Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 1759 Summit 4

Chapter 1759 Summit 4

A mesmerizing sight greeted those present as a dozen figures gradually descended from the sky. Half of them, the Magus, seemed to defy gravity itself, hovering in mid-air with an ethereal grace before gently setting foot on the ground. The other half, the non-magus, rode on advanced mechanisms that resembled the Orbiter, with propulsions and gleams of energy supporting their descent.

As the gathered audience collectively held their breaths, shock and wonder painting their faces, Emery was an exception. While most were overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of these celestial-like beings, Emery, with his astute observation found the event rather fascinating. Without hesitation, he further strengthened his mental barrier, a protective veil that shrouded him from detection, ensuring that in the midst of this chaos, he remained an unseen spectator.

It wasn't long before one figure distinguished himself from the rest, drawing everyone's attention like a magnet. This was Zeus, his tall, imposing stature, complemented by an aura of dominance, left no doubt about his leadership role among the newly arrived. As his piercing eyes surveyed the throng of humans before him, they paused briefly, a hint of recognition flickering, as they settled on the Abbot. With a voice that was both thunderous yet velvety, he remarked, "Ahh, you're still alive, and a magus at that… very good."

Julian stepped into the arena. Despite his intuition hinting that Zeus's unexpected visit harbored a hidden agenda, he exuded an aura of serenity. Addressing Zeus, he inquired,

"Esteemed Magus, to what do we owe this unexpected honor? How may we be of service?"

The interactions between Zeus and Julian did not go unnoticed. The attendees, picking up on the fact that the revered Kaesar of Rome was familiar with and even deferential to, this mysterious figure from the skies, were abuzz with speculation. Whispers spread like wildfire, as everyone tried to discern the true identities of these divine visitors.

Zeus, clearly enjoying the intrigue he had caused, faced Julian, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

"A little bird told me that you are granting people access to the magus universe… This gathering is in aid of that, isn't it?"

Caught slightly off-guard, Julian responded while allowing his gaze to momentarily flit to Athena, "Indeed, that is the purpose of our gathering. Were you not informed of our intentions?"

With a casual shrug, Zeus responded, "Oh, we were made aware, yes. After all, it falls upon the shoulders of the caretaker to scout for promising talents worthy of being introduced to the magus universe." He paused for dramatic effect before adding, "However…"

Leaving his statement hanging in the air, Zeus began to leisurely circle the three chosen candidates, appraising each of them. After what felt like an eternity, he declared with a tone of condescension, "Such tests, to my mind, are hardly befitting."

The atmosphere grew thick with tension. Suddenly, without warning, Zeus dramatically raised his arms skyward. As if responding to his silent command, ethereal chains of lightning began to form, crackling with raw energy. They snaked rapidly across the arena, momentarily illuminating everything in a bluish-white hue. The three chosen candidates could feel the electricity coursing around them but, miraculously, not harming them. However, the same could not be said for the two dozen praetorian guards who stood in formation. The chains of lightning converged upon them with a fury, and in an instant, where once stood valiant guards, there was now only a scattering of ashes — a testament to the devastating power of Zeus.

Julian's normally composed face contorted with rage, his voice echoing with disbelief and anger, "What's the meaning of this!!"

With an air of mock apology, Zeus responded, "Oh, my apologies, did I just break your toys?"

Julian's eyes darted towards Athena, seeking guidance or perhaps an explanation for Zeus's audacious actions. But the usually vocal Athena remained mysteriously silent, her eyes downcast, seemingly lost in her thoughts. The weight of betrayal pressed heavily on Julian's heart, realization dawning that perhaps this entire scenario was preordained. With a mix of frustration and bitterness, he addressed Zeus, 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝐧𝗼𝘃𝗲𝐥.𝗰𝗼𝐦

"If you've come with ulterior motives, be forthright about them. Don't make a mockery of us."

Zeus, clearly amused by Julian's outburst, replied with feigned innocence, "My dear Earthlink friend, do you doubt our commitment to our roles as caretakers? How very...misguided."

Without waiting for a response, Zeus confidently strode over to the six non-magi that accompanied him. Gesturing grandly to them, he declared, "You see, I brought with me Kronos's finest young talents to gauge the mettle of Earth's magus. If that isn't an indication of our earnestness, what is?"

Julian assessed the six newcomers, their poised stances and steely glares revealing a depth of experience and skill. He understood the underlying danger; taking on Zeus's chosen would be no small feat. With a deep breath, Julian made a decision, "Enough of these games. We refuse to be pawns in whatever scheme you've devised. This ends now."

The atmosphere in the arena, already charged with tension, grew colder with every word Zeus uttered. His mocking tone resonated throughout the grounds, every syllable dripping with disdain. "Why the rush to end things, Julian? After all, we've come all this way. Let's see what these three are truly made of," he sneered, his gaze provocatively skimming over the three candidates. His eyes then settled on Abbott, who had been silently observing the events unfold, a challenge evident in the glint of Zeus's eyes.

Julian, taking a defiant step forward, his voice unwavering, shot back, "We won't be drawn into your provocations. This is our ground, and I won't let you sully it with your games. And unless you want to be reported to the Nephilim, I suggest you stand down."

The gravity of invoking the name 'Nephilim' wasn't lost on those present. It was reminded of a pact that explicitly stated that the Kronos faction would keep its distance from Earthlink until a specified duel took place.

However, Zeus, ever the master manipulator, wasn't fazed. His grin, far from disappearing, deepened, his eyes shining with malevolent delight. "

"Ah, Always so quick to cite regulations," he mocked. "But you seem to forget one crucial detail. It was you who consented to this test, thereby granting us the right to be here. Legally, I might add." He emphasized the last word with a hint of satisfaction.

Those words hit Julian like a sledgehammer. The implication was clear: in his eagerness to showcase Earthlink's prowess, Julian had inadvertently granted Zeus and his entourage an open invitation to intervene. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, and Julian's face turned a shade paler as the weight of his oversight dawned upon him.

As the tension reached a palpable peak, Julian's eyes locked onto Athena, a look of hurt and betrayal piercing through them. "Was this orchestrated by you from the start?" he questioned, his voice filled with disbelief. He then redirected his burning gaze to Zeus, his voice thick with resolve, "Don't think I'll let you run amok here!"

Unperturbed by Julian's fury, Zeus replied smoothly, his voice dripping with condescension,

"It's only right for me to remind you, young magus, that if you dare obstruct us, my companions are more than prepared to intervene." As he gestured grandly to the Magus standing with him, the arena echoed with murmurs. They weren't just any Magus; they were legendary figures, spoken about in hushed tones and stories that Earth parents told their children.

The realization weighed heavily on Julian's shoulders. It was a masterstroke by Zeus. Not only did he have the legal right to intervene, but he also had the mightiest of the Magus from Kronos with him. Julian's instincts screamed at him to lash out and fight, but the strategic part of his mind warned him of playing into Zeus's hands. The Kronos monarch wanted nothing more than to squash Earthlink's potential Magus before they grew further and posed a real threat.

It was at this juncture that a strong voice echoed in the arena, cutting through the thick tension. Fjolrinr, the Nothern King stepped forward, eyes ablaze with determination. "Let them have their fight. We'll show them that Earthlink isn't easily subdued."

Zeus, hearing the defiant proclamation, erupted into laughter, his amusement filling the air. "Now that's the spirit!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of genuine delight and malicious anticipation.

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