Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1460 Fjolrin

Ever since her arrival in Camelot, Klea planned to find out about Fjolrin's true strength. Now the perfect opportunity had finally arrived.

All eyes were immediately focused on the two of them as Klea and Fjolrin walked to the center of the courtyard and made their preparations.

The two of them standing face to face was truly a stark contrast. One was a muscular middle-aged man with long blonde hairstyles in braids, while the other was a beautiful young woman with hair as black as night.

At first glance, any human would find such a match far from fair. However, the same could not be said of the audience present. The people watching could all feel the equal power the two radiated.

Using the same formation she had been using throughout the day, Klea took a glimpse of Fjolrin's strength.


[Battle power: 185]

[Spirit force: 999]

[Acolyte rank 9 - Peak stage 9 pillars]

[??? - pillars]

A solemn look appeared on Klea's face reading what she received. She had heard that the man had been at the peak of Rank 9 for a hundred years, hence such a number was to be expected. However, what took her attention and curious about the most was the pillars he had formed.

Unfortunately, her formation turned out to be not advanced enough to discover what they really were.

"Are you ready?" The man asked with a ragged laugh as he threw the fur coat he was wearing into the distance. He then took out a weapon from his storage ring, making Klea raise eyebrows upon seeing that.

It was a great ax as long as his body, its double-bladed head looked especially menacing as it was almost twice as big as his head, while its dark metal shaft gleamed under the rays of light.

He swung the heavy ax around as the powerful aura he gave off became even more apparent. A moment later, he stopped and lowered his ax, causing a loud deep thump sound as cracks appeared on the ground. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝗻𝐨𝘃𝗲𝐥.𝗼𝗿𝐠

Klea was a little taken aback by the sound, but she wasn't surprised by the display. After all, she had seen quite a few people like Fjolrin at the Magus Academy. In fact, the Vaneheimer King reminded her of the Titan Sigurd, who died saving her life at the Academy.

Glita, on the other hand, was hysterical seeing that.

"Sister, are you really sure?! Like... really, really sure?! You're going up against someone like him?"

Klea couldn't help but laugh at the concern the little girl was showing. To assuage her worries, she promptly took out her Lavender Sword and started to use her buffs in rapid succession.

Her body was quickly enveloped in thin layers of energy as [Immortal Gate], [Energize] and the likes in her repertoire took effect, amplifying her strength even further.

Both of them didn't need a referee to start the fight because they immediately understood the fight started the moment their eyes met.

Immediately, Klea's figure disappeared from where she was standing. Gusts of wind were whipped from the ground as she dashed at breakneck speed towards her opponent.

Everyone had expressions of shock on their faces when they saw Klea actually take the fight to close combat. When the ax and sword finally met, their clash created a thunderous sound that shook everyone.

Their initial clash was quickly followed by another, getting faster, fiercer as their fight grew more intense and the sound waves even reached the people in Camelot a mile away.

Most of the audience had their mouths agape with disbelief as they witnessed a slender young woman being able to withstand, even push back, the attacks of a man more than twice her size.

"Amazing!" Fjolrin said with a wide grin laughing heartily. "Young girl, you have embarrassed this old man!"

Actually it wasn't just Fjolrin who was surprised. Klea was also surprised to see that he could match her. After all, she was someone who had made her way into the top 50 of the Magus Academy, who had even fought a few magus-level figures and came out on top.

The fact that the Vaneheimer King could match her put his strength on par with the other top 50 acolytes.

With Fjolrin's thunderous laughter reverberating through the air, the battle also intensified as he started using several battle arts which proved difficult to deal with, even by Klea's [36 Sword Dao Technique] that had reached the sixth stage of [Dao Divine Technique].

It was also at this time that the mansion's backyard was visited by the Camelot knights. They were escorting Arthur and Gwen, who had come to check out the commotion that occurred moments before.

Once again, the two royalties were amazed by what they saw. Never would they have imagined they would be able to witness another fight similar to the one that happened that night, where the old god Hades arrived on Earth and fought Emery.

After exchanging several rounds of attacks with her opponent, Klea realized she wouldn't be able to take down Fjolnir if nothing changed. Not wanting to prolong the fight any further, she decided to bring out her card.

As they continued to trade blows, Klea secretly made engravings on the ground of the clearing where they were fighting with her sword. When it was completed, she quickly broke away from Fjolrin and sheathed her sword. Ignoring the latter's confused gaze, she promptly took out bronze coins and threw them into the air followed by a chant.

[Hexagram Elemental Technique]

In a matter of seconds, Fjolrin who had previously been able to hold his ground well was overwhelmed by Klea's enhanced combination spell which utilized wind, water and ice in complementary ways, suppressing and attacking him relentlessly.

However, just as Klea was about to set up her final card, adding the lightning spell of the formation to enter the fray, she was caught off guard by laughter that suddenly sounded from within the center of the formation.

"Hahahaah! Not bad at all! You managed to hurt me, girl!"

Before Klea could do anything, her face changed abruptly when a burst of power erupted from within and blasted her formation apart. When the dust subsided, she was welcomed by a sight of the man having his body enveloped with the force of lightning, his eyes gleaming an electric blue.

Raising his ax high into the air, a massive bolt of lightning descended at him from the sky, crashing into his body and coursing through his ax with a bang as it pulsated with unstoppable might.

A broad smile on his face, Fjolnir looked at Klea and said, "Are you ready to taste the full wrath of my power, girl?!"

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