Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1639 Punishment

"Please… please… my queen, please! All I did, I did for you! For the royal family!" Photinus pleaded desperately, his voice trembling with fear and desperation. The once influential figure in Egypt now found himself at the mercy of the queen he had once served.

Klea sat on her ornate throne, her regal presence commanding the attention of the crowd that had gathered. Her eyes remained fixed on Photinus, studying him intently. She had orchestrated this public spectacle not only to seek the truth but also to demonstrate her authority and strength to her subjects.

"Confess to the people," Klea commanded in a composed yet firm tone, her voice carrying through the air with unwavering authority.

Photinus, devoid of any hope and aware of the dire consequences of his actions, began to recount his treachery. He admitted to his lies about the Roman intentions towards the royal family, a deception that had ultimately led to the death and destruction of Alexandria. Fear had driven him to commit such acts, a testament to the inherent flaws of humanity.

As Photinus concluded his confession, a heavy silence settled over the crowd. The gravity of the moment hung palpably in the air. The Roman officials, including Julian himself, observed the scene with a mix of curiosity and vigilance.

This execution served as a symbolic act, a way for Egypt to extend an apology to their Roman allies for the chaos and devastation caused by Photinus' lies.

Klea remained seated, her expression impassive as she awaited Julian's response. The fate of their delicate alliance rested upon his next words. Julian rose from his seat, standing before the people of Egypt and his own soldiers, his gaze unwavering.

"We, Rome and Egypt, have enjoyed a long-standing friendship," Julian began, his voice resonating with authority. "It is my fervent hope that this unfortunate misunderstanding will not fracture the bonds between our kingdoms."

The crowd murmured amongst themselves, unsure of how to interpret Julian's words. Klea observed him closely, her eyes scanning his face for any sign of duplicity.

"However," Julian continued, his voice gaining strength, "Rome still demands justice for the killing of our esteemed statesman, Magnus Pompey!"

Klea's attention was immediately captured. Her sister, Arsinoe, was brought forward, shackled and visibly shaken. The sight struck a chord within Klea, a mix of worry and protectiveness flooding her heart. She quickly rose from her throne, prepared to defend her sister against any accusations.

However, before Klea could utter a word, Julian's commanding voice cut through the murmurs of the crowd, drawing all attention to him.

"Behold, before you stands Princess Arsinoe," Julian declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Not only was she complicit in the killing of our esteemed Roman council member, but she also attempted to usurp the throne of Egypt."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the assembled crowd. Gasps of disbelief and whispers of outrage spread like wildfire. Some cursed Arsinoe for her alleged crimes, unable to fathom that such a young girl could be capable of such treachery. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝙣𝒐𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙤𝙧𝒈

"What say you!" Julian said

Following custom, Arsinoe was given an opportunity to address the accusations against her.

Arsinoe did not hesitate to confess her crimes, her voice filled with bitterness and resentment. She even cursed her own sister, Klea, in a moment of desperation. "I am Arsinoe!" she cried out, her words filled with a sense of entitlement. "Why can't I be queen? It is my birthright!"

Klea's heart sank as Arsinoe's words reverberated in the air. She had been aware of her sister's ambitions, suspecting that she had manipulated their brother, Ptolemy, to create discord within their family.

It saddened Klea to witness the extent of Arsinoe's betrayal, Ironically, if she had been willing to wait, Klea was ready to relinquish her own throne for her sister's happiness. Her main ambition after all was not Egypt or anywhere around earth.

As Arsinoe's confession echoed through the crowd, Klea's anxiety grew. She knew that her sister's crimes warranted severe punishment, most likely an execution. However, to her surprise, Julian stepped forward, interrupting the tense atmosphere.

"Don't worry, I will not let Rome execute her," Julian assured her, his voice filled with a mixture of sympathy. "You have my word."

Relief washed over Klea like a gentle wave. Julian's mercy and understanding were unexpected but appreciated. She gave a little nod of gratitude. As she prepared to leave, Julian's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"How long are you going to ignore me?" he asked, his words tinged with vulnerability.

Klea's response was direct and devoid of emotion, catching Julian off guard. "I will come to your chamber tonight," she replied, her tone leaving no room for interpretation.

Julian's mind whirled with a flurry of thoughts and emotions. The notion of Klea, the Queen of Egypt, visiting his chamber at night sent a surge of anticipation coursing through him. He pondered her intentions, struggling to comprehend the depths of her motives and desires.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a shadow over the city, Julian awaited Klea's arrival with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The seconds ticked by, each one feeling longer than the last. And then, finally, the door to his chamber swung open, revealing Klea's radiant presence.

She glided into the room, clad in a resplendent golden robe that accentuated her curves and illuminated her features. Julian stood there, awestruck, as if a goddess had descended from Mount Olympus itself. The room seemed to shrink in comparison to her captivating beauty.

Klea moved with confidence and purpose, her eyes locked with Julian's. A smile played on her lips, an invitation impossible to resist. She walked towards the bed and lay down comfortably on it. Her gaze never wavering.

"What are you trying to do?" Julian asked, his voice betraying his inner struggle.

Klea's eyes swept across the room, pausing on the inviting expanse of the bed. She turned to Julian, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "You are the one who chose to reside in my chamber. Your intention is clear. Why hesitate now?"

This time she said it straight, calling him to join her to bed, it was a definitely a lie if Julian has never imagined this before.

He wanted it.. he desire it.

Julian took a tentative step closer to the bed, his gaze filled with a mixture of conflicted emotions. The weight of his choices hung in the air.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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