Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1615 Hero


"How is that possible?!"

There were not many magus that could match, let alone surpass the impulse speed of an Interceptor-class ship. Both Armand and Tessa were shocked when they saw that the Raven faction master had actually managed to catch up to them.

As his body was enveloped in erratic yellow lightning, the man had both of his arms in the ship's front hill. It was obvious that the Full Moon magus had used some kind of secret technique to accomplish the feat.

Both of them could see the rage in Cyrus' eyes as he decided to cast a spell. Feeling the powerful aura emanating from the man, Armand quickly grabbed Tessa and jumped out from the back of the ship.


Merely seconds after they exited, the ship exploded right behind them, creating a strong gust of wind that sent their bodies flying. Their bodies hit the ground hard, stopping after rolling for a while.

"Argh, dammit!" Armand cursed and gritted his teeth as he watched how the Raven faction master descended in their direction, his body completely enveloped in lightning as if he was a god of thunder.

Tessa was coughing as she slowly stood up. Hiding behind Armand, she whispered in an anxious tone. "What should we do now?!"

In the meantime, Cyrus gave a fierce look towards Armand while saying, "You pirate bastard, how dare you break your contract?! You deserve to die!"

Just as the Raven faction master was about to attack, two dozen glowing daggers flew towards him at breakneck speed.

However, with just a single burst of lightning, they were all quickly rendered useless, destroyed into pieces. The blast also sent Armand skidding backwards, before the momentum was stopped by the woman behind him.

It was glaringly obvious that the Nephilim was no match for the peak Full Moon magus.

Seeing this, Tessa clenched her fist, "It's me that he wants. Just go, save yourself."

Armand was silent when he heard those words. The conflicted expression on his face showed there was definitely a turmoil happening in his mind.

He had seen Cyrus' power and knew the man was not an ordinary full moon magus like the opponents he had seen so far. The latter possessed high proficiency in the Law of Lightning.

In fact, from what he had shown so far, there was a high chance the man was already standing at the door to obtain his domain and achieve cosmos power.

It was foolish to fight the man.

However, after taking a deep breath, Armand turned to the woman and spoke in a firm voice.

"You should leave now. The city shouldn't be much further. I will stall him!"

A look of surprise appeared on the woman's eyes, but Armand had shifted his gaze back to the Full Moon magus. With a determined gaze, as he took a stance, he raised his hand and pointed at the direction of the city while saying, "I got this. Go NOW!"

For the full version, visit 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙘𝙤𝙢.

Taking one last glance at him, Tessa mustered all the energy in her body to run. Surprisingly, the Raven faction master didn't give chase. He instead looked at the Nephilim with a chuckle.

"A pirate trash like you wants to play a hero? Hahaha."

From his words, it was clear he was confident the two of them would not be able to escape his clutches. In his eyes, what they were doing was just the final struggle of the mice cornered by a lion. Pointless.

Armand exhaled a long breath before speaking with determination. "I am not a pirate. I am Armand, a proud member of the Nephilim!"

As soon as he finished saying those words, he took out several golden artifacts which immediately shot up into the air, floating all around him. They were a little bigger than the dagger he usually used, but much lighter. After all, they were the one of the Nephilim's secret weapon, [Soaring Shuttle].

Glancing at the 'friends' he hadn't used for a long time, Armand muttered under his breath.

"We will fight again, together!"

In the next second, the Nephilim's body shone for a moment as he casted a spell that formed an aura of wings behind him.

Staring at his opponent, who was raising his eyebrows in interest, Armand steeled himself for the upcoming fight that would probably spell the end of his life.


A few dozen miles to the south, Emery, who was still fighting the twin Half Moon Raven magus, could sense the commotion in the north. His expression was immediately filled with worry.

Not only did it appear their escape plan had been thwarted, it seemed the Raven faction master also intended to finish off the two of them.

Alas, there was nothing Emery could do at the moment. Contrary to what he thought, his two opponents were not easy to deal with. Both of them were speedsters – ones that capable of matching his speed of 400 battle power at that.

Emery wanted to take them down fast, but he was unable to do so because of their incredible teamwork which even impressed him. They attacked back and forth with such harmony that it left him no openings to exploit.

When he tried to focus on taking down just one of them, the other one would immediately come to their aid. Their relentless onslaught managed to overwhelm him, causing him to receive multiple wounds.

Of course, Emery would not go down so easily thanks to his innate [Undecaying Flesh], which rapidly regenerated all of his wounds. He was really pressed to end this battle quickly, so he could help with the situation in the north.

Already in his Twilight Form with the [Paragon Blessing] active, Emery had been biding his time before using his last card in hope to sign a decisive end to this difficult battle.

"He keeps regenerating, brother! Let's chop his head off now!"

"No, I still want to play a bit more. Let's cut his limbs first. See how long it will take to grow back!"

"You're right, that's more interesting!"

As the two charged in with confidence, going deeper than they had gone so far, Emery finally saw his chance. Meeting them head-on, he purposely let them land their attacks, making sure that none of his vital organs were hit.

As their blades pierced and went deep into his flesh, Emery used his new innate skill [Immortal's Gate].

[Battle power increased by 128]

[Battle power: 432 (560)]

With his new increase in power, Emery let go of his sword and drew out his [Blade Claw]. He swiftly bent down and swung his arm, causing a copious amount of blood to splatter on the ground severing the opponent's legs.

"ARGHH!!!" 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒄𝙤𝒎

Blood splattered as the two of them fell to the ground in shock, their faces terrified as they realized they had lost their means of mobility.

It would take a minute before the Immortal Body of a Magus kicked in and regenerated their limbs. Unfortunately, that amount of time was too long to save their lives.

"Please… We are just following orders," one of them said as they tried to crawl away from Emery.

"Yes… Yes… we were forced to do this… Please have mercy."

Emery's face was expressionless as he knew better than to listen to their pleas. He was pretty sure that once he turned around, letting them recover their limbs, they would come back and give him even more trouble.

That's why he decided to finish them off now.

Just as he was about to land the killing blow, Emery flinched from a sudden pain in his chest. Before he could think of anything, several dark tentacles shot out and grabbed the two magus, pulling them into the seemingly endless darkness that had appeared in his chest.

"Aghhhh! What is this?! NOOO!"

The screams of the two died as quickly as they appeared as their figures disappeared into the Khaos Gate.

As the tentacles disappeared, a speechless expression appeared on Emery's face. He shook his head saying, "Seriously, Elder Cthulhu? If you want to feast on them, at least help me with the fight"

<NO, too tiring>

Emery could only sigh at the short and direct answer without much of an explanation. The creature was most likely too busy devouring the two magus.

Knowing the time he had was limited, he quickly dashed north in a hurry toward the battle taking place there.

When he arrived he saw the battle seemed to have just ended. The Nephilim's figure was seen standing still, his body covered in blood facing the Raven faction master. Sensing movement, he turned his head and saw Emery.

"Finally… took you… long enough…"

As soon as Armand said those words, his body fell to the ground, as did all the shuttles that were floating around him.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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