Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1622 Sentenced

1622 Sentenced

"She saved my life; I owe her," Emery stated firmly, his voice filled with gratitude and determination.

In response to his statement, Emery proceeded to explain to the group the extent of Annara's actions. He recounted how she had risked her own life to take his other soul alongside Silva to Ouroboros, where she had been tirelessly aiding him ever since.

Chumo, upon hearing Emery's account, fell deep into thought. Finally, he broke the silence and said, "I am sorry, Emery. All I remember of her is how she killed Roran and then stood watch while me and others were tortured and experimented upon... Those memories still haunt me whenever the pain from the toxin strikes."

Emery let out a heavy sigh, understanding the weight of Chumo's traumatic memories. He responded empathetically, "I understand, but we have destroyed Zenonia and her men. Annara is not one of them."

Gerri, comprehending the delicate situation, chimed in, "Alright, as long as you don't talk about saving her, I will help you see her."

"Alright," Emery agreed, his heart filled with both anticipation and concern.

Gerri led the group into the Magus Alliance headquarters and eventually brought Emery to the prison area. They descended to the third level, where high-level fugitives were held captive.

"There she is," Gerri said, pointing towards a figure behind a glass door. "Annara, you have a visitor."

Emery approached the glass, his features masked by Evan's Valerious face. As soon as Annara caught sight of him, she spoke, her disappointment evident in her tone. "Took you long enough... I am utterly disappointed."

Emery nodded, acknowledging the delay. "Yes, I have been occupied."

The urgency in Annara's voice grew as she pleaded, "So... can you release me now?"

Emery heaved a sigh and said, "What kind of authority do you think I have?"𝚋𝚎d𝚗ov𝚎𝚕.co𝚖

With a forced smile, she said, "Come on, you are the hero, you always find a way, don't you?"

It was such an illogical reasoning, but Emery still said "I will get you out of here"

Annara's tone shifted slightly, her impatience mingled with desperation. "You should... don't take too long. They have sped up the process. They will execute me in three days."

"Three days! How?"

In his confusion, Gerri explained that the Hartlight faction had sent people to pressure the judge, while Annara, being an outcast from her own planet, had no one to defend her.

Emery's heart sank at the realization that time was running out. Three days felt unbearably short.

"I will speak to the Hartlight family. I will reason with them," Emery declared, his mind already formulating a plan.

"Good... Do whatever you need to do... remember you owe me," a hint of desperation was heard from her tone.

Emery left the Magus Alliance building and found his friend waiting for news.

He answered, "You should all return to Terra; I have something to do first."

Emery went toward where the Hartlight envoy stayed, but the next few hours he spent waiting for them to meet with him. However, they showed no interest in meeting an unknown individual like him. Feeling trapped and desperate, Emery decided to seek the assistance of a friend—the influential Tessa Karat, whose family held significant power in Golden City.

Tessa was taken aback to see Emery so soon, but after he explained the dire situation, she let out a long sigh. "I can help, but this is not an easy matter. Your friend is considered a high criminal, and dealing with such cases is complicated."

Although Tessa's response wasn't a complete rejection, she needed time to investigate the situation thoroughly.

As two days slipped away, Emery finally managed to meet Tessa. She delivered the news, saying, "I managed to secure a hearing with the judge. It will give her a reduced sentence, but they need a witness to speak for her."

Before Emery could respond, Tessa added a cautionary note. "It's not as simple as it sounds. You would be giving your testimony to a group of people," and Tessa hinted at an additional complication.

With a heavy heart, Emery made his way back to the Terra Palace, his mind filled with uncertainty.

He told everyone about the condition of tomorrow's hearing.

Time was running out, tomorrow would be the final opportunity to help Annara.

After careful contemplation, Emery made up his mind. He knew the risks involved, but he couldn't let Annara face such a fate. He would agree to the terms.

The following morning, the halls of the Magus Alliance headquarters were bustling with activity. Enforcers, civilians, and curious onlookers had gathered to witness the last hearing of the notorious criminal, Annara Vermont.

Annara, with her fiery red hair, was called to the stand. Five judges sat behind a high table, ready to pass judgment.

As Annara scanned the audience, her eyes searched for a familiar face, but she couldn't find the person she sought. A hint of loneliness crept into her expression.

"It seems that, in the end, I am alone," she murmured, her voice tinged with resignation. But despite her solitude, she mustered a smile as she looked up at the judges.

"Annara Vermont, you stand accused of three crimes," one of the judges declared. "First, the murder of Roran Hartlight. Second, the escape and breakout from Golden City prison. And third, colluding with the enemy, which resulted in the capture and death of multiple Magus Academy acolytes."

The weight of the charges hung in the air, and all eyes were on Annara as the judge continued, "In light of these charges, how do you plead?"

"Not guilty!" Annara's voice rang out confidently, eliciting a mixture of shock, disbelief, and uproar from the spectators in the halls.

"Explain your plea to the court."

Annara took a deep sigh and said, "I am not guilty of such a crime. My only crime was being born into the wrong family, a poor family with big dreams. This leads me to believe in my master's words. I made mistakes, but I have paid my dues through my past actions."

The crowds turned rowdy once again by such a statement, and what came next was the calling of a prepared witness.

As soon as the witness arrived in the room, Annara was shocked.

Standing at a podium, the young man was told to introduce himself, and with unwavering determination, he said, "My name is Emery Ambrose."

Emery had come to witness as his real identity; he was willing to come out of the shadows to save Annara. His presence in the courtroom sparked whispers and murmurs among the crowd.

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