Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1752 My Path

Chapter 1752 My Path

"I will do whatever is necessary to guard this world, that I promise."

From the moment I set foot back on Earth, that promise has been the guiding beacon of my every move. The echoing wind beneath the wings of every decision, every sacrifice I've made. It's a commitment I've kept, and the evidence surrounds me.

Spanning 6.5 million miles, I've stitched together the diverse fabric of 121 separate kingdoms. Through strategic alliances, passionate diplomacy, and sometimes unavoidable confrontations, I've brought these vast territories under a singular banner. Now, 1.2 billion souls live and thrive under my care.

Gone are the days of rampant wars and restless nights. Now, a universal tranquility envelops the Earth. One law governs the land, one policy directs its progress, and one ruler — me — ensures its steadfast continuation. All are treated justly, and all flourish in this newfound unity.

As I traverse the corridors of my expansive palace or walk amongst my people in the streets, the air reverberates with their voices. "Kaesar, Kaesar, Kaesar," they chant in unison.

Some with awe, some with reverence, and others with sheer gratitude. I am not just their leader, but the embodiment of their hopes—the emperor of this world.

It's a heavy crown, laden with responsibilities and expectations. But this is the path I chose, or perhaps, the path that chose me—the path of the sovereign.

I could feel the surging energy, a maelstrom of power swirling inside. A searing heat enveloped me, A clarity, like the birth of a new dawn, began to form. Power surged through every fiber of my being, amplifying my capabilities beyond measure.

[Your core is experiencing changes.]

[Integrating comprehension of law…]


[Successful comprehension of the Law of Fire by 8% achieved]

[Successful comprehension of the Law of Metal by 8% achieved]

[Successful comprehension of the Law of Sovereign by 5% achieved]

[You have reached a breakthrough into Magus Realm - Crescent Moon]

[Battle Power increased exponentially] [Battle Power 182 (275)]

[Accelerated regeneration capability attained]

[Flight mastery achieved]


Amidst the surge of newfound powers, Julian felt an inexplicable hollowness tug at the edges of his elation. An echoing void within his chest, almost as if the vastness of his achievements was overshadowed by a looming question. He murmured to the vast chambers of his palace, "Now what? What lies ahead for me?"

The path of the sovereign had been both his salvation and his torment. Its double-edged nature gnawed at him: on one side, the unparalleled power and respect, and on the other, the insatiable desire for more.

It was in this reflective moment that a presence announced itself. The delegation from the Kronoss faction had arrived. At its helm was a figure of arresting beauty, with eyes that held millennia of stories and wisdom. She was Athena, revered and respected as both the god of war and the god of wisdom.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Kaesar," her voice was a melodious chime, carrying with it the weight of ages.

Julian, ever the consummate diplomat, rose to greet her. With a grand gesture, he welcomed Athena into his sanctum, intent on showcasing the splendors of Rome that flourished under his leadership.

"This is indeed impressive. Your capabilities surpass any king Earth has ever witnessed"

Though her words were draped in admiration, Julian wasn't easily swayed by flattery. The sharp instincts that had carried him to the peak of power now alerted him to an underlying intention in Athena's visit. With a measured tone, he inquired,

"What is it that you want?"

With a serene smile, Athena responded, "I want what you want… peace"

She further revealed her position in the cosmic hierarchy, standing third in command, shadowed only by Kronoss and the venerable Zeus. While these two powerhouses were less inclined toward diplomacy, Athena bore a different perspective. She entertained the possibility of a truce between Earth Magus and the Kronoss faction.

Julian, furrowing his brow, pondered, "What then of the anticipated duels?"

Athena, ever deserving of her title as the god of wisdom, gracefully elucidated, "The duels can continue to determine Earth's caretaker. But a duel is not war. It's a test of prowess, not a call for annihilation."

She added, "Let the most deserving faction be the protector of this world. won't you agree?"

Athena's voice took on a graver tone, "Within two decades, a catastrophe threatens to envelop this world. You've borne witness to the might of the cyclops, haven't you? If you become the chosen caretaker of this realm, would you not wish for allies in such trying times?"

Julian's heart tightened as memories surged, transporting him to the dark times on the planet Andora. He had witnessed first-hand the cataclysmic aftermath of such events, and the very idea of Earth suffering a similar fate was unbearable.

Yet, as Athena continued, it became clear that her words on the impending disaster were not the primary bait. She leaned in, her eyes searching Julian's, and with an almost seductive tone whispered,

"Kaesar, tell me truthfully, does being the Emperor of Earth fulfill your ambitions?"

"Do you not dream bigger? Would you be content being the apex predator in a mere pond when there's an entire ocean waiting to be dominated?" 𝚋edn𝚘𝚟el.co𝚖

Her proposal was audacious and tantalizing.

"Cooperate with us and not only will you reign over Earth, but we will also guide you in carving out a new empire within the vast expanse of the Magus universe."

It felt as though Athena's words were woven with magic. She appeared to gaze right into the depths of Julian's soul, understanding and manipulating his deepest desires.

She presented an opportunity only Kronoss, the present custodian of Earth, had the authority to grant.

"We could start by letting more Earth people enter the Magus universe"

Driven by Athena's tantalizing offer, Julian wasted no time in orchestrating an event that would not only demonstrate Earth's potential but also serve as a testing ground for the world's elite. He announced the inception of the 'Magus Summit,' a grand convocation beckoning warriors from every corner of the planet. His objective was clear: to find a champion deserving enough to earn a rare passage into the vast expanse of the Magus universe.

On the inaugural day of the Summit, the arena thrummed with anticipation as warriors from the Sky realm showcased their prowess. As dusk approached, Julian's thoughts turned to the next day, where champions from the revered Saint realm would take center stage. He earnestly hoped to identify a candidate who would truly show Earth's potential.

Overseeing this grand spectacle was Apollo, another Magus from the Kronoss faction, handpicked to adjudicate the event. With a commanding presence and discerning eye, he closely watched every bout.

In the cool embrace of the evening, Julian approached Apollo, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Apollo, share your thoughts. Did any contender stand out to you today?"

Apollo, thoughtful, responded, "For the Sky realm, age is the main factor, so your young Roman warriors were the only ones I have my eyes on, but tomorrow is another day, and I eagerly await the Saint realm contenders."

Feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders, Julian decided to retreat to the sanctuary of his chambers. But as he neared his door, a disconcerting sensation gripped him. The air grew cold, and an unsettling energy wafted from within.

Drawing his energy around him, Julian challenged the intruder, "Reveal yourself! Who dares intrude upon my sanctum?"

Challenging the unseen presence, he demanded, "Reveal yourself! Who dares to disturb me? Come out!!"

From the shadows, a voice - achingly familiar and filled with nuances of past encounters - answered, "Have you forgotten about me, Julian?"

"You!! Emery!!"

x x x x x x x

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