Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1506 Slave Market

"Certainly, sir. Please come this way."

A female staff came to receive Emery and then quickly brought him to a section of the building where there were several large rooms, each filled with hundreds of what appeared to be half-blood warriors standing for display. What's more, all of them were Sky realm warriors.

"Good news, sir. We have a special offer today, with only the price of 100,000 spirit stones, you get to choose five of them and we will give you an extra one for free," said the female staff member with a professional smile.

However, Emery quickly rejected it by saying that he wished for stronger warriors. Upon hearing those words, the female staff's eyes lit up as she swiftly said, "Good choices, sir. Follow me please, I will show you what you look for."

The next section she brought Emery to was a little different than the first one. This time, there were only around a few dozen people per room, and they were all allowed to have some space for casual training in their area.

It was apparent to see that this batch of half-blood warriors were treated much better, most likely because of their higher strength. After taking a brief tour through the place, the female staff turned to Emery again and spoke.

"How is it, sir? Are you satisfied with what you see?" She asked, observing Emery's reaction. "The price range for saint level warriors is between 200,000 and 600,000 spirit stones. As for those at Rank 9, the price will be slightly higher. Here are the details."

Curious, Emery checked the price list that the female staff had offered him. As his eyes scanned through the rows of words, he couldn't help but be surprised inside.


[Saint Realm - Rank 4 bloodline - 200,000]

[Saint Realm - Rank 5 bloodline - 400,000]

[Saint Realm - Rank 6 bloodline - 600,000]

[Rank 9 Mage - Rank 4 bloodline - 300,000]

[Rank 9 Mage - Rank 5 bloodline - 600,000]

[Rank 9 Mage - Rank 6 bloodline - 1,000,000]


"Please rest assured, sir. You will not regret buying from us. All of our products are highly trained and you will be ensured to have full control over their will," said the female staff, trying her best to make the sale. 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦

Unbeknownst to her, Emery felt nothing but disgust once again. Despite that however, he maintained his calm appearance as he walked through the several halls one by one, looking around hoping to see a face he might recognize.

Alas, as if fate had laughed at him, he still couldn't see a member of the White Fang within the ten rooms he had passed through. Nothing at all.

Still, Emery would not give up. He racked his brain to think of something, and then suddenly a thought came to his mind. Staring at the female staff, he said, "I am actually interested in one particular gene. Does your Bazzar happen to have any of the Winged Wolf?"

The Winged Wolf was Andrei's wolf gene, and being slave traders, these people should know pretty well about the gene type of every product they sell. Especially those who are influential enough to be able to sell on this marketplace.

"Winged Wolf? Let me check first, sir."

Emery watched silently as she fiddled with the information pad once again.

A few seconds later, the female staff turned to Emery again. The expression on her face changed slightly before she spoke.

"I'm sorry, sir. We don't have a Winged Wolf. How about the Aero Wolf? The two have many similarities with each other."

Those words were of course what Emery didn't want to hear, because they would mean once again he was at a dead end. However, based on her expression just now, Emery suspected that the girl was hiding something so he insisted on his demand.

In the end, with much persistence from Emery, the female staff relented. She first apologized before saying that they had indeed one Winged Wolf gene in the Bazaar. However, they were currently on a special display.

As it was his first time visiting the place and the city itself, the new term naturally confused Emery.

"What do you mean by special display?"

At that question, the girl once again showed an apologetic expression before she hurriedly took him to the other end of the facility. As they drew closer, Emery was surprised to hear a loud cheer coming from the direction they were headed.

Upon arrival, Emery was welcomed by the sight of an enormous arena. Hundreds of people filled the entire place as they watched a fight unfold between two half-bloods. This was what the special display meant, a direct showcase of the products.

When Emery finally got a clear look at who was fighting, he saw a red-fur wolf's head being twisted by another wolf with pitch-dark fur. The former's body fell to the ground drenched in his own blood, while the latter let out a loud shout of victory while being cheered on by the hundreds of spectators.

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The killing actually shocked Emery quite a bit, because he didn't expect these slave traders to be willing to casually kill their products in a deathmatch format.

When Emery inquired about this question of his, the female staff told him that the reason was because the special display not only brought more attention to the Bazaar, but also that the winner of the match would usually fetch a price above its normal range.

Hearing that, Emery immediately realized that the so-called special display was actually an auction, albeit a deadly one, which was why the audience was willing to pay a higher price to obtain the winner.

It was also at that moment that Emery noticed that there were familiar faces among those sitting in the VIP area. That familiar was Philiph Corvin, head of the Corvin faction and brother of Lucius Corvin.

Yoro, who has been quiet, also pointed toward one older man who sat on the VIP stand, not far from him, Patriarch of the Ironcrest clan,

Their unexpected presence almost made Emery completely forget the reason he was here.

However, just as he regained his bearings and was about to inquire about the Winged Wolf once again, one bald man in sophisticated clothes walked into the middle of the arena, shouting out to the guest at the stand.

"Thank you for your purchase of our product, now we welcome the next pair to display!"

New pair for the deathmatch was called upon the arena. One of the contenders was none other than Andrei of the Winged Wolf.

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