Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1426 Home

It took three whole days for Klea to finally be able to see Earth from the wide window of the spaceship she was aboard. When she saw the familiar blue planet, she could feel a wave of nostalgia wash over her.

Discover the complete story on 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝗻𝐨𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗻𝗲𝐭.

She was broken out of her reverie when an announcement sounded in the air.

[You have arrived at your destination]

As expected, the ship made its landing at the moon satellite that orbited the planet, which was the Caretaker outpost owned by the Kronos faction. Through the window of the ship as it entered its spot, Klea could see a sophisticated structure.

With a small but striking black cat sitting on her shoulder, she walked out of the ship while a human sized tube followed right behind her floating through the air. Her looks and the conspicuous tube attracted quite a bit of eyes as she got off the ship.

There was no magus that welcomed her. Instead, she saw a group of people exuding saint-level aura walking toward her direction. Seeing the clothes the men were wearing and their demeanor, Klea assumed they were guards.

"Our apologies, we weren't expecting you. We didn't know that you would be returning… All the masters are currently away."

Much to her annoyance, she was apparently not allowed to return to Earth without the company of a magus sent by the caretaker party. Because of that, she was asked to remain on the moon satellite and wait.

Of course, she was treated with extreme courtesy, whereupon she was provided with a private room. The problem was that she ended up staying for days without being given any news of the situation.

Not being able to return to Earth when it was so close naturally made her emotional.

"The Alliance has sent word from a week ago. They must be doing this on purpose!"

Realizing that they were most likely trying to stir up her emotions so she would cause a scene, Klea decided to calm herself and spent the time practicing the [Soul Tempering Meditation] that she had recently learned.

It had only been a little over three weeks since she learned the soul meditation technique, but she was on the second book already.

With her eyes closed once again, she began to channel her spirit energy through the 7 major spirit points that the technique stated; the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root. The meditation quickly did its job, helping ease her frustration.

Time went on as Klea was completely immersed in her training. After just a few days of meditation, she finally managed to finish mastering the second book, which elevated her spirit reading capability further.

While testing her newfound capability, her attention was drawn when she sensed the arrival of a magus on the other side of the compound. When she noticed that the figure was making their way to her, she quickly prepared herself.

Soon enough a knock was heard on the door. She quickly opened it, only to find someone she recognized – the young-looking Magus Hermes – standing with an apologetic smile on his face.

"I apologize for the delay."

At those words, Klea just casually replied, "No, you don't." But despite saying such words, she didn't plan to cause a commotion. Staring at the man with a deadpan look, she said, "Just take me home already."

The place Klea chose to land on Earth was none other than the British island. To be exact, a hill right on the outskirts of the Roman garrison. When they arrived there, Hermes couldn't help but speak.

"This is the same place I dropped one of you 3 months ago."

Klea, however, ignored his words as she was taking a nice long deep breath. A smile emerged on her beautiful face as she felt the fresh and breezy air in the surrounding area. Then a moment later, a notification came to her mind.



[Battle power: 120 (88)]

[Spirit force: 992 (912)] 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟el.c𝚘𝚖

[Acolyte rank 9 - peak stage 9 pillars]

[Lightning - 4 pillars]

[Wind- 2 pillars]

[Ice - 2 pillars]

[Water - 1 pillar]


Before Klea could get a better read of her limits on Earth, Hermes interrupted him by saying how the floating tube was too conspicuous and could raise a lot of questions. To that, she shot the man with an annoyed look.

"I have my way, you may leave now"

After the magus left, Klea leisurely walked towards the nearby town, which was formerly known as Cantiaci City. Entering the town, she could see hundreds of people on the bustling street and dozens of Roman soldiers around.

With the peculiar cat on her shoulder, the human-sized tube floating behind her, and her exotic beauty, she should have made quite a commotion, but none of these people seemed to care. All because Klea used this opportunity to warm up her newly enhanced mental power and affected their minds so they wouldn't see the abnormality in her.

She went on and hired a wagon to put Emery's tube in, before heading for Venta Town – the one that lies outside the Forbidden Forest. If nothing happened, the journey would take about two days.

Even though traveling by wagon seemed like a waste of time, Klea still chose to do so for a reason. She had absolutely no plans to summon her bird and risk damaging the tube or Emery's body inside.

Along the way, to her surprise, she encountered several outposts guarded by Britain warriors.

With her mental power, not only did she manage to pass through easily and unnoticed, she also obtained information about recent events from them. She learned the news about the new rulers of Britain, King Arthur and Queen Gwen, and the tense situation the kingdom had with the Romans. There were also rumors about a certain sorceress who helped the kingdom in this conflict.

"Sorceress? Emery never mentions any sorceress…"

The rumors were mixed between a good sorcerer who helped the kingdom or the witch who terrorized the land depending on who she was talking to.

Two days later, she finally arrived at Venta City, Eme's estate which was still fully maintained by the Quintins family. Klea wasted no time and continued her journey to the Forbidden Forest on foot.

The dark and dense forest was definitely an easy place for people to lose their way, but for Klea, her enhanced spirit reading allowed her to scan areas of the forest, making sure she was always on track towards her destination.

Surprisingly, she had only walked a few miles when she noticed dozens of figures surrounding her, warriors armed to the teeth.

Hence she quickly unleashed her power, forcibly stopping their advance as the dozens of strong warriors lost control of their bodies.

"I mean no harm, I came here to seek an audience with Gaia's"

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