Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1540 Killings

It was the first killing committed after Emery from the Twilight Fang. And with the innate connection linking their minds to one another, he could clearly sense their thoughts and emotions during and at the end of the deed.

There were no fluctuations in Morgana's emotions, the red-haired half-blood was straightforward, following the orders without question. It was evident she had no fear or aversion to taking a life. Yoro surprisingly reacted similarly to her and, coupled with his grudge, a feeling of satisfaction coursed through him.

As for Andrei and Tatyana, even though they deeply resented the Corvin clan for the many things they had gone through, Emery could feel some discomfort and uneasiness from both of them. Clearly, they were still not used to killing and needed time.

Emery himself found no reluctance in such an act. It was necessary for them to cover up their tracks. Being their Alpha, Emery's justification helped the two quickly get over the matter.

"We need to go now." When he saw them all nod, he immediately led them away from this place.

He did not even wait for the reinforcements to arrive and left Frostmind to clean the remaining mess.

After all, Emery had to make sure he and his pack were part of those who were chasing after Tidus and he needed an alibi for their actions just now. Finally, he also hoped to find an opportunity to help the rebel leader escape.

Since time was their utmost priority, Emery decided to go ahead first with Morgana, telling Tatyana and Andrei to catch up and follow the plan accordingly. Their figures disappeared as the two of them increased their speed to the maximum.

Being a powerful Crescent Moon magus, in just minutes, Emery managed to catch after the other wolf packs and join the hunt for the rebel leader. He even deliberately approached one of the packs to make his presence known.

When asked, he quickly threw out the excuse he had prepared. "Chief Ashi told me to join the hunt. I hope it's alright for me to tag along." With that, Emery managed to fit himself in.

Several minutes later, Emery saw the faces of the people around him change and their speed increase as an intense fluctuation in power appeared further ahead. A battle was taking place and when the wolf pack he had joined arrived, he could see Tidus fighting five magus clad in the familiar sophisticated white uniforms.

His suspicions were proven correct when he could see a familiar face in the area. Jason Corvin with his pack of Magus, despite the fact all of them were at the Crescent Moon stage, they dared to fight Tidus who was a peak Full Moon magus.

No matter how he saw and thought about it, the young master of the Corvin was reckless. Even though it was apparent he had improved quite a lot since the last time Emery had seen him, he was still far from being a match against a veteran like Tidus.

In a matter of seconds, Tidus managed to grab hold of one member of Jason's pack and with both of his hands, the poor magus' body was split apart without mercy, killed by nothing but pure strength.

The rugged man almost managed to catch the young master too. The latter would surely have died if it was not for the swift action of the Ghost Wolf, saving him with his unique movement skill.

It seemed the near-death experience enraged the young Corvin. As he was surrounded by the wolf pack that had gathered to protect him, he loudly shouted at the other wolf packs who had arrived. "What are you all waiting for?! This is exactly the reason why I paid you! Attack him!"

The magus of the Corvin pack quickly jumped into the fray and engaged the rebel leader, while the other wolf packs, who accepted the task from the Wolf Guild like Emery, decided to be cautious. After all, the other party – Tidus of the Chain Breaker – was a renowned fighter.

One wrong step and their life could be taken, which definitely wasn't worth the few thousand fame points they would get from this task.

Emery was of course not planning to directly join the battle. Instead, he observed the situation and calculated his chances as he waited for an opportunity to appear.

There were currently 16 Magus-level individuals on the side of the Corvin and they were all ganging up on the rugged middle-aged man. Most of them were at the Crescent Moon level, but they were unexpectedly not enough to trouble the man.

Especially after Tidus finally transformed into his wolf form. His body grew to almost twice as large and purplish-black furs appeared all over its body, which was enveloped by dark lightning.

The man was fast and strong, dodging almost all the bombardment of weapons, claws and spells, while still inflicting damage on his attackers. The attacks he failed to dodge were also not taken for free either, as he made sure the sender had to take the hit himself, dealing critical damage that would leave them either incapacitated or at the very least lose a limb.


The man did not cast any spell, but he still managed to effectively fend off the attacks thrown in his direction. His monstrous display was so unbelievable to the point of striking fear in those who were left standing.

Needless to say, watching the fight was such an eye-opening experience for Emery. The best way to deal with this kind of mob attack was indeed to deal with them ruthlessly and mercilessly, giving rise to contagious fear and doubt.

Within minutes, three magus died at Tidus' hands and three others were in critical condition. At this point, those who had ganged up on the rugged man looked terrified and unwilling to start another fight, only surrounding the man to make sure he didn't run away.

It was then that Emery realized that, with such strength, the rebel leader Tidus should have been able to escape pursuit and encirclement. Instead, he had chosen to stay behind to give the slave refugees a chance.

The sound of thunder boomed in the air, a few seconds later it was followed by rain, but the man stood still as his gaze transfixed, staring at the sky waiting for the figure everyones had been waiting for. 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝗻𝗼𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝐨𝗿𝗴

Fantasme, Corvin female grand magus, had finally arrived to join the battle.

x x x x x x x x x x

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