Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1481 Offerings

The wolves were communal creatures of the wild that thrived in the company of their packs. With their keen sense and razor-sharp instincts they moved as one, their howls echoing across the wilderness in a chorus.

But such unbridled unity also made them not only territorial, but also fiercely protective of their own. As a result, peaceful alliances between two different packs were something that was rarely heard of.

Thus, it was truly a great feat for the Alpha King, Marcus Silvermane, to have been able to unite thousands of wolf packs under his banner, from those directly under his command to those bound to him by ties of blood and loyalty.

Even the three great houses of the Wolf bloodline – Locarios, Karst and Corvin. Having their own planet, commanding the loyalty of millions of people and their existence even recognized by the Magus Alliance. Yet, despite their formidable strength, they could not resist the call of the Alpha King.

"Let the Blood Moon festival begin!"

The words of Alpha King rang resoundingly in the air, making the atmosphere crackle with excitement and anticipation. The attendees, numbering in hundreds, were energized by the mere utterance of those words.

Emery and Annara, both new to the festival and unsure of what to expect, refrained from asking any questions and opted to keenly observe the crowd for answers.

Moments later, the aroma of exotic spices and succulent meats filled the air as a group of servants brought food befitting royalty on the long table behind them. The table groaned under the weight of the extravagant food.

But despite the lavish spread, the attendees barely gave it a passing glance, instead the crowds started to disperse and cleared up an area at the center of the garden.

Amidst the commotion, the figure of the old grand magus, Warwick, could be seen striding purposefully towards the center. Every step he took under the eyes of the crowd built up the exciting festive energy in the air.

Reaching the center, he paused, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd before he spoke in a voice that weighed more than the hundreds of howls from the crowd.

"Who would like to go first?"

Suddenly, one of the bald-headed wolves from the ranks of Talbots' Warhounds stepped forward at those words, his eyes blazing with an intense fire of resolve, "I am Zev of the Talbots clan," he growled, his voice rough and determined. "I come to offer myself to the glory of the blood moon."

The old man's eyes flickered over Zev, taking in every inch of his powerful form. After a short while, he nodded slowly and declared, "Your offering is worthy of the blood moon."

What happened next was another man from a crowd, almost bigger than the warhound, approaching the center, saying the same words. After they accepted each other as opponents, the two took off their clothes and started to transform. 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐧𝗼𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗰𝐨𝗺

Their figures immediately disappeared as soon as the battle was announced to begin. Two half-men, half wolves, magus level warriors fought with their fangs and claws, spilled blood onto the ground and even splattered toward the spectators, bringing cheers to everyone who watched.

Annara watched in awe as the two wolf half-bloods battled it out, with their raw power on full display. "Wow, I was wrong." She inhaled a breath, her eyes fixed on the brutal fight. "You wolves are real savages."

The cheers of the onlookers grew louder and more frenzied as the fight raged on, each blow met with a roar of approval. In the end, the warhound emerged victorious, roaring under the thunderous applause from the audience. Meanwhile, his opponent lay battered and broken on the ground.

Though he had not killed his opponent, the warhound had left him in a state that was arguably no less worse than death, most of his flesh torn off and his limbs cut.

With that end of the first fight, the old grand magus promptly called out for more offerings.

Another pair quickly came to the center enthusiastically, both said the same words, willing to give their blood as sacrifices for the blood moon. Again both were left heavily wounded by the end of their clash, with chunks of flesh scattered on the ground.

When the two were carried out of the arena, the crowd once again cheered. The place was filled with the sound of raucous cheers and pounding of feet demanding more sacrifices.

A skinny man with white tattoos called Freaki answered their call, stepping into the center of the arena. Leaving no room for thoughts, he immediately pointed aggressively at the bunch of Talbots' Warhounds, gooding them with a taunting gesture to the neck.

Just as one of the warhounds were about to lunge forward and accept Freki's challenge, a new figure stepped into the arena.

It was a dark-haired woman whose body was enveloped in a vibrant red dress. Her long furry ears twitched as she surveyed the scene while her tail swished around like a whip.

"I am Miu of the Sacred Rose Clan," she declared boldly, her voice carrying over the crowd. "I came to offer myself to the glory of the blood moon."

The Bone Coyote man was already raring at the prospect of a fight, but when the opponent that appeared was an unexpected one, his desire grew even more as an anticipatory glint flashed across his eyes.

With a fierce glint in his eye, he began to undergo a transformation, his body contouring and twisting. Spikes made of bones erupted from his flesh and became his weapon and armor, as he shifted from his human form into that of a monstrous wolf.

The woman, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by the menacing display. With a steely determination, she too began her own transformation, her body contorting and elongating until she emerged as a wolf with a sleek and powerful form. Unlike the Bone Coyote man's spikes, razor-sharp blades protruded from each of her forearms, glinting dangerously in the light.

A wind fox fighting against a bone coyote.

When the battle began the wind fox moved with lightning speed, deftly dodging the coyote's attacks with agility and grace. But the coyote's hard skin was something not easy to deal with. More blood spilled into the ground as the wind fox skillfully landed her blades through the gaps between the coyotes's scales, however, the coyote's high regeneration kept him from falling.

But when the wind fox made a misstep and the coyote pounced on her, his powerful jaws clamping down on her shoulder with a sickening crunch.

The crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheers as the wind fox fell to the ground, her blood seeping into the dirt as the coyote ravaged her mercilessly. The crowd grew even more fervent as the sight became more brutal.

"That's enough!" The old grand magus shouted.

The fox girl lay on the ground, her body broken and torn. Fortunately, the old grand magus had swiftly used his spell to protect the girl's inner core, saving her from death. Her half-dead body was carried out, but surprisingly there was no sympathy for the girl, instead the crowds cheered for more brutal fights.

Annara looked on in shock as she observed the so-called Blood Moon Festival.

"There are not even any rewards offered or given… you wolves are either stupid or crazy," she remarked dryly, unable to hide her cynicism.

Despite her remark, they could see that even the Alpha King and the grand magus beside them were smiling, satisfied by the offerings. It was clear the rewards of these battles were not measured in material gain, but rather in the pride and honor, a recognition that came with emerging victorious.

Suddenly, a young man leaped down from the terrace above, meaning he was a member of one of the three major factions. As soon as he announced his name, the interest of Emery, who had been blown away by the fight so far, was immediately piqued.

"I am Jason of the Corvin clan, I came to offer myself to the glory of the blood moon."

A whisper rippled through the audience as Emery realized the young man was the son of Philip Corvin and the nephew of Lucious Corvin.

Realizing Emery's sudden excitement, Annara quickly warned him, "Don't even think about it."

But Emery, replied with a smile that showed his, "I have had enough of being a spectator. Let's see if this identity is as solid as you said."

With that, he sprang into action, leaping into the center of the frenzied crowd.

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Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l,

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