Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1605 Pirate King

Chapter 1605 Pirate King


Emery followed right behind Magus Hellast and the master of the Raven faction Cyrus as they left the inn and made their way to the city center, towards the pirate king's base.


Although joining the group in their trip to the pirate king's base would be risky for his identity, he still decided to follow them as he was very curious to discover what their objective was – why the two of them wanted to meet with the pirate king.

"I want you to observe and provide me with information on all the pirate figures we encountered inside," Hallast said as they drew closer to their destination.

Apparently, that was his reason for bringing him to the upcoming meeting. Unfortunately for the man, Emery knew absolutely nothing about the pirates. Of course, there was no way he would let the magus know. He planned to bluff his way until he obtained his objective.

Luckily, from the gate all the way to the pirate king's chamber, the group did not encounter any particular figure.

When they finally arrived at the door to the pirate king's hall, the group saw a person standing there. The other party must be one of the pirate king's trusted aides.

Emery was surprised when he recognized said trusted aide from his memories.

Dressed in black clothes that contrasted sharply with his pale skin was a man named Black Jackal. One of the infamous mercenaries from the Shadow Bane gang. Someone that tried to kidnap him from Terra Palace in the past.

Staring at the group, the Half Moon magus individual spoke with a condescending tone.

"The chief is still busy. Please wait here for a moment." 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒏𝙚𝙩

Those words seemed to have made the impatient Hellast annoyed once again, but the Raven faction master calmed him down. It was only after about half an hour had passed that the group was finally allowed to enter.

Stepping through the door, the group arrived in an extremely spacious room. Even though the place looked simple at first glance, as it was made of simple wood and stone, Emery could see many artifacts placed around the room. To be precise, broken artifacts and skeletons of creatures he did not recognize. They must be the pirate king's battle trophies.

At the same time they entered, a group of a dozen men could be seen leaving the hall. Emery was told to stand beside the entrance, while the Raven faction master walked further inside to face the so-called pirate king.

Even if it was only from a distance, Emery could finally see the person who proclaimed himself pirate king.

"Welcome my fellow Raven friend," a heavy voice with some unique accent was heard.

To his surprise, the pirate king Gaira D Reis was a huge man with Silvermane, which meant he must have stepped into the top tier of 15:43

the grand magus realm – having possessed three or two cosmos at the head of a tiger. He was apparently a grand magus who was a hybrid. One so rare to reach the grand magus level.

However, what was more surprising was the fact the man gave out an aura similar to Headmaster Delbrand and Warwick of the Silvermane, which meant he must have stepped into the top tier of the grand magus realm – having possessed three or two cosmos at the very least.

With such strength under his belt, it was no wonder that people talked about his name with fear and respect.

Even though he was some distance away, with his keen senses, Emery could overhear their entire conversation.

The Raven faction master, Cyrus, with a respectful attitude took out a chest filled with precious jewels from his storage ring and offered it to the pirate king as a token of respect and tribute.

He then said, "King Gaira, I have come to show my gratitude for all the support you have given my faction."

Hearing those words, the pirate king sported an indifferent look as he said, "It took you quite a while to show up... I was already starting to think all the new wealth you've got made you forget about us."

"Of course not, King Gaira... I dare not. We're just really busy, that's all."

Tapping the arm of the throne he was sitting on, Gaira said, "Ah yes... I heard your faction just received an upgrade, wasn't it?"

"Yes, that's indeed the case." Cyrus confirmed.

Glancing at the Raven faction master, the pirate king said, "Good. I hope we can improve our relationship even further."

Upon hearing those words, Cyrus seemed reluctant as he said, "Actually, King Gaira, that's also one of the reasons we came here. The current situation with our faction upgrade makes things a little complicated. So we hope to halt all of our joint activities for the time being."

Emery saw the pirate king's expression change at those words. It was obvious the latter was not happy. However, the man only gave a small snort before saying, "If that's the case... alright I understand."

The Raven faction master was about to smile when the pirate king continued his words.

"I will not trouble your faction... But in return, I have one small favor you need to do for me.

Even though it was clear from his body language that Cyrus was hesitant, he agreed to the request in the end. Meanwhile, seeing his reaction, Gaira waved his hand while nonchalantly speaking.

"Don't worry too much. It's an easy task. But, I need you to do it right away."

The pirate king quickly wrote on a piece of paper and then gave it to Black Jackal standing nearby, who then handed it over to the Raven faction master.

Emery couldn't see what kind of expression Cyrus had on his face from behind, but the few seconds of silence the man displayed was enough to tell him that whatever the pirate king asked for was no easy task.

Not caring about the reaction, Gaira said, "Do this one favor for me and I will leave you alone."

Keeping the paper in his storage ring, Cyrus agreed to complete the request and gave his respect once again before turning around. When they finally exited the hall, Emery could sense the sour mood the Raven faction master gave off.

"Let's go."

Although Magus Hellast was clearly concerned about what the favor was, he only asked when they were far from the pirate base.

"What is it, uncle? What did he ask us to do?"

"Not now, not here." With that curt reply, Hellast didn't pursue the matter again.

The moment they returned to the inn, Cyrus quickly summoned all of his group as well as Armand. When they were all assembled, he immediately led them to the dock where their spaceship was parked.

Finally, after setting the ship's course away from Turtle Rock, he gathered everyone together to inform them of the favor the pirate king had asked them to complete. The frown on his face was crystal clear as he said, "The pirate king wants us to attack a certain ship and retrieve a cargo for him."

"What!? What kind of ship? Which faction?!" Hellast asked in shock.

"It's supposedly a light ship..." There was a pause before he added, "But it belongs to Golden City."

Since Golden City was considered the jewel of the sector, it meant that regardless of the type of the ship, those who attacked it would receive serious punishment from Golden City and Magus Alliance forces.

"That's why we need to do this quickly and cleanly."

He then looked towards Emery and Armand and with a serious gaze said, "This is a task given by your king. As such, I expect you two to do well."

Armand gave Emery a slightly odd look before responding, "We will."

As for Emery, since he didn't have much of an option he just followed along.

The three magus of the Raven faction then went to another room, probably because they wanted to talk about some important secret matter. Unfortunately for them, Emery was still able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Uncle, this is a very dangerous task. Can we not refuse this?"

With a heavy sigh, Cyrus said, "Do you not get it? This is clearly an ultimatum. If we don't do his bidding, he will reveal all our crimes. If that happens, you can forget about our faction upgrade. We'll be lucky if we don't get thrown in prison for what we did to Terra."

Several curses sounded before Hellast's voice spoke again.

"We really shouldn't have made a deal with those guys!"

From just a whimsical decision, Emery found himself in quite a situation. However, he knew that if he planned his moves right, he might be able to help Lord Izta's legacy by taking down these despicable people.

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