcana quickly stepped away saying, “Are you crazy?! Just leave them!! We’re not going to take them, not when we can’t even ensure our own safety.” Seeing the various reactions, the child-looking acolyte swiftly added, “Look at them up close! Even if we take them, they might not survive what was done to them.”

After saying such words Arcana, along with several other acolytes, quickly ran into the chosen buildings where the metal puppets had entered.

“We can’t leave them!” said Klea. “We can’t!”

Upon hearing that, Jai beckoned his two surviving metal puppets to come over and carry an acolyte each on their shoulders. Meanwhile, he himself went ahead and picked up the Maniac Lodos, pulling the gravity acolyte on his back.

“Let’s go! Now!”

But just as they were about to rush into the building, the group saw Arcana running back with a terrified look on her face.

“Stop!! We can’t go through there!!. There are too many of them!”

Sounds of fighting could be heard from the building, before Jai’s Defender puppet suddenly flew out of the building, covered by several Nightwalkers crawling all over their metal body. Needless to say, most in the group were terrified by the sight.

“South is our only option! That’s where the closest gate is!” shouted Silva, who had studied the planet map before the start of the mission.

“Then what should we do?! Those abominations are in the way!”

The sky was basically a death sentence due to the existence of the elven ships, while the ground was swarmed by the Nightwalkers. Not only that, it won’t be long before the enemy magus would arrive at this place. Hence, they couldn’t waste their time.

“There is no other way!” Jinkan said as she tightened the glove artifacts covering her hand. Her demeanor said she was ready to plunge into the sea of ​​Nightwalkers, breaking through by force.

But then, suddenly there was a loud whistling sound. Of course, everyone instinctively turned their heads in the direction it came from and saw Annara, who had a small instrument in her mouth. Apparently, she used the [Sonic Sound] ability when she blew the whistle.

What surprised them the most was seeing that the high-pitched sound was able to make the hundreds of Nightwalkers approaching them stop abruptly. This sight naturally rekindled the hope of escaping in all of the acolytes.

Annara however looked towards Jinkan and said, “I want you to tell the alliance what I’m doing here. Tell them, Annara Vermont is not a traitor!”

The moment she finished those words, the red-haired girl turned to Silva and Klea. A chuckle escaped her lips before she quickly turned around, dashing north while continuing to blow the whistle.

Immediately, all hundreds of the surrounding Nightwalkers shrieked, chasing after her.

Clenching her fists, Jinkan turned to the others and said, “Annara has given us a chance to escape this. Let’s go!”

The Nephilim princess quickly led the group towards one of the buildings to the south. Even though Annara’s actions hadn’t attracted all of the Nightwalkers, the number they had to deal with was now manageable.

While running, Klea was still affected by what Annara had done.

It truly surprised her that the girl chose to sacrifice herself for them, so much so that she might need to rethink her opinion about her.

The source of this content is n0/v//el//bin[.//]net’

Noticing the look on Klea’s face, as if knowing what she was thinking, Silva gave her a slight sneer and said, “By doing this, she gets to clear her name and get herself to safety, away from us the main target. Trust me, if she were to be found by any of the dark elves, I bet she would switch sides right away. No one alive knows she betrayed her master. That girl is very cunning, so don’t worry about her.”

Such an answer of course made Klea chuckle, relieving some of the tension due to the predicament they were in. At least until she suddenly remembered how she hated the girl who spoke to her.

“Huh! I bet you would do the same in the same situation.”

A chuckle was heard as the white-haired girl replied, “I will, you can count on it.”

Just when the group made it past the first building, the elven ships made their appearance again. To their surprise, however, the elves seemed to have no interest in capturing them as the ships came to barrage, bombarding all the buildings around them.

Following the deafening sounds that rippled through the air and the tremors that shook the ground, all of the acolytes found themselves facing a mass of rubble collapsing from the buildings, with nowhere to hide whatsoever.

It was at this moment that Klea saw the white-haired girl decisively drink a potion while making a blood marking on her forehead.

[Kemoyin Beast Transformation]

The girl quickly transformed, her skin turned to silvery scales. In a matter of seconds, she grew large into a humongous black and white snake, covering the acolytes from being crushed by the buildings with her body.


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