Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1650 Gate

The four companions began their trek back toward the remnants of the once-great city. They followed the resonating symphony of monstrous roars that echoed like a cacophonous chorus from within the depths of the city's desolate expanse. The journey was a nostalgic repeat of previous encounters, but the stone creatures they had vanquished before now appeared with a new surge of aggression.

This time, these beings, previously land-bound, decided to reveal the full extent of their capabilities. They unfurled the wings crafted from stone on their backs, lifting off the ground and taking to the sky. Their attacks diversified, striking from high above, causing a new dimension of challenges for the team.

Thrax, a gladiator to the core, bellowed a roar filled with anticipatory excitement. "Bring them on!" he called out, a wild glint dancing in his eyes. He gleefully dispatched the creatures, mentally marking each takedown as a notch on his unseen scoreboard.

While Thrax reveled in the bloody ballet of battle, Julian had diverged from their playful competition. His attention was riveted on the unfolding situation—the progressively increasing aggression from the creatures and their expanding numbers hinted at a greater, unseen threat lurking in the shadows.

After what felt like an eternity of fighting and advancing, their journey led them to the gaping maw of a vast cave.

The cave, seemingly the epicenter of the monstrous chorus they had followed, stood before them like an ominous sentinel. As they approached, the sight that greeted them was foreboding—a dozen stone creatures, taller and mightier than the ones they had previously faced, guarded the entrance.

Their sudden arrival incited the guards into unleashing ear-splitting shrieks, a rallying cry that drew more abyss creatures from the cave's stygian depths.

Unperturbed, Thrax roared back, "It's time to get serious!" His body encased itself in a suit of impenetrable dark metal, his spear glowing ominously. His boisterous laughter echoed through the night, betraying no hint of fear or doubt, only anticipation. Each swing of his weapon brought down several abyss creatures. Their desperate retaliation was in vain as their claws and fangs could only scrape helplessly against his armored exoskeleton.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Thrax reveled in the adrenaline rush, his laughter echoing like a crazed symphony in the backdrop. He fought with reckless abandon, relishing the carnage as he made short work of the encroaching abyss creatures.

Klea glanced at Julian, her eyes filled with questions, but his cool gaze and a slight smirk were all the answers she needed. "Why spoil his fun?" he retorted, watching Thrax's display of might with an amused expression.

Once the entrance of the cave was cleared of immediate threats, they delved deeper into the abyss. Thrax led the way, his form a formidable silhouette against the darkness. They navigated through winding tunnels, the darkness only broken by the faint glow of their magic and the distant luminescence of an unknown source.

To their surprise, they emerged into a large, echoing chamber. The room was buzzing with abyss creatures, each monstrous form casting long, distorted shadows. At the heart of the chamber, a colossal gate loomed, its archaic inscriptions faintly illuminated by an ethereal glow emanating from the cracks etched across its surface.

Beyond the illuminated fissures, they glimpsed another world. This realm was an infernal landscape dominated by rivers of molten lava and fire, a stark contrast to the cool, subterranean atmosphere of their current location. The unsettling sight, paired with the incessant roars and shrieks of the abyss creatures, made the hairs on the back of their necks stand.

A sudden quake made the cave shudder ominously, causing the fissures on the gate to expand. This time, however, it wasn't the stone creatures that emerged, but rather a multitude of head-sized, thorny creatures. The peculiar beings rolled forward like living, breathing tumbleweeds, unfolding themselves upon stopping to reveal their menacing forms. They had small feet for locomotion and a mouth full of sharp teeth that covered almost their entire bodies.

While the new creatures seemed weaker than their stony predecessors, they quickly proved to be a challenge. Their numbers were overwhelming, swarming out from the gate like an unstoppable tide.

In response, Klea swiftly conjured her potent combined spell, [Wind Shard]. The resulting whirlwind was a ballet of frost and ice, carving through dozens of the rolling creatures, freezing others in their tracks. However, for every creature that fell, a dozen more emerged, undeterred by the icy barrage. 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲𝐥.𝗻𝗲𝐭

Their battle lines reformed. Thrax, always eager to be in the thick of combat, took his position at the front, his spear gleaming menacingly. Julian, not to be outdone, activated the items from his storage rings, summoning fifty robust-looking soldiers, the powerful [Praetorian Guards]. They formed a defensive line behind Thrax, their disciplined stance a stark contrast to the chaotic onslaught of the abyss creatures. Klea and Damo remained at the rear, readying their offensive spells, their faces etched with determination.

The battle raged on. the dark, echoic chamber becoming a morbid tableau of slain creatures. Eventually, the tide of the creatures began to dwindle, the sea of rolling tumbleweeds reduced to mere trickles.

"Is that it?! Is this over already?" Thrax questioned, his tone a mix of relief and a hint of disappointment.

His question hung in the heavy silence, a foreboding feeling crept among them as a terrifying aura permeated from beyond the gate. The ground trembled once more, but this time, the tremors felt more substantial, akin to the footsteps of an unseen titan. The sudden, oppressive aura and the incessant tremors filled their hearts with dread.

Klea was surprised to hear a voice, feminine and reminiscent of a child's, echoed in her mind, "Close the gate... close the abyss gate before it's too late."

Her mind whirled, trying to locate the source of the voice, but her attention was quickly drawn towards the gate. The fissures had widened further, revealing a single, massive eye that was gazing back at them.

Involuntary gasps of shock echoed through the chamber. "What is that?" one of them whispered, their voice barely audible over the rising dread.

Relying on her extensive knowledge, Klea quickly surmised a terrifying possibility. "Is that a beholder?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

However, her speculation was proven incorrect when the enormous eye receded, and a gigantic arm with five fingers reached out from the gate, sending a wave of dread washing over the group. The sight confirmed their worst fear—it was a giant.

"Do not let it get out…" The mysterious voice echoed again in Klea's mind. Her plea for more information was met with silence. But they didn't need any further warnings. The sight of the giant struggling against the gate was enough.

Klea quickly sprung into action, casting her powerful lightning spell while shouting, "Stop it from breaking out!"

Without a moment of hesitation, Thrax and Julian joined the offensive, attacking the behemoth's arm with their weapons. The cuts they inflicted merely served to enrage the giant further.

In response to their attacks, a guttural roar echoed through the cave, resonating with an intensity capable of harming their spirit cores. It dawned upon them that they were up against a creature of formidable power, possibly a full moon magus or even stronger.

Upon realizing their offensive tactics were barely making a dent, Klea switched tactics. She studied the inscriptions on the gate, recognizing them as a formation seal. "It's a formation seal. Buy me some time!" she commanded.

The next moments were a flurry of desperate actions. Julian cast a metal spell to restrain the giant's arm, while Thrax used his battle art [Fearless Thrust] to pin the behemoth's palm to the ground. The giant retaliated with a roar that shook the cavern, the terrifying sound echoing their grim realization—this creature was more potent than they had initially anticipated.

"We can't hold for long, Klea. Hurry!" Julian shouted, his voice straining against the cacophony of roars.

Fully engrossed in the formation seal, Klea tried to find a way to close it again. With her extensive knowledge of five different elements, she was able to understand half of the formation. It was a seal that was made to lock the gate.

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Her heart pounded in her chest as the cracks on the gate grew larger, suddenly along with another tremor, a second arm emerge, this time reaching towards her.

Panic surged within them, but Julian's reaction was swift. He glowed with a power boost, stopping the second arm in its tracks.


The force sent him flying back, colliding with Klea and landing heavily on the ground.

As they recovered, they beheld a terrifying sight—the gate had been fully forced open, and the monstrous one-eyed giant that was at least 20 meters tall, was finally free from its confinement. The full scope of their challenge loomed large, promising an arduous battle ahead.

x x x x x x

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