Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1511 Identity

Having forgotten half of his memory, a sense of nostalgic joy flooded through Emery when he reconnected with someone he had known from the past.

But alas, Andrei's arrival also brought the grim news that the other two White Fang half-bloods who had accompanied him had perished a few weeks earlier.

Emery let out a deep smile on his face at such a revelation while saying, "That's okay. At least I managed to find you in time."

In an effort to dispel the heavy atmosphere, Emery shifted the conversation to his recent meeting with Tatyana. Hearing about the latter, the Winged wolf's eyes softened and he listened with eager anticipation as Emery revealed Tatyana's current residence in Silvermane City.

A flicker of renewed hope ignited within him, as he exclaimed in relief.

"I really thought she ended up the same as me... I am so glad to hear she's alright."

Although in reality, Tatyana had indeed shared a similar fate as his own, Emery saw no reason to break the truth to Andrei and shatter his mood.

The winged wolf could be seen overflowing with emotions once again, tears streaming down his face like a child's. It was apparent that even after the passage of years, the man still hadn't changed much.

"What's your plan now brother Emery- Aa… I mean chief." Andrei inquired after taking hold of his emotions, his eyes gleaming with resolution.

"It's Evan now. As for the chief, we must wait until the white fang pack is officially formed."

Those words Emery spoke were met with a steadfast response. "No. White fang or not, I will follow you, chief. After what you did back then, you are practically my idol!" The man declared fervently, his voice ringing with conviction.

As Andrei spoke, Yoro of the Sandune Wolf felt a twinge of confusion at the sudden shift in conversation and Emery's revelation of his true identity. The young man however, did not dare to ask.

Emery was supposedly quite famous among the wolf half-blood community. He was the most promising young wolf half-blood, who had managed to achieve an impressive ranking of top 3 in the prestigious Magus Academy. With his battles being broadcasted throughout the universe, even those who had never met him in person would have at least heard his name.

However, based on Yoro's reaction, the young man didn't seem to recognize him. Having spent his life sheltered in the heart of the dense forest, Yoro appeared to have little knowledge of the outside world.

Still, Emery stood firm in his resolve to keep his true identity under wraps.

"For now, my identity will stay hidden. The fewer people know, the better."

Without any room for doubt, the two half-bloods hastily nodded in agreement.

"Where are we going now, chief?" Andrei inquired in an eager tone.

"I would like to deal with the Ironcrest clan, but for now we must make our way back to Silvermane city," Emery replied.

"As you command, chief!"

There were many reasons to return. The first was to gather more information about the two factions: Corvin and Ironcrest; the second was to meet back up with Annara in hopes she had gleaned any vital updates since his departure. Lastly, he really needed to start collecting those fame points at the Wolf Guild, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to join the Royal Hunt.

Without a moment's hesitation, Emery made the decision to buy two additional wolf rides before all three dashed back North, heading back to Silvermane City. 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝙤𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Along the way, Emery took the time to hunt more Legendary creatures at every turn. Of course, just like before, Yoro would be cleaning up their carcasses after he collected their spirit stones.

Three days later, they finally arrived back at the capital city of the planet.

Their first destination after entering the city was the inn where Emery had stayed with Annara before. But to his dismay, the innkeeper informed him the red-haired girl had yet to return.

The journey between Silvermane and Ouroboros should have taken no more than a week, but she had been gone for nine days. The delay left him with a gnawing sense of unease. He could only hope the delay was a sign that Annara would return soon with good news.

There were supposedly Ouroboros spies who could assist him, but Emery didn't plan to search for them because he had no interest in receiving intelligence from people he had never been acquainted with. At least, not now.

He decided to go seek Tatyana instead, bringing Andrei and Yoro with him.

As soon as the three entered the stunning Red Pagoda, the fat man once again welcomed them.

"Sir Evan, it's been far too long since we've seen you here," the caretaker exclaimed, his voice jovial. "If you had not left us so much spirit stone, we would have thought you were bored with her already."

Emery said nothing, merely producing a handful of spirit stones and throwing them to the caretaker. "We require some delicacies for our stay," he said simply. "And my friends will be joining me this time."

The caretaker's eyes widened in surprise, a sly grin crossed his face as he quickly nodded his head. "Ah, I see. A party, then," he said with a knowing wink. "Well, she's all yours for the month."

As they made their way through the opulent halls of the Red Pagoda, Emery's companions gazed in awe at the sights and sounds around them.

Yoro, in particular, had never seen anything quite like this before and his eyes widened in shock at the array of beautiful girls singing and dancing around them. Meanwhile, Andrei was left feeling anxious, wondering how Tatyana could work in a place like this.

Finally, they arrived at their designated room. As soon as they entered and the door closed, a beautiful young woman with flowing brown hair came pounced toward them, a look of excitement on her face.

"Brother Emery, you've returned!" She exclaimed, her voice sweet and soothing.

The girl was obviously concerned for him, fearing he was in danger after days without any words.

"Don't worry too much about me. I can take care of myself," Emery said, when he realized the reason for her actions. "And also, I bring some good news."

At the sight of the towering half-blood by his side, Tatyana's eyes widened with disbelief. She could not contain the torrent of emotions that washed over her upon seeing the familiar figure.

She lunged forward, her delicate fists hammering against Andrei's broad chest with unbridled relief and elation.

"Andrei! You big fool! You made me so worried!", she cried out, her voice brimming with heartfelt concern.

It was another pleasant sight to see and that night the four of them enjoyed a good feast, hoping to forget all their misfortune, even if only for a few hours.

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