Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1531 Rituals

The old chief Beowulf seemed to have timed the schedule well, as tonight was one of the days when the moon of the Silvermane Planet was in full circle. The known best time to perform the wolf pack rituals.

As the full moon could be seen appearing against the dark night sky, Emery could hear many howls resounding throughout the Silvermane City.

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The four of them stood before Emery – Yoro, Andrei, Tatyana, and Morgana, with the moon's silvery light illuminating the courtyard where they were and the old chief Beowulf on the sideline ready to guide the process.

It was at this moment that Emery remembered within his memory that he had done such a ritual with the Fey sisters, but not Morgana. He was curious how it would go this time, whether it would be the same or a completely different experience.

Basking under the bright moonlight, they all quickly stripped off leaving only a piece of clothing covering their intimate parts. However, the attention of the four of them were all focused on the sole figure standing in front of them. b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

With the old chief instruction, Emery bit his right arm until blood started to come out, dripping down his skin. He then used his other arm and his palm to touch their shoulders one by one.

The four of them had memorized the chants beforehand, and all now began reciting it as carefully and precisely as possible. Under the moonlight, as chants continued to reverberate in the air, their bodies gradually transformed.

Fur started growing on their skin, while claws and fangs emerged to replace their fingernails and teeth.

Emery felt a massive accumulation of energy could be felt within. before releasing it all out with a loud howl.


In an instant, everyone followed suit and an inexplicable sensation engulfed them all. Every one of them let out a roar as the ritual started.

It felt like surges of energy were being sent and distributed to them, where they would then send it back immediately, creating a link back and forth between all of them. As time went on and the ritual progressed, Emery felt a newfound power rising within him.

[Blood Moon Ritual is successful]

[The stronger the pact, the stronger the Alpha]

[Battle Power increased by 8 points]

[Your stamina and regenerative abilities have improved]

Emery was the first to finish the transformation, but unlike his first experience with the four Fey sisters five years ago, this time the process took much longer and Emery could clearly see the changes taking place in each of them one by one.

[You received a new member into your pack]

The first one who managed to return to its human form was Yoro the Sandune Wolf. The moment as if to signify that he had finally joined the pack, he found himself bestowed with a massive boost to his battle power.


[Battle power 145(166)]

[Spirit force 375(399)]

[Realm: Saint Realm]

[Bloodline gene - Sandune wolf]

[Gene classification: legendary Bloodline]

[Bloodline limit: Rank 6]

[Current rank: Rank 4]

[Element Affinity: Earth, Wind]

[Spirit Aptitude: C]

It was a mind-boggling boost of more than 20 battle power, so much so that the old wolf was shocked when Emery told him the result.

"I've never seen such a drastic increase before," he said with an amazed expression on his face. "Your blood gene is truly unique, Emery. There's no doubt about that."

The second person to complete the ritual was Andrei, who was slowly returning to his human form. Following his inclusion to his pack, Emery received the same notification regarding this new member of his pack.


[Battle power 125(144)]

[Spirit force 685 (755)]

[Realm: Rank 9 - 6 pillars formed]

[Bloodline gene - Winged Wolf]

[Gene classification: legendary Bloodline]

[Bloodline limit: Rank 5]

[Current rank: Rank 4]

[Element Affinity: Wind]

[Spirit Aptitude: B]

Although not receiving as huge battle power boost as Yoro, The completion of becoming part of Emery's pack allowed the towering figure to undergo a huge boost of spirit force and give him breakthrough, creating another pillar within his spirit core.

After the two male wolves finished their ritual, Emery thought the remaining two would soon follow. To his surprise, it took much longer for the two females.

Morgana was someone in the Magus realm, hence it was somewhat expected that she would need more time to complete the ritual. Tatyana, on the other hand, was only at Rank 9 yet she was still not done. Moreover, what gave Emery some concern was the fact that she was screaming in agony. Even the old Chief Beowlf was a little worried as if something went a little wrong.

Luckily, Emery didn't have to wait much longer as the fox girl's screams finally stopped. The next second, the awaited notification popped into his mind and he could see her stats.


[Battle power 145 (165)]

[Spirit force 865 (910)]

[Realm: Rank 9 - 8 pillars formed]

[Bloodline gene - Six Tail Fox]

[Gene classification: legendary Bloodline]

[Bloodline limit: Rank 6]

[Current rank: Rank 5]

[Element Affinity: Water, Light]

[Spirit Aptitude: B]

Just like Andrei, the fox girl underwent a breakthrough and formed another pillar in her spirit core. However, in contrast to Andrei who looked so energetic, Tatyana was left exhausted due to the completion of the ritual.

The three of them received markings on their shoulders in the form of runes, signifying their current relationship with Emery. Meanwhile, Emery also gained the pack's innate capabilities he once had.

[You learn a new innate skill - One Mind]

[You learn a new innate skill - Battle Howl]

It was a great feeling to be part of the same mind, seeing and hearing each other's senses.

Now they all just had to wait for the last member of the pack, Morgana who was still in her beast form. Her current appearance looked extremely menacing; her pitch black furs with a single stroke of red and numerous bone thorns protruding from her arms.

As time continued, Emery strangely felt some resistance from her. It was seething violently following her relentless howl. Despite her trying really hard to make this happen, apparently there was strong rejection from within. Something that made both their blood boils

After several minutes of struggling, physically and emotionally, Emery was shocked to suddenly receive an unexpected notification.

[Blood Moon Ritual is unsuccessful]

Morgana was left panting, Her eyes gazed at him with confusion before she howled in rage, a pair of flaming wings formed, and Morgana flew off into the night sky.

In confusion, Emery looked to the old chief for an answer.

"I was afraid this would happen, …it's a struggle for dominance; go! chase after her, proof that you are the Alpha"

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