Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1610 Run

Chapter 1610 Run

Since there were only two portal gates on this planet, one in Raven City and the other in Terra, Emery was quite certain that Cyrus and the others would predict that he would be heading toward the one on Terra.

After he found out their approximate location, the next thing Emery did was try contacting the Terra Palace.

Alas, the device Emery had on him was a short-range one. As for Tessa, even though she did have a communication device that could reach other planets, her storage ring had been confiscated when she was captured.

Luckily, Emery still had other means at his disposal, which was also why he had decided to hide in this cave.

Accessing his storage ring once again, he took out a [Spirit Explosion Pill] and threw it into his mouth. As soon as he felt the pill's effects take effect, he quickly tried to cast his light element spell [Light Whisper]. A spell to send a long-distance message to someone you know.

The target of his spell was none other than any of his friends at the Terra Palace – his pack members or Aiko. He sent them a brief summary of his current situation and position.

To be honest, Emery was not sure whether this method would work, as the range of the spell purely depended on his spirit force. Hence, why he took the Spirit Explosion Pill before casting it.

Not knowing if the message had reached them, Emery proceeded to the next step of his plan.

"Are you ready? Make sure to stay close to me!" Emery said, to which Tessa responded with a nod as the two of them readied themselves in front of the sealed cave entrance.

As soon as they walked out of the cave, they rushed towards the northwest as fast as they could. However, they still paid a fair amount of their attention to their Spirit Reading, scanning the area to make sure no one was chasing them.

"If we keep up this pace, we should be able to reach Terra in about three to four hours."

Things were going smoothly for both of them in the first hour, when Emery suddenly sensed a flying construct heading towards their direction. An interceptor class ship.

Pessimistic that the ship belonged to Terra palace, the two quickly went into hiding among the trees.

It was definitely not a Terra ship and the fact The Raven brought a new ship meant it had a chance to return back to base and gather more people to chase after them.

"It's still not leaving... I think it has detected us!" Tessa anxiously said when she saw the ship continue to hover around the area in a circle.

Taking a close look at it, Emery also came to the same conclusion and his forehead furrowed.

He might be able to outrun any magus with his Wolf bloodline transformation, but not a spaceship. A few minutes later, when he saw the ship still hanging around, Emery couldn't help but heave a sigh.

It seemed a fight was inevitable.

Before that, there was something Emery needed to do first. Now that they were halfway to their destination, he decided to cast [Light Whisper] again, sending out another message in the hopes it would reach Terra; he started to worry the Raven faction had sent people there as well.

Only then did Emery turn to Tessa and tell her the plan he had thought of.

"Do you understand? Run as fast as you can. Find the lord of the palace or any wolf half-bloods and tell them your situation with me, they will definitely help you."

Nodding as a sign she understood, Tessa promptly cast the spell [Windwalk] – a basic speed-boosting spell – on herself and shot out of their hiding spot, running as fast as she possibly could.

As expected, the Raven ship in the sky quickly spotted and chased after her. They even bombarded the area around her to intimidate her into stopping. However, they also made sure they didn't actually hit her.

Undeterred by the destruction unfolding all around her, Tessa kept moving her legs without stopping. She was heading towards a steep valley, but her running didn't slow, instead she kept accelerating.

When she reached the valley and jumped down, the Raven ship following her was forced to fly down to not let her escape them. But then, it was at this moment that a silvery half-wolf half-man figure dashed at extreme speed and crashed into the ship.


The collision was enough for the ship to lose control. It plunged into the trees and crashed to the ground. It wasn't long before four people were seen exiting the now-burning ship with angry looks on their faces the Half Moon Magus Ante and three other Crescent Moon magus, one of them was Armand.

The first thing Ante did was to look in the direction where the Lady of Karat family had run off. Only then did he finally turn towards the silvery wolf figure. Through gritted teeth, he spoke in a hateful tone.

"I'll finish this bastard! You guys quickly chase after her!"

"Yes!" 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟el.c𝚘𝚖

While his gaze was focused on Ante, Emery could see that Armand was looking at him in slight confusion, before he followed the other two.

Ante brandished his electrified spear. The power of Half Moon magus exuded from his figure as he spoke.

"So you are actually a half-blood pirate... You fucking traitor!"

Unfazed by the accusation, Emery spoke in a calm tone. "Hasn't anyone ever told you to never trust a mercenary? Especially the ones you hired at a pirate base!"

"What the fuck did that girl offer you?!" Ante said, gnashing his teeth once more.

A faint smile on his lips, Emery nonchalantly replied, "Something you cannot afford."

The Raven magus snorted. "Huh! That means now you will die for your choice!"

Saying those words, the man cast a buff spell that enveloped his entire body in crackling lightning. He then slammed his feet into the ground, charging towards Emery at breakneck speed.

Since the enhanced effect of the Spirit Explosion Pill still linger, Emery decided to cast [Slipstream] and [Light Wing], bolstering his mobility even further. Combined with [Bloodhound Steps], he had no trouble dodging the Raven magus' barrage of spear attacks.

"You fucking coward! Fight me!" Ante screamed when he saw that his onslaught was fruitless.

"Are you sure?" Emery asked calmly, dodging another stab, which was met with a frustrated scream. "Okay then, I will try not to disappoint."

Now that there was no one else around other than them, Emery took out his Savage Sword and assumed his sword stance. This time, instead of dodging Ante's attack again, he stepped forward and struck with an attack of his own.


As they exchanged attacks, Emery was intrigued by his opponent's spear techniques.

Every thrust he sent was quick yet powerful. They moved as if they were a bolt of lightning, capable of making sudden changes to their trajectory, which made them hard to deal with. Not only that, every time Emery parried an attack, there would be electric shocks that would numb his arms.

With his sword in hand, Emery was able to hold his ground against the storm-like attack that Ante launched. Even his half-remembered sword technique was more than enough to deal with his opponent's technique.

In a life-and-death battle like this, Emery got the chance to see the full strength of a Half Moon magus and he was honestly not impressed. He had so much experience fighting half-blood and elf magus that he realized this man was simply no match for him. Especially a second-rate Magus guard like him.

After a dozen clashes, Magus Ante's expression turned into a frown when he saw that his attacks were fruitless. On the other hand, his continuous bombardment had finally left an opening in his defense.

Emery used [Immortal Gate] without hesitation. He pushed back and caught hold of Raven's mage's spear with his other arm, his overwhelming battle power managed to lock it effortlessly and his sword swiftly chopped off the man's arm.


As blood was splattered in the air, Emery stepped in and delivered a kick strong enough to break several bones to the man's chest, sending him flying into a tree.

A loud scream of pain reverberated through the air. But it was nothing compared to the shocked expression on his face.

"Who... what are you?!"

Emery walked up to the man and said, "Unfortunately, I have wasted too much time playing with you, I need to chase your other men, good bye."

A scream echoed within the forest followed by complete silence as crimson blood washed the ground.

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